
  • 网络Tompkins
  1. 汤普金斯的帽子被一把拽了下来。

    In the exertion Tompkins ' hat had become dislodged .

  2. 一年后,他成立了汤普金斯研究公司(TompkinsResearch,Inc),拉到了资本,并做出了一台原型机。

    The following year , he formed Tompkins research , Inc. , found capital and made a prototype .

  3. 1968年,苏西o汤普金斯o布埃尔与她的一个朋友在旧金山创立了Esprit公司的前身,当时这家公司还不叫这个名字。不久后,随着苏西的丈夫道格卖掉了自己的服装公司NorthFace,他也加入了Esprit的领导层。

    Though founded by Susie Tompkins Buell and a friend in San Francisco in 1968 under a different name , Esprit 330 was soon also led by her husband Doug , after he sold his own clothing company , North Face .

  4. 这是汤普金斯县紧急情况部门一位名叫玛西亚·林奇的公共信息官员透露的。

    according to Marcia Lynch , Public information officer with Tompkins County 's Emergency Response Department .

  5. 道格o汤普金斯与苏西o汤普金斯o布埃尔

    Doug Tompkins and Susie Tompkins Buell

  6. 汤普金斯表示:被窝风扇让许多顾客享受到了“一生最好的睡眠”。

    Bedfan customers wind up having " the best sleep of their lives , " said Tompkins .

  7. 《生态后人》这本书也介绍了其他从事环保事业的人物,包括创造了插件混合动力汽车的安迪弗兰克,但这些故事都没有比休姆斯对汤普金斯所做的描述感觉动人。

    Eco-Barons profiles other do-gooders , including Andy Frank , who created the plug-in hybrid car , but those stories are less compelling than Humes'description of Tompkins .

  8. 奥尔巴尼、布法罗、伊萨卡、纽约市以及罗切斯特和萨福克县、汤普金斯县已制定当地的性别表达禁止歧视法案。

    Albany , Buffalo , Ithaca , New York City , and Rochester , and the counties of Suffolk and Tompkins have already enacted local GENDA laws .

  9. 在周六纽约汤普金斯广场公园举办的2011年度万圣节狗狗巡游中,各种狗狗吐着舌头摇着尾巴,它们都是参赛者。

    Canines of all breeds sent tongues and tails wagging as they took part in the 2011 Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade in New York on Saturday .

  10. 后来汤普金斯发现这个发明对他的岳母也很管用&那时他的丈母娘正受到更年期夜间盗汗的困扰,这时他才意识到自己的发明很有市场。

    But it was only after Tompkins saw that it worked for his mother-in-law she suffered from night sweats due to menopause that he began to think there was a market for it .