
  • 网络adjudication
  1. 我国诉讼法(学)上存在很多冲突,尤其表现在公开审判与回避制度、证据制度、法院裁判等方面。

    There are many conflicts among procedural laws in our country , especially in public trial , challenge system , evidence system and adjudication system .

  2. 论法院裁判在税务行政执法中的效力

    Adjudication ′ s Effect on Tax Authority ′ s Execution

  3. 法院裁判的确定性和客观性是对法院裁判进行监督的前提。

    The definitude and objectivity of court judge is the premise of supervision .

  4. 刑事裁判权作为一项国家司法权,是法院裁判案件的根据和依托。

    As a national judicial power , criminal jurisdiction is the basis of court cases .

  5. 中国是具有悠久成文法传统的国家,法院裁判主要以立法规定为依据,但由于法律漏洞的存在,司法造法在司法实践中便不可避免地存在。

    However , there exists legal loop holes so judicial law-making occurs unavoidably in the judicial practice .

  6. 第一部分是基本案情介绍,即对案件来龙去脉和法院裁判结果进行梳理。

    The first part demonstrates the details of the case , such as the case process and result .

  7. 人民法院裁判案件的依据主要是国家制定法,但对民俗习惯也不是一概排斥。

    People judge the case based mainly on State Law , but not to a blanket exclusion of folk customs .

  8. 未决羁押制度就是指在法院裁判生效之前对犯罪嫌疑人和被告人进行羁押所应遵循的规则、方法、程序的总称。

    Pending detention institution is regulation that should be conformed when detaining the detainee before the court makes an effective adjudgment .

  9. 通过协商谈判或提交国际法院裁判等渠道尽早划界是解决矛盾的理想办法。

    Negotiation or submitting it to the International Court is among the ideal solutions to eliminate the contradiction as early as possible .

  10. 刑事再审程序是刑事诉讼中的特殊救济程序,再审的对象是已经生效的法院裁判。

    Criminal retrial procedure is the special remedial procedure in criminal procedure law and the object of retrial is the court 's executed verdict .

  11. 但抵押权或租赁权依法院裁判消灭者,得仅由抵押权或租赁义务人申请注销之。

    However , if the right of mortgage or leasehold is exterminated pursuant to a court decision , only the obligor of the mortgage or leasehold may apply for such deletion of registration .

  12. 首先,本文分四部分。一,案例介绍;介绍案发经过及人民法院裁判。二,官渡建行法律义务和主体地位的理论分析;三,官渡建行侵权行为的分析。

    First , the paper is in four parts : 1 , case description ; 2 , the theoretical analysis of Guandu CCB status of legal obligations ; 3 , analysis of Guandu CCB violations .

  13. 民事诉讼是通过法院裁判方式解决民事纠纷的活动,起诉是民事诉讼的必经程序,诉的适法提起是诉讼法律关系成立的标志。

    Civil action resolves the civil disputes through the judgement of the court , prosecution is a necessary procedure of the civil action , the applicable law is filed lawsuits marking the establishment of legal relations .

  14. 这一新制度乃世界首例,其理论基础在于尊重当事人的程序选择权和提升人民对法院裁判的信赖。

    In the world , Taiwan is the first to adopt such a new system . Its foundation lies in the theories of respecting the right of option of parties and promoting the reliance of people on judgment .

  15. 本文从我国法院裁判文书的现状入手,深入分析了裁判文书的现状以及造成这种现状的原因,并对我国裁判文书改革的进程进行了阐述。

    This thesis begins with the judicative paper present condition , deeply analyze judicative paper present condition and result in the reason of this kind of present condition , the progress of judicative paper reformation of our country also carried on elaborating .

  16. 我国是成文法国家,缺乏相应法律责任制度规范的特许经营活动,不利于维护法院裁判的一致性,也不利于特许经营活动的规范健康发展。

    The Chinese law system falls into the category of statute law , the lack of relevant regulations of the legal liability system in franchising activities is not conducive to maintaining the consistency of judgments of the court and the normal development of franchising activities .

  17. 证据是人民法院司法裁判的依据,是诉讼活动的基础。

    Evidences are the basis of judicial judgments and lawsuits .

  18. 人民法院生效裁判文书证据效力刍议

    On the Evidence Effect of Judgment Documents in the People 's Court

  19. 此时,传统习惯的司法进入对法院司法裁判的实效性有所作用与影响。

    At this point , the traditional practice of the courts will effect and impact the justice .

  20. 预决事实是指为法院生效裁判所确认的事实。

    The pre-definition fact refers to the fact affirmed by the effective judgment made by the court .

  21. 正确引用法律、法规,充分体现裁判文书的权威性等三方面提高法院民事裁判文书的公信力。

    The public confidence could be improved by applying correct law and regulations and showing the authority of them .

  22. 民意是客观存在的,它作为社会监督不可或缺的力量之一,在一定意义上推动了法院公正裁判的实现。

    Public opinion supervision as a social force , in a sense to promote a fair judge of the Court .

  23. 则在任何根据本条例在法院或裁判官席前提起的法律程序中,一经呈交,须获接纳而无须再加证明。

    Shall be admitted in any proceedings under this Ordinance before a court or magistrate on its production without further proof .

  24. 在法治社会里,法院生效裁判主要通过有关当事人自觉履行实现。

    In a society ruled by law , the entry into force of the court decision mainly through the relevant parties consciously fulfill .

  25. 抗诉的强制效力影响了法院生效裁判的稳定性,降低了诉讼效率。

    The compulsory validity of the public prosecutors ' appeal destroys the stability of the valid judgements , and decreases the efficiency of proceeding .

  26. 其三,在我国,法官庭外调查取证的自由裁量权几乎失去了制约和限制,存在法院的裁判官蜕变成追诉者的嫌疑。

    Third , in our country , judges ' discretion of investigation and evidence collection out of the court has hardly no constraints and limitations .

  27. 诉权是当事人因民事实体权利义务关系发生争议或者处于不正常的状态,从而请求法院予以裁判解决的权利。

    Right of action is a right a party has to request a trial court resolve a substantive civil right that is in dispute or under irregular conditions .

  28. 人民法院的裁判文书具有双重性,它以法律精神为实质,以写作理念为指导。

    The juridical document issued by people 's court has a double nature legal moral conotitutes the essene of juridical document and it is guided under the writing principles .

  29. 相反,如果公信力流失,公众对法院及其裁判不再认同,后果是可怕的。

    If , on the contrary , public credibility is lost , and the public no longer agrees with the judges or their judgments , the result will be terrible .

  30. 摘要听证事实主义强调法院的裁判要以法庭听证的事实为依据,强调审判的直接性和亲历性,因而被广泛认同。

    Hearing factualism has been approved widely , which emphasizes that the adjudication from the court should base on the facts heard in the court and that the trial should be direct and the parties perform it in person .