
  1. 网络电视台是三网融合的产物,是电视媒体传播渠道的延伸,同时也是网络媒体展现形式的拓展。

    Web TV is a product of Tri-Network Convergence , an extension of television media channels , as well as an expansion of online media .

  2. 主要研究结果如下:1.临泽绿洲多分布于黑河及其支流梨园河、干渠两侧,并沿河流与渠道向外围延伸。

    The main results are as follows : 1 . Linze Oasis mainly distributed in the two sides of Heihe River , Liyuan River , and main canals , it extends to the periphery along rivers and channels .

  3. 对分销渠道的扩展与延伸;

    Distribution net extension and expansion ;