
  • 网络Academy of Performing Arts;APA
  1. 之间的主要差别的方式将出现在封面页,作为演艺学院要求学生把页和摘要标题在封面页。

    The major difference between the two styles will appear in the cover page , as APA requires student to put page numbers and an abstract of the title on the cover page .

  2. 香港演艺学院董事局

    " Council , the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts "

  3. 演艺学院在八月主办了“舞汇九七”,活动包括表演及学术研讨。

    In August , the academy hosted Dance On ' 97 .

  4. 李永荣,音响工程师,香港演艺学院教授。

    Wingwing Lee , sound engineer , professor of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts .

  5. 这部视频是关于在香港演艺学院的最后一节舞蹈课。

    This video is about the last dance class at Hong Kong Academy for performing arts .

  6. 这部视频是关于香港演艺学院潜力青年舞者项目的开放日。

    This video is about Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Gifted Youth Dancer Programme open day .

  7. 目前是在香港演艺学院作曲及电子音乐的骨干成员。

    He is currently the Head of Composition and Electronic Music at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts .

  8. 一九九九年,该局曾甄审香港演艺学院及香港教育学院所开办的课程。

    In 1999 , programme validations were conducted at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Institute of Education .

  9. 香港演艺学院戏剧学院旨在训练具有戏剧天赋的年青一辈,使其成为专业戏剧演员、导演或剧作家。

    The School of Drama in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts trains talented young people to become professional actors , directors or playwrights of drama .

  10. 1987年,他进入香港演艺学院音乐系教授作曲、电子音乐及理论。

    He joined the music Faculty of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts ( APA ) in1987 , teaching composition , electronic music and theory .

  11. 在香港演艺学院入口,给鞋子消毒的门垫和分发消毒凝胶的机器证明了非典造成的实际威胁。

    At the entrance to the Hong Kong Academy for performing arts , doormats that sterilise your shoes and machines that distribute disinfectant gel bear witness to the real threat that was posed by SARS .

  12. 作为最受全球华人喜爱的名人之一,由于其成就和对表演艺术做出的贡献,2006年刘德华被香港演艺学院授予荣誉院士。

    In 2006 , Lau , one of the most beloved celebrities among Chinese fans worldwide , was named an honorary fellow by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for his achievements and contributions to the performing arts .