
  1. 但限于汉语水平,他未能读懂元代算书《益古演段》,因而与宋元数学失之交臂;

    Due to his limited Chinese knowledge , he couldn 't properly understand Li Ye 's Yigu Yanduan , and consequently knew nothing about mathematics of the Song and Yuan Dynasties .

  2. 演这段的时候我没睡我不知道你什么时候睡着的

    Well , I was awake for that part.Well , I don 't know when you fell asleep .

  3. 谢谢你刚才帮我演了一段戏。

    Thanks for helping for the show for me .

  4. 他演了一段,不是很专业。

    He performed the piece amateurishly .

  5. 但我会从1964年开始,所以当我想自己看的时候这剧已经演了一段时间。

    But I start with 1964 , so I think the play had been running for a little while when I saw it .

  6. 但他说你去吧别害怕然后我就想原来你们是串通好的我也在发短信给制片人告诉他你真得和她好好说说怎么演过这一段

    And he said , just go with it.And I think that , you knew that I. .. I was getting to text our producer , there was like you have to talk her throught it .