
fǎ xì
  • Legal system;genealogy of law
法系[fǎ xì]
  1. 公序良俗原则在大陆法系民法体系中居于重要地位。

    Public orders and Borus mores is an important principle of the civil law in the continental genealogy of law .

  2. 英美法系国家注重司法强制执行,而大陆法系国家奉行行政强制执行。

    The UK-US genealogy of law country attaches importance to judiciary forcible execution , continent law is to pursue administration forcible execution but .

  3. 李小平,重庆大工律师事务所副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。

    Xiaoping li , vice chair of dugong law firm , bachelor of law , graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ), and a present master in swupl .

  4. 第三部分,两大法系代表性国家或地区的司法ADR及其利用状况。

    The third part : Judicial ADR and conditions of its utilization in other countries .

  5. 预期违约(Anticipatorybreachofcontract),又称为先期违约,源于英美法系。

    Anticipatory breach of contract , and also called to expect default first , derives from common law system .

  6. 点值法系将FVC曲线分为四等分,其容积分别为75%、50%和25%vc。

    The FVC curve was divided into 4 equal parts , and the lung volumes of 75 % , 50 % and 25 % VC were asigned respectively .

  7. 本文对SPT参与资产证券化资制度运行进行了系统研究,结合英美法系与大陆法系资产证券化立法模式与信托相关法律制度,对我国SPT参与资产证券化的立法现状进行分析探讨。

    This article has conducted the system research to the SPT participating in asset-securitization capital system , unifying Anglo-American law system and continental law system 's legislative model of asset-securitization and the trust law system , discusses our country 's legal circumstances of SPT participating in asset-securitization .

  8. 那种认为我国财产保全和先予执行制度类似于英美法系中的临时禁令制度的观点,在理论上是站不住脚的。

    In China , there is no such injunction in law .

  9. 英美法系和大陆法系主要国家都规定了雇主替代责任制度。

    A lot of countries have stipulate employer vicarious liability system .

  10. 因此,大陆法系采纳惩罚性赔偿并不存在理论障碍。

    So there are not real theoretical obstacles for punitive damages .

  11. 该章又具体从两大法系相关制度与司法实践的共性,差异与特色加以比较研究。

    This chapter compared from the two different related legal systems .

  12. 论体育运动中的正当行为&以大陆法系刑法为文本

    Discussion on the Justified Acts in the Field of Sports Competition

  13. 但大陆法系国家并未普遍接受这一制度。

    However , such system is seldom accepted by continental law countries .

  14. 大陆法系的合同解除制度;

    The system of rescission right of contract in Civil Law System ;

  15. 最后论证两大法系国家的量刑建议权制度及其启示。

    Discusses the foreign sentencing recommendation system and its inspiration .

  16. 在此,笔者称之为当事人型技术顾问,它们主要存在于大陆法系国家。

    They are most in Anglo - American law nations .

  17. 两大法系惩戒性军事法概要

    Essentials of the Disciplinary Military Law in the Two Major Legal Systems

  18. 后者亦系舶来品,源于英美法系法律推理理论。

    The latter is transplanted from the Anglo-American law system .

  19. 论城市规划法系在市场经济条件下的演进

    On the Evolution of the Urban Planning Law System

  20. 法国是一个典型的大陆法系国家。

    France is a'typical country , which belongs to the continental law system .

  21. 严格责任本是英美法系的概念,我国没有严格责任的提法。

    There is no strict liability in our country .

  22. 目前在英美法系国家中,反收购决策权的权利分配模式主要有两种。

    At present there are two main kinds of anti-takeover decision-making power pattern .

  23. 自首从宽是中华法系源远流长的一项特色法律制度。

    Voluntary surrender system has been a Chinese featured law of long standing .

  24. 虽然在大陆法系国家在总体上对惩罚性赔偿制度持反对态度,但英美法系的惩罚性赔偿制度还是对大陆法系国家的学说、判例产生了影响。

    The system has influenced the doctrines and cases of civil law countries .

  25. 古代中国的朝贡制度和古罗马的海外行省制度&中华法系和罗马法系形成的制度基础

    On Tribute System Of Ancient China And Overseas Administrative Regions System Of Ancient Rome

  26. 基于同样的原因,英美法系的国家也制定颁布了民事单行法。

    According to the some reasons , so do countries of Anglo-American law system .

  27. 对我国陪审制的理性思考&从比较两大法系国家陪审制生存条件的视角

    On the Thinking about Chinese System of Assessors

  28. 严格责任自从产生之初就是饱受争议的理论,尤其是在大陆法系国家。

    Strict liability is a highly controversial theory , especially in civil law system .

  29. 从配偶及配偶关系历史沿革入手,分析两大法系配偶权制度的发展。

    From spouses and spouse relations history analyzes Two Legal spouse right system development .

  30. 第一章论述了防卫错误在各个法系的具体归类。

    The first chapter elaborated the defense mistake in each legal system concrete classification .