
  • 网络prbc;concentrated red cell;CRBC;P-RBC
  1. 浓缩红细胞输注抢救贫血性心脏病心力衰竭疗效分析

    Research into infusion of concentrated red cell into treatment of heart failure in anemic heart disease

  2. 1例患者因术中大出血输浓缩红细胞3U。

    U of concentrated red blood cells were transfused because of hemorrhea .

  3. 目的探讨浓缩红细胞输注抢救重度有机磷农药中毒的作用。

    Objective To explore the functions of red cell concentration by infusion in treating timely severe organochlorine pesticide poisoning .

  4. 结果共回收浓缩红细胞悬液112056ml,平均每例812ml。

    Results In total , 112 056 ml of packed red blood cells were collected , with a mean value of 812 ml per patient .

  5. 普通浓缩红细胞输血组输血量与术后感染率显著相关(P<0.05)。

    A significant correlation existed between the infused blood volume and the postoperative infectious rate in the group with infused condensed erythrocyte during operation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 结论脑膜瘤患者术中输注普通浓缩红细胞者术后感染率显著高于输注去白细胞浓缩红细胞者,且术后感染率与输注浓缩红细胞的量相关。

    CONCLUSION Postoperative infectious rate in patients with infused condensed erythrocyte during operation is higher than that in patients with infused condensed leukocyte-depleted erythrocyte and it is positively related to infused blood volume .

  7. 目的:建立一种有效的实验方法,从过期的全血及血液制品(少浆全血;浓缩红细胞;洗涤红细胞)中,提取人天然无基质血红蛋白(SFHb)。

    Objective To set up an effective method to extract human natural stroma-free hemoglobin from waste whole blood and blood products such as whole blood with lack of plasma , concentrated erythrocytes and red cells washed .

  8. 结果显示脑血肿的病理变化过程为:红细胞悬液血液浓缩、红细胞聚集血凝块形成和收缩红细胞溶解HS形成及低蛋白血肿液。

    It 's manifested that pathologic change process of ICH was RBC suspension ── hemoconcen tration ── clot formation and contraction ── RBC lysis - H-S formation and lower protein liquid .

  9. 结论:在烧伤休克期及围手术期应用血稀疗法可明显减轻烧伤休克期血液浓缩、红细胞聚集与黏滞,提高红细胞变形能力,有效改善血容量。

    CONCLUSION : The application of hemodilution therapy in burn shock stage and perioperative stage can obviously relieve the concentration of blood , erythrocytic aggregation and viscosity in burn shock stage , and also promote the ability of erythrocytic deformation and improve the blood volume effectively .