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  • 网络distribution of attention;divided attention;dividing attention;attention deployment;attentional deployment
  1. 提取阶段的注意分配对回想和熟悉性的影响

    The Effects of Divided Attention during Retrieval on Familiarity and Recollection

  2. 在情绪发生过程中的情绪调节主要有选择情景、修正情景、注意分配、认知改变、反应调整等五个方面。

    It acted in any point of five stages of emotion-generative process , situation selection , situation modification , attentional deployment , cognitive change , and response modulation .

  3. Sperling任务中刺激呈现方式对注意分配的影响

    A Study of the Sperling Paradigm : The Allocation of Attention When Stimulus Are Presented in Different Mode

  4. 采用视觉注意分配与转移(简称T5)和双手选择反应时(简称T8)为指标。

    Visual attention attribution and diversion ( T5 ) and bilateral two - choice reaction time ( T8 ) were used as the indexes .

  5. 驾驶员注意分配特性及其对行车安全的影响

    Attention assignment characteristic of driver and its influences on driving safety

  6. 学龄初期学习困难儿童的智力及注意分配的研究

    Intelligence and Attentive Distribution of Initial School-Age Children with Learning Difficulty

  7. 基于任务目标的虚拟驾驶选择性注意分配研究

    The Study on Selective Attention of Virtual Driving Based on Target

  8. 研究注意分配最常用的方法是双作业操作。

    Researches on attention distribution always adopt dual task operation .

  9. 必要时检查气门导管的倾斜间隙;注意分配。

    Check tilt play of valve guide if necessary ; observe assignment .

  10. 模拟比赛情景训练对优秀散打运动员注意分配能力的影响

    Effects of Simulated Competition Training on the Attention Distribution of Elite Sanda Athletes

  11. 举例说明日常生活中的注意分配现象。

    Set examples of Attention distribution in real life .

  12. 注意分配呈现出个体差异。

    Attention distribution shows Individual differences .

  13. 通过考察计数的准确性和词组的准确性考察注意分配的好坏。

    The criteria for the quality of attention distribution are the accuracy of count and phrases .

  14. 目的研究通信兵注意分配能力与专业水平之间的关系。

    Objective To discuss the relationship between the distribution of attention and performance level of signalmen .

  15. 3企业工资设计过程中要注意分配公平与程序公平,并且这两种公平都能影响到企业绩效的各个指标。4分配公平与程序公平在工资结构要素对组织绩效的关系中起了中介作用。

    Distributive justice and procedural justice had significant effects on the relationship between pay structure and company effectiveness .

  16. 结果病例组与对照组在情绪状态和四项复杂认知作业成绩上存在显著性差异。焦虑、抑郁、强迫和躯体化与注意分配和复杂鉴别反应时成绩呈显著性负相关;

    Results There were significant differences in emotional states and cognitive task performances between pilots with neuroses and controls .

  17. 阐述了注意分配与协调性高度相关的原因及提高注意分配能力的途径。

    This paper detailly talks about the reason of this tight connection and the way of improving the ability of concentration .

  18. 事故组门机驾驶员双手协调及注意分配能力和深度知觉能力明显低于非事故组门机驾驶员;

    However , the capacities of attention distribution and depth perception in accident group were lower than those of the safety group .

  19. 这种差异在第二象限表现极为突出,无论注意分配、注意解析度都较小。

    Therefore , the differences in the second quadrant are overwhelmingly predominant , whatever , smaller in the attention allocations and attention decoding .

  20. 因此,一旦依恋系统激活,注意分配对于依恋系统的管理具有非常重要的作用。

    That is , attention allocation may also serve important functions for the regulation of the attachment system once it has been activated .

  21. 采用实验心理学与对比分析的方法,利用注意分配测试仪测试一定数量驾驶员的注意分配特性,确定了其阈值。

    The attention assignment characteristics of drivers were measured by attention assignment instrument , and the threshold value of attention assignment indicator was determined .

  22. 注意分配是个体在同一时间对两种或两种以上的刺激进行注意,或将注意分配到不同的活动中去。

    Attention distribution happens when individuals pay attention to two or more stimuli at the same time , or distribute attention to different activities .

  23. 许多研究认为,基本特征的觉察过程是平行加工的过程,它的探测与注意分配到某个位置没有关系。

    The present study aimed to explore whether there was an attentional effect on the parallel processing by means of different validities of cues .

  24. 实验表明,注意分配中的多重分配理论还不完善,本文认为注意资源分配中存在中枢机制控制环节,可以对不同感觉道的资源分配起到调节作用;

    The research indicates , in the process of allocation attention , there is the function of central system to control and appropriately distribute the attentional resources to different senses ;

  25. 蹦床运动员的年龄与注意分配呈现非常显著的负相关,与注意转移、注意集中稳定呈现非常显著的正相关,而与注意广度没有呈现出显著的线性相关;

    The age of trampoline players presents obvious negative relation with attentional distribution , and has distinct positive relation with attentional shift and concentration , but without significant relevance with attentional span .

  26. 本文试对带操教练的认知活动进行分析,探讨优秀带操教练在注意分配、观察力、创造思维等方面应具备的几种良好的认知能力。

    This essay is about the cognition exercises of the coaches and the good cognition ability of the excellent coaches that they should posses in distribution of attention , observation and creative thinking .

  27. 在其他条件完全相同的情况下,当被试分别形成了前瞻记忆意图和回溯记忆意图时,被试会采用不同的注意分配策略。

    At last , some conclusions have been drawn : 1 . Under the same conditions , when subjects form prospective intentions and retrospective intentions respectively , they will adopt different strategies to allot their attention resources .

  28. 方法:通过多年的航卫工作实践经验,根据不同型号飞机的技术性能要求,对试飞员感知能力,注意分配、性格、情绪、意志和疲劳进行调研。

    METHODS : According to the experience of many years at aerial nurse and technology function of different helicopters , research the perceptivity , divide of the attention , feeling , volition and tire of the test pilot .

  29. 失调组与正常组的视、听觉简单反应时、视觉选择反应时、视觉注意分配、手臂稳定性、缺失记忆和注意力均有统计学意义。

    There was obviously difference between SID group and normal group in simple visual reaction time , simple auditory reaction time , visual choosing reaction time , vision attention division , arm stability , the memory-lose and concentration tests .

  30. 一方面表明了无意识成就目标对于内隐学习的积极影响,另一方面也证实了无意识成就目标对注意分配的引导性,使得被试专注于操作任务而忽略了背景刺激。

    The results not only showed the positive effect of the unconscious achievement goal priming , but also confirmed its guiding function on attention allocation , which let the subjects be more concentrated on current operating task and ignore the background stimulus .