
  1. 本试验采用水生植物作为对二级处理水中氮、磷去除的方法,在静水中经过3d凤眼莲净化,全N的去除率为79&95%,P为58.9%;

    In the effluent of secondary treatment N and P were removed by aquatic plants .

  2. pH值和光照对镧改性膨润土吸附水中氮和磷的影响

    Effect of pH value and light on La-modified bentonite adsorption of phosphorus and nitrogen in water

  3. 同时,修复样上覆水中氮、磷和COD的浓度也明显下降,对控制水体富营养化有明显效果。

    For the overlying water , the index of phosphorus , nitrogen and COD also declined evidently , which had obvious effect on eutrophication control .

  4. 测定加入植物和植物浸出液与铜绿微囊藻共同培养过程中藻密度、水中氮磷含量及MC含量。

    Determination of the process of algal density , water content of nitrogen and phosphorus content and algal toxins , after adding the plants and plant extracts .

  5. 强化生态浮床对珠江水中氮污染物去除研究

    Nitrogen Removal from Pearl River by Enhanced Ecological Floating Bed System

  6. 长江宜宾境内地表水中氮磷负荷及来源构成

    N and P load and its source in surface water of Yangtze River in Yibin area

  7. 间隙水中氮和磷含量的平面分布差异不明显。

    The concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in the interstitial water were inconspicuous in horizontal distributions .

  8. 池塘淤泥对水中氮营养盐影响的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the impact of humus on Nitrogen Nutritional salts of water quality environment

  9. 太多的溢水量使水中氮含量过高,导致游入哥伦比亚河的鲑鱼致死。

    Too much spill dissolves too much nitrogen in the river , which can kill migrating salmon .

  10. 通过对凹凸棒土的改性,探讨了改性凹凸棒土对水中氮磷的等温吸附和动力学过程。

    Through attapulgite modification , adsorption isotherms and kinetics of nitrogen and phosphorus in water has been discussed .

  11. 太湖底泥及其间隙水中氮磷垂直分布及相互关系分析

    The Vertical Distributions of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Sediment and Interstitial Water in Taihu Lake and Their Interrelations

  12. 不同强度降雨后,田面水中氮磷浓度均随稻田蓄水深度的增加而降低。

    After different intensity of rainfall , the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus decreased gradually according to the depth increasing .

  13. 二段上流式曝气生物滤池去除高标准景观补给水中氮磷营养物

    Enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal with a two-stage submerged biofilter for reclaimed water with the stringent standards for scenic environment use

  14. 同时,季节的变化,农业退水中氮磷的浓度也发生变化,6~8月份农业退水中氮磷浓度最高。

    Meanwhile , with the change of season , the nitrogen and phosphorus of refund wate are also produces change of 6 ~ 8 months .

  15. 受施肥量和作物生长状况的影响,施基肥后田面水中氮磷的浓度最高。

    Under the impact of fertilization amount and crop growth conditions , the concentrations of N and P were highest after the application of basal fertilizer .

  16. 间隙水中氮和磷的浓度均有明显的季节变动,夏季和秋季的浓度高,冬季和春季浓度低。

    There were marked seasonal variations in the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the interstitial water , and the higher concentrations were observed in summer and autumn and while the lower ones , in winter and spring .

  17. 其中,施肥量和降雨是最基本的影响因子,而土壤氧化还原作用的差异,使麦季和稻季径流和渗漏水中氮形态和浓度表现出不同的特征。

    From these , fertilizer and rainfall are the basic factors of effect , redox condition of the soil is different tent to form and concentration of nitrogen in the surface runoff and leaching are different in paddy and wheat season .

  18. 农田退水作用的驱动下,铵态氮和总磷向下迁移的距离加长,污染风险加大。(4)垂直退水中氮磷流失量受灌溉量和施肥量的显著影响。

    The further the travel distance of NH4 + - N and TP driven by agricultural return flow , . the higher the risk of pollution . ( 4 ) The loss of N and P were affected by the amount of irrigation and fertilizer applied .

  19. 研究结果表明,稻季渗漏水中总氮(TN)浓度随时间呈下降趋势,其中,硝态氮(NO3&N)由泡田初期的10mg。

    The results showed that total nitrogen ( TN ) in natural leaching water declined significantly during the paddy season .

  20. 本研究以无机氮作为目标污染物,利用溶胶-凝胶法制备的掺杂金属离子的纳米TiO2和耦合光催化氧化还原反应来脱除水中无机氮作为研究的主要内容。

    This research aimed at removal of inorganic nitrogen ( the target pollutant ) from water using photocatalysis and metal ion doped nano - TiO_2 , that were prepared by a sol-gel method .

  21. 德国PASSAVANT公司完善生物法去除水中的氮和磷

    Eliminating the Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Water with Improved Microbe Method in German PASSAVANT Company

  22. 结果:水中总氮和总磷均超过地面水环境质量标准III级限值,水中藻细胞总数均值达到3×106个/L。

    Results : The concentration of total nitrogen ( TN ) and total phosphorus ( TP ) in the Lake were higher than the III level guideline of surface water environmental quality standard . The average algae cell density was 3 × 106 / liter .

  23. 采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了掺杂Ce3+、La3+、Ag+、Fe3+的TiO2光催化剂,以考察其薄膜和粉体形式对水中无机氮的光催化去除效果和活性。

    Titanium dioxide photo-catalysts doped / co - doped with Ce3 + , La3 + / Ag + / Fe3 + by using the sol-gel method were prepared and tested to evaluate their photo-catalytic activities on nitrogen removal from solution which contained ammonium and nitrite .

  24. 水中总氮测定分析方法的改进

    Improvement of the Analytical Method of Total Nitrogen Determination in Water

  25. 水中亚硝酸盐氮和空气中氮氧化物的示波极谱法测定

    Polarographic determination of nitrite in water and nitrogen oxide in air

  26. 高温氧化-化学发光检测法测定水中总氮

    Determination of Total Nitrogen In Water Using High Temperature Oxidation Chemiluminescence Method

  27. 测定水中总氮时影响空白吸光值的若干因素分析

    Analysis of factors affecting absorbance of blank tests in determination of total nitrogen

  28. 流动注射在线消解测定水中总氮的实验研究

    Determination of Total Nitrogen in Water by FIA

  29. 吉林市地下水中三氮迁移转化规律

    Three . Migration and Transformation of Ammonia-nitrite-nitrates in Groundwater in the City of Jilin

  30. Pt/TiO2光催化氧化还原耦合反应脱除水中无机氮

    Nitrogen Removal via Coupled Ammonia Oxidation and Nitrite Reduction Using Pt / TiO_2 and Photocatalysis