
  1. 海上货物留置权制度功能主义比较研究

    Comparative Study of Functionalism in Respect of Lien on Cargo

  2. 海上货物留置权所担保的债权

    On the Debt Secured by Cargo Lien by Sea

  3. 论无船承运业务下的海上货物留置权

    On Lien On Cargo Under Non-vessel-operating Services ; Claims Secured by Maritime Lien

  4. 论我国海上货物留置权的行使

    On the exercise of lien on marine cargoes

  5. 论海上货物留置权

    Lien on the Cargo

  6. 论海上货物留置权根据货物和舱位情况,使货舱的空间和载量利用最大化。

    It can maximize the capacity of space and load , according to the instance of the cargo and hold .

  7. 无船承运人具有承运人的法律地位,并继续享有海上货物留置权,但其签发的提单有别于一般的海运提单。

    The NVOCC ( None Vessel Operating Common Carriers ) belongs to carrier and still enjoys marine cargo lien , but the bill of lading it issues is something different with the normal bill of lading .

  8. 海上货物留置权制度作为重要的海上贸易法律制度之一,其关乎到能否保障债权人的债权,还对能否维护债务人的正当权益起到影响。

    The possessory lien on cargo in carriage by sea , as one of the important maritime trade legal system , whose exercise is not only for the protection of creditors , but also for safeguarding the legitimate interests of debtors .

  9. 此外,还从海上货物运输留置权的成立要件、行使条件限制、效力范围、留置权人的权利义务、留置物所有人的权利义务、货物留置权的实行、消灭以及留置方式等方面进行阐述。

    In addition , Chapter II elucidates the establishment conditions , restriction on exercising conditions , effective scope , the lien or 's rights and obligations , the acquisition , the extinguish and the means of possessory lien on goods .

  10. 海上货运人货物留置权浅析

    Plain Analyzation of Lien on Cargo of the Party of Carrying Goods by Sea

  11. 论我国海上货物运输中货物留置权的性质及其影响

    On the Nature and Influence of the Lien on Cargo in Carriage of Goods by Sea

  12. 从约翰轮案谈我国实施海上留置权的海事审判实践&与毛浚纯先生商榷论我国海上货物留置权的行使

    On the Enforcement of Maritime Lien In China On the exercise of lien on marine cargoes