
  • 网络channel alliance
  1. 产销渠道联盟伙伴选择的AHP模型分析

    Analysis on the Production and Marketing Channel Alliance Partner Choice AHP Model

  2. 第三章,以笔者参与的QQ渠道联盟为案例,分析其最终失败的原因,提出组建联盟及维护联盟运作的根本利益需求和条件。

    In Chapter 3 , with a QQ channel alliance he has participated in as a case , the author analyzes the reasons why the alliance has failed , and brings forward the essential benefit demands and conditions for alliance building and running .

  3. 渠道联盟关系影响因素研究

    Study on Influential Factors of Channel Alliance Relationship

  4. 同政府政策法律相关的“行政因素”对渠道联盟关系不存在显著影响。

    " government " factors have no effect on channel alliance relationship in the environment of China .

  5. 本文可能的创新之处:第一,迪沙药业动态渠道联盟的建立。

    The possible creative place of this article : First , to establish the dynamic marketing channel alliance of Disha Pharmaceutical Co.

  6. 其二,渠道联盟可以聚合上下游企业在不同价值链环节的核心专长,在整个价值链上创造更大的价值,在更大范围内、更高层次上提高经济效率。

    Second , channel alliance can integrate the core expertise of different enterprises to create greater value and improve economic efficiency .

  7. 结合我国五大产业的集聚趋势,分析其组织渠道联盟的可行性;

    Linking with the accumulating trend of five large industries in China , he analyzes the feasibility of organizing channel alliance .

  8. 构建渠道联盟有利于零售商缓和渠道冲突、树立良好的商业形象,更好的实现差异化经营。

    The construction of channel alliance is favorable for chain retailers to establish a good business image and realize the differential operating .

  9. 基于不对称信息博弈模型,分析不对称信息下营销渠道联盟形成机理。

    Based on an asymmetric information games model , this paper analyzed the marketing channel alliance formation mechanism under the condition of asymmetric information .

  10. 在营销渠道联盟的治理中,本文将营销渠道联盟发展的趋势与联盟建立过程相结合,指出了营销联盟的风险,并针对这些风险,提出了治理策略。

    Finally , the author integrates the marketing channel alliance develop trend with construction process , points out the risk and puts forward governance strategy .

  11. 学术界对渠道联盟关系影响因素的研究主要集中在承诺、信任、沟通与合作等方面。

    With regard to the studies on influential factors of channel alliance relationship , the academic world mainly focuses on commitment , trust , communication and cooperation .

  12. 本文实证研究了影响中国企业渠道联盟关系的若干因素及其影响程度,特别是探讨了私人关系和行政因素等的影响程度。

    In this paper , empirical research is used to study the factors , which influence the channel alliance relationship of Chinese firms , and their influential levels , especially personal relationship and administrative factors .

  13. 结合模糊综合评价法,构成了快速消费品制造商渠道联盟伙伴评价选择模型,希望对于快速消费品制造商进行渠道联盟伙伴选择时提供一种方法指导。

    Combined with fuzzy comprehensive appraisal method , we form the channel alliance partner appraisal model . I hope that can be a method of guidance for the FMCG manufacturers in choosing channel alliance partner .

  14. 在这个背景下,信任作为减少不确定性和风险的手段,被认为是渠道联盟与合作治理中建立与维护成功交换关系的关键因素。

    Under this background , trust is regarded as the means to reduce uncertainty and risk , and is considered to be the key factor of building and maintaining successful relationship in channel alliance and cooperation governance .

  15. 渠道联盟在提高市场反应速度、享受规模报酬收益、降低成本、信息共享等方面具备强大优势和发展潜力,它作为一种新型的渠道形式越来越受到理论界和企业界的关注。

    Channel alliance has superiority and potential in speeding up reaction to the market , scale benefit , cutting down cost and sharing information . It attracts more and more attention of researchers and enterprises as a new channel method .

  16. 通过计算博弈双方利益博弈过程中的期望收益和期望损失,探讨营销渠道联盟利益形成机理和补贴策略,提出了补贴收益改变博弈选择的机理。

    Through calculating the expected revenue and expected loss of both sides during the process of game , it discussed the formation mechanism and subsidiary strategy of marketing channel alliance and put forward a mechanism that subsidiary would change the choice of game .

  17. 农产品渠道联盟模式的选择包括联盟组织模式选择和联盟结构模式选择。

    One of the key issues constructing agro-product marketing channels alliance is selecting the alliance mode ; it is the core issue applying the thought of alliance into the area of agricultural marketing , which includes selecting alliance model and alliance structure model .

  18. 国内外不少学者对此展开过研究,取得了一定的研究成果,但就我国企业营销渠道联盟的形成机理、运作模式以及优化策略未见系统的研究结论。

    So far , many scholars have done much research about the marketing channel alliance and acquired some fruits , but there are few systemic research conclusions about the foundation mechanism , operation mode and optimization strategy of marketing channel alliance in our country .

  19. 实证分析显示:农户规模、价格波动、谈判成本都对由农户和龙头企业组建的农产品渠道联盟稳定性有显著性影响,而信誉认知,心理预期和产品专用性的影响不显著。

    Empirical analysis shows that the scale of farmers , price change , and the cost of negotiation has a significant effect on stability of alliance formed by farmers and leading enterprises . However , psychological expansion and the specification of product have less significant effect .

  20. 营销渠道战略联盟形成的博弈分析

    Formation of Marketing Channel Strategic Alliance from Game Model Analysis

  21. 营销渠道战略联盟形成动因研究

    Research on the Changing Factors of the Formation of Marketing Channel Strategic Alliance

  22. 因此,投资者预定新的关系,沟通渠道和联盟,以适应中小型企业的全球化和增长中的行业。

    Therefore , investors bespeak new relationships , communication channels and alliances to adapt to the globalization of small and medium enterprises and growth businesses .

  23. 接着本文从供应商之间、经销商之间、供应商与经销商上下游和经销商与供应商下上游之间等四个角度研究营销渠道战略联盟的形成动因。

    Then it studies the changing factors of the formation of marketing channel strategic alliance from four point views such as in-supplier , in-dealer , supplier-dealer and dealer-supplier .

  24. 技术标准联盟企业提高研发投入通过提高企业的知识吸收能力渠道来提高联盟企业组织间的学习能力,同时可以直接提高企业技术创新能力。

    Companies from the alliance could raise their absorptive capacity through increasing R & D input , therefore the inter-organizational learning ability .

  25. 渠道成员形成联盟的主要动因在于对不断变革的环境的一种适应过程,同时也是经济发展到一定水平作用于企业微观领域的必然结果。

    The channel member forms the alliance the main agent to lie in to the environment one kind of adaptation process which transforms unceasingly , simultaneously also is the economy develops certain level function in the enterprise microscopic domain inevitable result .

  26. 浙江001集团20多年的发展,形成了独具特色的技术创新模式,主要特征包括持续技术开发,拓展营销渠道,构造策略联盟,大胆变革组织,探索知识管理等方面。

    During the development of 20 years , Zhengjiang " 001 " Group has formed a unique mode of technique innovation .

  27. 本文在国内外文献综述的基础上,指出研究营销渠道成员之间形成联盟的原因是具有理论和现实意义。

    On the basis of reviewing the papers in home and abroad , this paper points out that research on the changing factors of the formation of marketing channel strategic alliance is meaningful both in theory and in practice .

  28. 主要的研究结果如下:渠道成员相互承诺,彼此沟通、合作的渠道行为对渠道联盟关系存在正面的影响;

    The results are as followings : Channel behaviors such as communication , commitment , trust and cooperation have a positive effect on channel alliance relationship ;