
màn yóu zhě
  • rover;wanderer
  1. 离那个漫游者回来的时间,已经过了很多年,

    It was many years since the Wanderer had returned .

  2. 我就是夜晚快乐的漫游者。

    I am that merry wanderer of the night .

  3. 这两个漫游者的发现回答了一些旧问题,但也提出了许多新问题。

    The discoveries of the two rovers answered some old questions , but they also brought up many new ones .

  4. 那么,您如何接手一个可维护的Web站点并将其变成对于Web漫游者和Web设计者来说都很轻便、顺畅的目的地呢?

    So how do you take a maintainable Web site and turn it into a slim , sleek destination for Web goers and Web designers both ?

  5. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)以前曾在火星上放置过几台不同的机器,它们被称为“漫游者”。

    NASA has put a few different machines called rovers on Mars before .

  6. 漫游者喜欢去商店,所以也许古奇要是出现并不稀奇,皇家加勒比海与Guess签署了一项协议给海洋的诱惑号在海上带来第一家古奇店。

    Cruisers love to shop , so perhaps it should come as no surprise that Royal Caribbean has signed a deal with GUESS to bring Allure of the Seas the first Guess store at sea .

  7. 为了寻找与火星相似的地形,探测队将漫游者带到位于特内里费(Tenerife)的ElTeide国家公园。

    Searching for a terrain similar to that found on Mars , the team took the rover to El Teide National Park in Tenerife .

  8. 其中一本是威廉•吉布森的《精神漫游者》(Neuromancer),但是没能找到。

    One was Neuromancer , by William Gibson .

  9. EADSAstrium公司正在研制ExoMars火星漫游者的原型,并融合其他英国的研究机构的技术。

    Astrium , an EADS company , are developing the ExoMars rover prototype and coordinating its technologies with other UK-based institutions .

  10. 这是探测火星表面的“自动机器人科学家”计划的一部分,是欧洲太空局2011年的ExoMars“漫游者”任务的关键。

    It 's part of project to build an'autonomous robotic scientist'to explore the Martian surface and is key to the European Space Agency's2011 ExoMars mission .

  11. 此外,Oculus还用知名科幻作品中的虚拟现实系统命名其总部的会议室,包括全息甲板、绿洲和来自电影《黑客帝国》的母体,以及更早的一部科幻小说——威廉·吉布森(WilliamGibson)的《神经漫游者》。

    For good measure , Oculus named the meeting rooms at its headquarters after famous fictional versions of virtual reality , including the holodeck , the Oasis and the Matrix , from the movie of the same name and , before that , William Gibson 's " Neuromancer . "

  12. 我来到那漫游者的墓穴,

    I came to the place where the lone pilgrim lay ,

  13. 一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。

    A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover .

  14. 漫游者是一个充满矛盾的部族。

    The Striders are a tribe of many contradictions .

  15. 21世纪的漫游者就没有把我们带近这种启蒙心智的境界。

    Nerie of the 21st century takes us nowhere near this enlightened space .

  16. 所以,我们可以通过这些漫游者来了解在其他星球的环境状况。

    So we learn how to operate on other planets through these rovers .

  17. 探索极深的山洞并不是星期天下午的漫游者干的。

    Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler .

  18. 而这些漫游者是我们的机器使者。

    And these rovers are our robotic emissaries .

  19. 很少有人做得起漫游者。

    Few people can afford to be ramblers .

  20. 漫游者号证实了火星确曾有水存在。

    Rover confirms presence of water on Mars .

  21. 《神经漫游者》是他的第一部小说,同时也是蔓生都会三部曲第一部。

    Neuromancer was his first , and is the start of the Span trilogy .

  22. 神秘的流浪者,不知疲倦的守望者,使者&他们就是寂静漫游者。

    Mysterious wanderers , tireless scouts , heralds - these are the Silent Striders .

  23. 十个世纪以前一个漫游者引发了另一场政治动乱。

    Ten centuries before that Wanderlust would have led to another outbreak of anarchy .

  24. 所以这个漫游者任务是我们迈向宇宙的第一步。

    So these rover missions are our first steps out into the solar system .

  25. 现在,好奇号漫游者的时间是早上6点10分。

    And actually right now , on Curiosity , it is 6:10 in the morning .

  26. 我们有四个漫游者在火星。

    We have four rovers on Mars .

  27. 与“首席执行官”相比,我更喜欢“首席漫游者”这个头衔。

    Instead of " chief executive ", I preferred the tile of " chief wanderer " .

  28. 所以,我们不得不认为我们就是和漫游者一起呆在火星上。

    So we have to think as if we are actually on Mars with the rover .

  29. 毕竟有一部分人在地球,还有一部分漫游者或是人类在火星。

    when there are people on the Earth and there are rovers or people on Mars ?

  30. 这款电池驱动的“漫游者”太空车的行驶速度可达6每小时英里(10公里)。

    The battery-powered rover travels at speeds of up to 6 mph ( 10 kph ) .