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huá yóu
  • Lubricating oil;grease;slide oil;unguent
滑油[huá yóu]
  1. Origin在滑油温度测量数据处理中的应用

    Application of Origin in the Data Processing of the Lube Temperature Measure

  2. PLC在Taurus60燃气轮机滑油系统中的应用

    PLC in Taurus 60 gas turbine slipping oil system

  3. 基于BP网络的PID控制在滑油压力气动控制中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network PID Controller in Pneumatic Control of Lubricating Oil Pressure

  4. 主滑油入口压力低降速MainL。

    O.inlet low pressure slow-down .

  5. 介绍了利用Origin进行滑油温度测量数据处理的过程,并对Origin的功能进行了介绍。

    The paper mainly introduces the data processing of application of Origin in the data processing of the lube temperature measure and the function of Origin .

  6. 基于MSP430单片机的主滑油温度控制器的设计前隔板润滑系统温度计

    Design of the Main Lubricating Oil Temperature Controller Based on MSP430 Single-Chip Microcomputer

  7. 滑油温度记录仪的Proteus仿真设计

    Proteus simulation design of preserving meter of lubricating oil temperature

  8. 把该控制器应用于某航空发动机燃油泵调节器滑油压力控制中,实验结果表明,与传统数字PID控制器相比,该控制器具有更好的控制效果和更好的鲁棒性。

    Applying it to controlling the lubricating oil pressure of some aero - engine fuel - pump adjustor , the experiment shows that the pro-posed controller can obtain better result and robustness than the traditional digital PID controller .

  9. 离开飞机时,PIC主要到,双发的整流罩和两侧大翼下部以及发动机附近的襟翼上都糊满了发动机滑油。

    On disembarking , the PIC noted the cowls of both engines and the underside of both wings and flaps immediately behind the engines were covered in engine oil .

  10. 基于混合pi-sigma神经网络的滑油污染度分析

    Pi-sigma NN Based Lube Contamination Level Analysis

  11. 用VOF模型方法追踪连续介质的相界面,对滑油的运动情况有定性的认识是对数字式测量的一个补充。

    The VOF model method is a complement to digital measurement , which can track the phase interface of continuum , analyze the movement of oil qualitatively .

  12. 文中根据雷诺边界条件,通过联立求解SFD的雷诺方程、能量方程得到了SFD的压力分布、滑油流量等参数。

    The parameters such as oil film pressure , oil flux and so on are obtained from joint solution of Reynolds and energy equations of SFD .

  13. HLZ系列滑油自清滤器的设计研究

    A Study on Design of HLZ Series of Automatic Cleaning Filter for Lubrication Oil

  14. 在滑油和风洞里用LCSR方法和被测介质温度阶跃进行的对比实验表明:该方法求取的时间常数误差小于5%。

    In lubrication oil and wind tunnel the LCSR and the surrounding temperature step changes are tested and compared . The result shows that the error of the time constant obtained by using this method is less than 5 % .

  15. 通过对4135G型柴油机的实验,得出影响其燃油油耗率的因素有喷油器的设定压力、供油提前角、压缩比、燃油或者滑油品质、摩擦损失及冷却损失等。

    The experiments with the diesel engine of Model 4135G show that what influence the oil consumption rate are such factors as regulated pressure of oil sprayer , oil supply angle , compression ratio , fuel or lubricating oil quality , friction losses and cooling losses .

  16. 一种发动机滑油磨粒形态测量与分析技术

    Morphological Measurement and Analysis Technique for Debris in Engine Lubricating Oils

  17. 外商在华润滑油市场拓展业务的机遇和前景

    Opportunities and Prospect of Foreign Investors in China Lubricating Oil Market

  18. 主机滑油自动反冲滤器解体,清洁。

    Main engine lube oil auto back-washing filter overhauled and cleaned .

  19. 航空发动机滑油系统监控与诊断技术

    Monitor and Diagnosis Plan of the Aero - engine Lubrication System

  20. 航空发动机滑油监视与诊断系统软件研制

    Study of oil system monitoring and fault diagnosis for aero engine

  21. 突然,发动机滑油压力开始下降。

    Suddenly , the engine oil pressure also began to drop .

  22. 某型航空发动机滑油供油系统压力和流量仿真

    Simulation of Pressure and Flux of Oil Supply System for an Aeroengine

  23. 航空发动机滑油综合监测技术研究

    Study on the Lubricant Oil Integrative Analysis Technique for Aeroengine Failure Diagnoses

  24. 舰艇滑油系统插装式减压阀的设计

    Design of cartridge pressure reduction valve used in lubrication system of warship

  25. 检查滑油冷却器风扇的运转情况。

    Check the operating conditions of lubricating oil cooler fan .

  26. 航空发动机滑油系统镁合金微生物腐蚀与防护

    Microbiological Corrosion and Protection of Magnesium Alloys of lubricate System of Aero-engine

  27. 滑油光谱分析技术在航空活塞发动机维修中的应用

    The Application of Spectrometric Oil Analysis in Piston Engine Maintenance

  28. 舰船柴油机滑油含水量的自动检测与报警

    Automatic detection and alarm of water content in lub-oil of marine diesel

  29. 滑油分光光度分析法分光光度法测定小球藻数量的方法研究

    Spectrometric oil analysis programme Methodological Research on Measuring Chlorella Quantity by Spectrophotometry

  30. 小型块装式汽轮发电机组滑油系统的改进

    Improvement of Lube System of Small-sized Modular Steam Turbine-Generator Set