
fǎ lǜ tiáo zhěnɡ fānɡ fǎ
  • methods of legal regulation
  1. 法律调整方法是研究环境法调整方法的理论基础。

    The legal regulative method is the theoretic foundation for studying the regulative method of the environmental law .

  2. 通常来说,传统法律调整方法有民事法律方法、行政法律方法和刑事法律方法三种。

    Generally speaking , the traditional legal regulative method can be classified into such three types as civil law method , administrative law method and criminal law method .

  3. 经济法律责任调整方法的适用,也就是根据经济本体的要求来确定责任主体,角色化个体经济利益使其服从于整体经济利益,这是组织整体经济所必要的调整方式。

    It is the legal adjustment of economic law that making individual economic interests role is subject to the unity economy benefit , which is the necessary economy organizing means in accordance with the need of economy activities ontology .

  4. 涉外民事法律关系调整方法主要有两种:其一是采用冲突法规范选择准据法的间接调整方法;其二是运用实体法规范直接确定国际民事关系中各方当事人的权利和义务关系。

    There are two methods to regulate foreign civil law relationship , one is the indirect approach of applying conflict norms as the applicable law , and the other is the direct way to adopt positive norms to establish the rights and obligations of the parties concerned .

  5. 法律行为的调整方法是民法的基本调整方法,一项具体的法律行为会对民事主体双方产生拘束的效力,并且往往这种拘束力是在自觉自愿之中实现的。

    Regulative measure of legal action is the basic method of civil law and a spectific legal action is binding on both parties of civil action and such binding force is realized voluntarily .

  6. 为实现此目的。法律应运用多种调整方法,法律救济就是其中的重要部分。

    For achieving this aim , law needs to use several regulatory methods , and legal remedy is the important part in them .

  7. 所以我们必须完善现有法律调整,同时还要探索更适合非标准劳动关系的法律调整方法。

    So we have to improve the legal regulation , at the same time we also have to do research on the new legal regulation which is suitable for non-standard labour relation .