
  • 网络fried bread;Fry Bread
  1. 吃炸面包那天是从清早在伦敦金融城参加早餐会开始的。

    The Fried Bread Day started early with a breakfast meeting in the City .

  2. 我要了煮鸡蛋(好)和全麦面包(好),但上来的是一片炸面包(不好)。

    I asked for poached eggs ( good ) with wholemeal toast ( good ), which arrived with a slice of fried bread ( bad ) .

  3. 地球被包围在一个炸面包圈状的磁场之中。

    Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field .

  4. 我们在一家小吃店前停下来,吃了点咖啡和炸面包圈。

    We stopped at a little shop for coffee and .

  5. 你的眼睛盯着炸面包圈,还是它中间的空洞?

    Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut , not upon the hole ?

  6. 和炸面包很相似。

    It is fry bread .

  7. 她的晚餐很简单,只是水果、乳酪和炸面包,配上一壶蜜酒。

    Her supper was a simple meal of fruit and cheese and fry bread , with a jug of honeyed wine to wash it down .

  8. 另一方面,当我想到我是作为一个圈内人在奎拉邦得利吃着炸面包度过了哥伦布纪念日时,我感到有一股暖流涌上心头。

    On the other hand , it warmed my heart to realize that I had spent Columbus Day AS an insider on the Qualla Boundary eating fry bread .

  9. 特点:通过按一个键来控制飞行烤炉在空中升降飞行,抓取能源奖励,如烤面包、炸面包圈;

    Features : through the press of a button to control the flight take-off and landing flights in the air oven , crawling energy incentives , such as toast , fried bread circle ;

  10. 我喜欢鸡肉,炸薯条和面包。

    I like chicken , French fries and bread .

  11. 然后,把它们放在炸过的面包片里。

    Then they are putsintosfried bread .

  12. 这种化学物质常见于加工过的马铃薯产品中,如炸马铃薯片、面包以及加工过的谷类食物。

    The chemical is commonly found in processed potato products such as french fries , breads , and cereals .

  13. 好极了,我买了几个刚炸好的面包圈给建筑工人吃。你看,买得太多了。我想也许你和我可以……

    Oh good , I bought a bunch of fresh doughnutsfor my construction workers and as you can see , I bought a few too many , so I thought maybe you and I could ...

  14. 在节日之前,所有穆斯林家庭打扫他们的房子,炸面圈,面包煎饼和屠宰牛羊,以示庆祝。

    Just before the festival all Muslim families sweep their houses , fry dough rings , toast pancakes and slaughter sheep or cattle , to mark the occasion .