
  • 网络channel;Distributor
  1. 另外,Microsoft的一个特别团队将为客户和渠道商提供一个协作方面有价值的培训。

    In addition , a specialized team of Microsoft staff will be trained on the value propositions of this collaboration to customers and channel partners .

  2. 类金融商业模式把客户群、供应商群、渠道商群作为企业价值实现的核心要素。

    Clientele , supplier pool are channel pool are considered as the core element for embodying the value of enterprises by the business mode of similar finance .

  3. 台达长官颁奖给在2010年表现优异的两岸渠道商。

    The awarding ceremony of " Excellent Partner " praises partners with great performance in2010 .

  4. 首先,医疗机构和药品渠道商的直接经济关系应该被切断。

    Firstly , the direct economic relations between medical institutions and drug distributors should be disconnected .

  5. 本文通过分析IT渠道商的历史和现状,研究现阶段IT渠道商面临的挑战以及应对策略。第一章主要叙述IT渠道商的产生及发展历程。

    In chapter 1 , the author narrates the history and development of IT intermediary merchants in China .

  6. 渠道商夥伴们前往成功大学参观刚落成的孙运璿绿建筑研究大楼。

    The partners learn more about green buildings in the newly built Y.S.Sun Green Building Research Center , NCKU .

  7. 晚宴中,台达主管们于舞台上举杯感谢渠道商夥伴们的支持与努力。

    The leaders of Delta Group , the IABU and Delta Greentech thank all the partners'efforts at dinner party .

  8. 包含手机厂商、运营商、渠道商在内的整个手机产业把智能手机业务提高战略高度。

    The entire mobile phone industry , mobile phone manufacturers , carriers , channel partners and other Stakeholders raise the smart phone business to a strategic height .

  9. 厂商压货策略及国家宏观调控政策给渠道商带来的资金压力IT厂商营销渠道多元化,渠道商生存空间受到挤压。

    Manufacturers marketing tactics and the national financial policy bring great capital pressure to IT merchants . The living space of IT merchants is pushed under the diversification channel policy of manufacturers .

  10. 旅行社是旅游产品设计、组织和销售的渠道商以及消费者之间的桥梁。

    As the head of tour industry , the travel agency is designer and organizer of tour product , the vendition channel for provider , as well as the bridge between destination and customers .

  11. 而淘宝网也在竭力打通供应商、渠道商等各方面的通路,使自己成为真正的网上沃尔玛。

    And the net that clean out treasure also is in do one 's utmost the access of each respect such as business of get through supplier , channel , make oneself become the Woerma on true net .

  12. 第二,企业应在货品设计、研发、生产等方面给予渠道商充分的信心和预期回报,加强企业内控制度,增加品牌间信息的共享。

    Second , the enterprise shall , in item design , development , production , outlets , to give full of confidence and the expected return , strengthening enterprise perfected internal control system and increase information sharing between the brands .

  13. 从理论上来看,数字出版产业链上的各主体&内容服务商、技术服务商、平台运营商、电信运营商、渠道商、终端制造商等都有整合产业链的可能性。

    From the theory , all the main body in the chain of digital publishing industry & content providers , technology service providers , platform operators , telecom operators , channel providers , terminal manufacturers have the possibility of integration of industrial chain .

  14. 社会渠道运营商分级模型及实证研究

    The empirical analysis on operators ' assessment model of social channel

  15. 对营销渠道中间商的绩效评价

    Evaluation of the Performance of the Middleman of Marketing Channel

  16. 首都现代办公在北京设有多个服务分支机构和渠道合作商。

    Capital modern work with many serve limb and ditch cooperation Shang Dynasty at Beijing .

  17. 从制造商角度,应用综合评价方法定量对营销渠道中间商绩效进行评价,以此作为渠道成员管理的依据。

    From the manufacturer point of view , the application of methods of quantitative evaluation of marketing channels to evaluate the performance of brokers , as a channel for members of management .

  18. 通过跨案例分析与比较,结合扎根理论研究方法与内容分析法等分析工具,研究得出钢铁物流渠道运营商模式及其关键成功要素,这对钢铁物流企业的发展具有很大的启发意义。

    Using cross-case analysis and comparison , combining the method of grounded theory and content analysis , the paper studies the operation model of steel logistics channel operators and the key factors to success .

  19. 产品替代度是研究分销渠道中生产商层次竞争的关键因素,以前大量的研究都是假设两个生产商之间产品的替代度具有双向性。

    Product substitutability is the key factor to study the competition between manufacturers in distribution channels , and which is supposed to have characteristic of " double direction " in most previous studies .

  20. 渠道压缩:中间商该何去何从?

    Channel Compressing : Where Should Intermediaries Go ?

  21. 而且渠道决策对于生产商比渠道成员具有更长久的约束性。

    And the channel decision of a company have more long-last restriction than channel member for the producer .

  22. 规模零售商凭借其渠道力量迫使生产商进行价格减让或收取通道费以支持其价格战。

    The scaling retailers compel the producers to reduce the price by their channel power , or support the price war by charging channel fees .

  23. 营销渠道对移动运营商而言显得十分重要,营销渠道管理是现代企业管理的前端和重要部分,在企业的经营过程中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Marketing channels for mobile operators are very important and marketing channel management is the front-end management of modern enterprise and plays an important role in the business process .

  24. 营销渠道是电信运营商的重要战略资源,渠道为王的时代,得渠道者得天下。

    Marketing channels are important strategy resource of the telecom operators , in the era of that the channel being the king , who gets channel win the world .

  25. 于是,商品流通渠道中的中间商的位置开始变得尴尬起来,他们似乎不再适应网络环境,多级代理商更成为增加企业成本的代名词。

    So , the position of the middlemen which in the commodity circulation became embarrassed , they seem not adapt to the network any more , multi-level agents have become the synonymous with increased cost of doing business .

  26. 在此基础上分析了轿车分销渠道结构、中间商类型的选择以及渠道成员的选择和评估,其中对于渠道成员主要是轿车经销商的选择评估重点进行探讨,并给出定量的决策方法。

    And then the design of automobile distribution channels ' structure , selection of the members ' type , and evaluation and selection of channel members are analyzed . Evaluation and selection of the distributor is mainly investigated , and quantitative decision making technique is given .

  27. 首先明确企业的渠道战略和渠道结构,让企业和渠道商建立双赢的合作理念,制定渠道商准入制度。

    First , clear lines of business strategies and channel structure , enterprises and establish a win-win situation for the cooperation of the concept and establish channels to the permit system .

  28. 长久以来,营销渠道激励机制一直是经济学领域中的研究重点,合理的激励机制可以有效减弱渠道商们由于信息不对称而带来的负面影响。

    For a long time , the incentive mechanism in marketing channel is the focal point in economic researches , a reasonable incentive mechanism can be effectively reduced the negative impact of the asymmetric information .

  29. 当一些制造商已经或正在把自己的渠道拿出来与其他企业进行共享,已经或正在将自己的渠道当作独立的盈利中心进行运作,驱赶着自己向第三方渠道商进行转变。

    When some manufacturers already had or were " sharing " their channel with other enterprises , when they already or was treating as own channel the independent profit center to carry on the operation , drove away own to carry on the transformation to the third party channel business .