
  1. 民营企业经营管理创新探微

    Management and Operational Innovation of Private Enterprises in the New Age

  2. 探索中国民营企业经营模式创新之路&安阳岷山公司推行模拟法人经营体制

    Exploration of avenue of innovation with managerial mode for China civil run enterprises

  3. 外资参股对我国民营企业经营规范化的作用研究

    Role of Foreign Equity in Standardizing China Private Enterprises

  4. 浅议民营企业经营观念的转变

    Remark on the Change of NGE Operating Concept

  5. 民营企业经营中的泛家族主义文化情结

    Analysis on Pan-Familism Culture in Chinese Private Company

  6. 党校培训民营企业经营管理者是党管干部原则向党管人才观念拓展的具体体现。

    The training of private business managers in Party schools represents the change of concept from Party managing the cadres to Party managing the talents .

  7. 至抗战胜利前夕,民生公司已成为旧中国最大的民族资本集团之一,与战时后方众多民营企业经营不景气或破产倒闭的情形形成了鲜明的对比。

    Thus , it made a striking comparison against the bad management or the bankruptcy of many private enterprises in the rear during the war time .

  8. 党校对民营企业经营管理者的培训,关注的不仅是提高他们的业务能力,更要增强他们的政治凝聚力,凸显党校培训的政治特色和骨干作用。

    The training of private business managers by Party school focuses on not only improving their business capability , but also enhancing their political cohesion , thus reflecting the political features and backbone functions of Party school training .

  9. 由于战略导向与民营企业经营预算管理之间是由于生命周期的不同管理方式而相互联系的,因此本文对生命周期理论做了详细论述与特点的总结。

    Due to strategic orientation and management of private enterprises operating budget is due to the life cycle between the different management and interrelated . Therefore , based on the life cycle theory in detail and features discussed in the summary .

  10. 随着佛山经济和信息化建设的不断发展,新的形势对民营企业经营管理者素质和能力提出了更高的要求,企业经营管理者培训需求也有新的特点。

    With the unceasing development of Foshan in the economy and the information level , the quality and the ability of civilian enterprises managerial personnel are required in a much higher level , and the demand of the managerial training is endowed with new characteristics .

  11. 分析思想政治工作在民营企业经营过程中的现状,针对思想政治工作在民营企业经营过程中所出现的问题,本文创新提出解决民营企业思想政治工作的措施和策略。

    Analysis of the ideological and political work in the private enterprise manages in the process the present situation , on the ideological and political work in the private enterprise to manage the problems arising in the course of innovation , this paper put forward a solution .

  12. 通过对思想政治工作涵义和特点的概要叙述,总结出思想政治工作对企业经济效益的作用以及思想政治工作促进我国民营企业经营的重要意义。

    Based on the meaning and characteristics of Ideological and political work are briefly described , summed up the ideological and political work to the economic efficiency of enterprises and the role of Ideological and political work to promote enterprise of battalion of our country civilian management important significance .

  13. 鉴于中国已经成为WTO成员国,笔者进而分析了与之相关的一系列国际协议条款,认为它们为我国民营企业跨国经营提供了良好的制度规范和发展机遇。

    Since China is the member of WTO now , the paper studies many relative international agreement and clause , then find there give a very good system to develop international business .

  14. 结果显示:SER的实施在总体上提升了上市民营企业的经营绩效,并且SER实施的几年内保持稳步提高的趋势。

    The results showed that : SER in operation upgrade the operating performance of the overall listed private enterprises and operating performance of the SER to maintain steady improvement in few years .

  15. 民营企业连锁经营中的核心能力共享

    The Core Competence Sharing in Privately Operated Enterprise of Chain Operation

  16. 中国民营企业多元化经营的模式及策略

    Model and Strategy of Private Enterprises ' Multi - operation in China

  17. 中、西部民营企业跨国经营战略

    China and western district private enterprise cross nation management research

  18. 中国民营企业跨国经营的战略研究

    The Strategic Research on Transnational Operations for Chinese Non-governmental Enterprises

  19. 温州民营企业跨国经营研究

    Study on Transnational Operation of Private Enterprises in Wenzhou

  20. 对宁波民营企业国际化经营策略创新的思考

    Thinking of Nibo private enterprise internationalization management strategy innovation

  21. 政治关联能改善民营企业的经营绩效吗

    Can Political Connection Improve the Performance of Private Enterprises

  22. 小型民营企业生产经营管理业务流程重组研究

    Business Process Reengineering of Small Private Enterprises

  23. 民营企业的经营状况、管理水平对吉林省经济发展产生了重大影响。

    The situation and level of management of privately_run businesses bring important effect on JILIN economy .

  24. 而且,家庭服务企业大多都是中小型民营企业,经营规模小融资模式单一,资金短缺是吉林省家庭服务企业所面临的重要问题。

    Moreover , home service enterprises are mostly small and medium-sized private enterprises , small scale and single mode of financing .

  25. 以诚信价值观为核心的企业文化对提高新疆民营企业的经营业绩,对新疆民营企业的可持续性发展具有重要意义。

    To the core values of integrity of the corporate culture of private enterprise in Xinjiang to improve the operating performance of private enterprises in Xinjiang on the sustainability of development is of great significance .

  26. 文章通过对湖南民营企业跨国经营的现状、存在问题等进行分析,重点探讨了湖南民营经济在参与国际化竞争过程中的路径选择和未来发展走向。

    Through analyzing the status quo , existing problems and so on of transnational trade of individually-run enterprises in Hunan province , this article focuses on ways and development directions of individually-run economy in this area in the course of meeting international competitions .

  27. 文章通过对民营企业生产经营观念的分析,认为民营企业在取得了当初的辉煌后,面对知识经济和自主创新的全新要求,在培育企业核心竞争力方面缺乏严格意义上的经营管理理念。

    Through the analysis on NGE production and operation concept , we hold the opinion that facing the new demand on technology economy and self-determination innovation , NGE is lack of operation and management idea in cultivating core competitiveness under somewhat strict definition .

  28. 本文强调民营企业多元化经营的核心内容是培养企业的核心竞争力,同时必须具有与之相适应的企业规模和核心资源,在具备综合条件的基础上,尽可能实施相关多元化经营。

    This paper emphasizes that the core of private enterprises diversification is to develop the kernel competitive ability of these enterprises and they must have corresponding scales and core resources and try to carry out related diversification when they have all the required qualifications .

  29. 随着民营企业外部经营条件的逐步好转、制度环境的逐步宽松,人们对民营企业关注的焦点也随之从外部逐步转移到企业内部人力资源合理的选拔、留用和合理使用上。

    With the external business operation conditions of private enterprises gradually improved , institutional environment gradually relaxed , the focus of attention also will be gradually transferred to the enterprise internal human resources , such as reasonable selection of new stuff and maintain in employment .

  30. 论我国民营服装企业虚拟经营之路

    The Route of Virtual Operation of Private Apparel Enterprise in China