
  • 网络Aichi;Aichi-ken;Aichi Prefecture;AICHIKEN
  1. 为了督促爱知县的司机认真开车看路,日本新推出一款智能手机App,向那些开车100公里以上不看手机的司机提供免费咖啡券。

    In a bid to convince drivers in Aichi Prefecture to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road , a new Japanese smartphone app offers free coffee coupons to drivers who don 't check their phones for at least 100 km .

  2. 铃木一郎于1973年10月22日出生在日本爱知县。

    Ichiro Suzuki was born in Aichi Prefecture , Japan , on October 22 , 1973 .

  3. 这是一个复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸机,这是一种用于在日本偷袭珍珠港,建造从Vultee电信-15教练机,重新引擎版本了BT-13勇敢。

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber , a type used during Japan 's attack on Pearl Harbor , built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer , a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant .

  4. 上个月,日本爱知县当地官员提出了一项大胆的提议。

    LAST month a local official in Aichiprefecture set out a daring proposal .

  5. 日本爱知县的山车祭

    Float Festival In Aichi-ken , Japan

  6. 这一优惠还适用于其家庭成员,包括那些不在爱知县居住的家庭成员。

    The discount can be extended to family members , including those who live outside the prefecture .

  7. 新雇佣的忍者将与爱知县签约一年,月薪为18万日元,还有奖金。

    Newly hired ninjas will receive a one-year contract with monthly salary of 180000 yen plus a bonus .

  8. 过去13年中,爱知县的交通死亡率一直居日本首位。

    For the last 13 years , Aichi Prefecture has recorded the highest rate of traffic fatalities in Japan .

  9. 会期半年的2005年世界博览会已于3月25日在日本爱知县开幕。

    The 2005 World Exposition with the main theme , Nature 's Wisdom started on March 25 in Aichi , Japan .

  10. 去年,各国政府在日本爱知县举行的名古屋生物多样性首脑会议上商定了一项新的生物多样性战略计划。

    Last year , governments coincided on a new strategic arrange for biodiversity by the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit in Aichi , Japan .

  11. 安达智称,会说日语者优先,但爱知县也欢迎对日本历史和旅游业充满热情的非日本籍人士应聘。

    Having the ability to speak Japanese is preferable , but non-Japanese individuals passionate about history and tourism are welcome , Adachi said .

  12. 爱知县的决定可能影响与制动日本其他地方的研究所和公司的其他转基因作物研究。

    The decision by Aichi Prefecture may influence and act as a brake to other GM crop research by institutes and companies in Japan .

  13. 同时,日本中部的爱知县和岐阜县也寻求加入到紧急状态范围。

    Meanwhile , the central Japan prefectures of Aichi and Gifu are also seeking to be added to areas covered by the emergency virus measure .

  14. 上个月日本每日新闻社收到了第一封相关的投诉信,这封信是一名在爱知县托儿所工作的女性的丈夫写来的。

    The initial complaint came in a letter to newspaper Mainichi Shimbun last month , from the husband of a woman who works at a nursery in Aichi Prefecture .

  15. 爱知县旅游推广部门官员安达智表示,这些“忍者”将负责表演特技,展示忍者招牌武器手里剑的使用方法,同时负责和游客合照。

    They will perform acrobatics , demonstrate the use of their trademark shuriken weapons and pose for photographs with tourists , said Satoshi Adachi of the prefectural government 's tourism promotion unit .

  16. 殡仪馆的这一激励措施,与爱知县去年十一月发布的另一项措施截然不同。那个方案是,如果当地的高龄驾驶员放弃驾照,那么他们就可以享受优惠面条。

    The funeral home initiative is quite a contrast to another offer announced in Aichi in November , whereby elderly locals could tuck into cut-price noodles if they surrendered their driving licences .

  17. 结合近年来研究体会,以日本爱知县南设乐郡郊区俱乐部内飞翔桥为例,探讨预应力碳纤维筋混凝土结构锚固方法及试验技术。

    The anchorage method and test technique of concrete structures with prestressed CFRP are explored by combining recent experience in researches and taking the flight bridge for a club in Japan for example .

  18. 位于日本中部爱知县的教育委员会官员表示,该教师向其透露这些盐酸已经过稀释,不会对孩子造成危害。

    Officials of the local board of education in Aichi Prefecture , central Japan , said the teacher had informed them that the acid posed no danger to the children as it was diluted .

  19. 位于日本中部爱知县的教育委员会官员表示,该教师向其透露这些盐酸已经过稀释,不会对孩子造成危害。但日本教育部门并不相信。

    Officials of the local board of education in Aichi Prefecture , central Japan , said the teacher had informed them that the acid posed no danger to the children as it was diluted . But the authorities were not convinced .

  20. 担心家族寺庙未来命运的不只是这些僧人们。一位来自爱知县一宫市的24岁女性告诉我们:我父亲是一座寺庙的主人,我有三个姐姐。

    It was not just the monks who were concerned about the future of the family temples : another guest was a 24-year-old woman from Ichinomiya , Aichi Prefecture , who told the paper : My father is a temple mater and I have three elder sisters .

  21. 财团法人爱知产业振兴机构是爱知县名古屋市的中小企业支援机构。

    Aichi Industry Promotion Organization , located in Nagoya Japan , is a public organization to support small & medium enterprises .