
hàn bǎo bāo
  • Hamburger
  1. 我们在一家“免下车”餐馆停下来吃汉堡包。

    We stopped at a drive-in for a hamburger .

  2. 她在吃汉堡包。

    She was eating a hamburger .

  3. 孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃了汉堡包和炸土豆条。

    The children demolished their burgers and chips .

  4. 你可以吃汉堡包,但不可以同时又吃炸薯条。

    You can have a burger , but you can 't have fries as well .

  5. 我想你可能更愿意呆在芝加哥,吃着华夫饼干和汉堡包之类的东西,对吗?

    I suppose you 'd rather be in Chicago , eating waffles and hamburgers , or suchlike ?

  6. 我的结论是,汉堡包的利润远非它们对健康和环境造成的损害所能抵消的。

    I concluded that the profit from burgers is more than offsetby the damage they cause in health problems and environmental harm .

  7. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。

    The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger .

  8. 那个老外正在吃汉堡包。

    The foreigner was eating a hamburger .

  9. 举个例子,为了让图片上的汉堡包看起来很美味,食物造型师会在面包上用胶水整齐有序地粘上一粒粒芝麻。

    For example , to make a photo of a hamburger that looks delicious , food stylist may use glue to cover the bun methodically with sesame seeds .

  10. C:我饿死了,我要一个汉堡包,一份薯条。

    C : I 'm hungry , I 'll have a Cheeseburger , Chips .

  11. 孔B、C移植人工形成缺损时的骨粉,在孔B移植骨粉的两面用硝酸纤维素膜隔开颅骨外膜和硬脑膜,形似一个汉堡包。

    Defect B was grafted with autogenous skull bone dust with two pieces pyroxylin membrane placed on two side like a hamburger .

  12. 牛肉DNA检测时发现诸如汉堡包的一些产品含有多达30%马肉。

    DNA checks on beef have found that some products , including hamburgers , contained as much as 30 percent horse meat .

  13. 除了酒店业,MomentumMachines公司也发明了一款会烤汉堡的机器人,每10秒钟就可以做一个汉堡包。

    Moving beyond the hotel industry , Momentum Machines invented a burger-flipping robot that can produce a burger every 10 seconds .

  14. 当他通过机场安检时,X光安检机检测到这名男子包里的汉堡包有些异常突出物。

    As Li passed through airport security , X-ray screening machines detected a few " odd protrusions " sticking out of a KFC burger that the man had packed in his bag .

  15. 在收购前10天的一个午夜,詹姆斯•默多克吃着干酪汉堡包制定出了这个计划。当时他正在巴塞罗那出席摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的一次会议。

    The plan was hatched 10 days ago over cheeseburgers at midnight in Barcelona , where he was attending a Morgan Stanley conference .

  16. 你想要吃个汉堡包?还是想来份匹萨饼?都没问题,只需按下按钮,3D食物打印机就可以做出任何你想要的美味。

    Feel like eating a hamburger ? Or would you rather have a pizza ? No problem , the 3D food printer will create anything you want , literally at the click of a button .

  17. 它的全名是汉堡包(hamburger),起源于1880年,当时德国移民在汉堡(德国城市&译者注)发明了这种食物。

    The full name , ' hamburger ', originates from 1880 , when German immigrants created the meal within Hamburg , Germany .

  18. 它的全名是“汉堡包(hamburger)”,起源于1880年,当时德国移民在汉堡(德国城市——译者注)发明了这种食物。

    The full name , " hamburger , " originates from 1880 , when German immigrants created the meal within Hamburg , Germany .

  19. 阐述了因子分析的基本原理,运用因子分析SAS软件对288份汉堡包店市场问卷调查数据作了分析,并对因子的经济含义作了详细解释。

    This paper analyzes the market survey data of 288 hamburger stores via SAS factor analysis as well as interprets the key principles of the factor analysis and its economic meaning .

  20. 汉堡包经济学发明于1986年,(最初是)作为一种轻松的指导(来评价)货币是否处于其“正确”的水平,汉堡包经济学是基于购买力平价(PPP)理论。

    Invented in1986 as a light-hearted guide to whether currencies are at their " correct " level , burgernomics is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity ( PPP ) .

  21. 有一些历史表明罗马人发明了IsiciaOmentata(一种罗马汉堡包&译者注),这被认为是第一款汉堡包。

    There is a little bit of history that states that the Romans created the ' Isicia Omentata ', regarded as the first burger .

  22. CNN记者:罪魁祸首大肠埃希杆菌0157H7是比较严重的一种,曾一度成为污染汉堡包的问题,但是自1995年起,已发生20多起像阿姆斯特朗吃的宝宝菠菜沙拉的新鲜蔬菜污染事件。

    CNN REPORTER : The culprit , E. coli 0157 H7 , the bad kind . Once it was a problem in tainted hamburgers , but since 1995 there 've been more than twenty outbreaks linked to fresh greens like the baby spinach in the Armstrong salad .

  23. 有一些历史表明罗马人发明了“IsiciaOmentata”,这被认为是第一款汉堡包。

    There is a little bit of history that states that the Romans created the ' Isicia Omentata ' , regarded as the first burger .

  24. 由四季饭店提供的此种天价汉堡包的主要“成分”包括日本神户的牛肉、肥鹅肝、Portobello蘑菇以及韩国梨和炸薯条等。

    The $ 110 ( 57 pound ) hamburger offered by the Four Seasonss is made of Kobe beef with foie gras , Portobello mushrooms and Korean pears & served with french fries , of course .

  25. 早餐,她喜欢汉堡包,沙拉和水果。

    For breakfast , she likes hamburgers , salad and fruit .

  26. 他没有看着汉堡包,但是白兰地看着!

    He wasn 't watching the hamburgers , but brandy was !

  27. 午餐她吃汉堡包、沙拉和梨。

    For lunch , she like hamburgers , salad and pears .

  28. 我最喜欢吃汉堡包,但是它不是健康食品。

    My favorite food is hamburger , it isn 't food .

  29. 进门正对的大吧台,上面这个汉堡包引人注目。

    The hamburg on main bar counter catches people 's eyes .

  30. 一位日本科学家利用人类人的粪便合成出了一种用于制作汉堡包的肉类。

    Japanese scientist has developed a'meat'burger made out of human excrement .