
zhù cè kuài jì shī
  • certified public accountant
  1. 试论加入WTO后的注册会计师行业改革

    On Certified Public Accountant Vocation Reform after Entering WTO

  2. 加入WTO,将会给国内的许多行业带来很大冲击,注册会计师行业也不例外。

    Accession to WTO will bring large impact on many businesses in our country , including the profession of certified public accountant .

  3. WTO与注册会计师的培养

    WTO and Training of Certified Public Accountants

  4. 是的。HarryBennett注册会计师。

    That 's true . Harry Bennett , certified public accountant .

  5. 中国加入WTO,面向世界开放我国会计市场,使我国注册会计师行业面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    China entering WTO , the accountancy market opens to the world and this makes CPA ( Certified Public Accountant ) vocation of our country facing the unprecedented opportunity and challenge .

  6. 建立我国注册会计师行业独立管制模式的探讨

    Study on Establishing the Independent-regulation Mode of CPAs Industry in China

  7. 论注册会计师审计风险及防范

    On the risks and precautions in auditing for certified public accountants

  8. 析美国注册会计师法律责任体系的新变化

    Analysis about the Change of CPAs ' Liability System in USA

  9. 审计意见是注册会计师完成审计工作的最终结果。

    A major output of an audit is the audit opinion .

  10. 浅谈我国注册会计师审计质量的控制

    Discussing On Audit Quality Controlling of The Registered Account Of R.P.C

  11. 英国注册会计师业务主要包括审计业务和非审计业务。

    The CPA of United Kingdom carries out audit and non-audit .

  12. 浅谈高职注册会计师专业方向教育教学改革

    Teaching Reform of Speciality Orientation of CPA in Higher Vocational Education

  13. 虚假陈述民事诉讼应当处理好保护投资者利益和防止滥诉二者之间的关系,避免注册会计师承担过重的、不切合实际的责任。

    Civil legal procedure should avoid CPAs to bear unrealistic responsibilities .

  14. 注册会计师审计定价行为研究

    A Research on the Pricing Behavior of Audit Service Abstract

  15. 安徽省注册会计师收入水平的实证研究

    Positive Research of CPA 's Earning Levels in Anhui Province

  16. 没有独立性,注册会计师审计也就没有其存在的价值。

    Without independence , the CPA will lose the meaning of existence .

  17. 注册会计师行为与独立审计制度

    Behaviour of the Certified Accountant and the Independent Audition System

  18. 注册会计师审计职业风险的经济学思考

    An Economic Reflection on Audit Professional Risk of Registered Accountants

  19. 天津市注册会计师职业道德监管研究

    Research on the Regulation of Tianjin CPAs ' Professional Ethics

  20. 注册会计师行业质量控制体系研究

    A Study on Quality Control Framework for the CPA Profession

  21. 我是个注册会计师。

    I 'm a certified public account ( CPA ) .

  22. 我国注册会计师行业发展研究

    On the Development of the Certified Public Accountant 's Industry in China

  23. 中国注册会计师行业监管模式分析

    Analysis on the Supervisal Model of CPAs Industry in China

  24. 试析注册会计师职业责任的单方集体约定现象

    A Phenomenon of Unilateral Collective Agreement on the Registered Accountant 's Liability

  25. 以产权保护为导向的注册会计师审计理论研究

    CPA 'S Auditing Theory Research Oriented on Protecting Property Rights

  26. 对我国注册会计师审计造假的思考

    The Consideration on making sham of Registering Accountant in China

  27. 注册会计师职业管理体制的博弈分析

    Management System of Certified Public Accountant : a Game Analysis

  28. 注册会计师行业管制模式:理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis : the Regulation Model of CPA Industry

  29. 创业板市场对注册会计师业务的影响

    Five impacts on the CPA practice to be brought by the Venture Board

  30. 注册会计师专家责任研究

    The Research on Expert Liability of Certified Public Accountant