
  1. 扬琴不仅是中国民族乐队中主要乐器之一,而且还是中西混合乐队中的常用乐器。

    The dulcimer is not only one kind of the main musical instruments played in the Chinese folk band but also the instrument frequently used in bands of the Chinese music mixed with the western music .

  2. 如何理解庄子的美学思想,如何理解作曲家运用交响化语言使独奏大提琴与民族乐队结合,两者又将如何融合。

    How to understand the aesthetics of Zhuang Zhou , how to understand the language of the composer to make use of national symphonic orchestra with solo cello , how will the integration of the two .

  3. 在之后又经过不断的发展演变,丰富了演奏技巧,使唢呐的表现力得到了很大的提升,逐渐成为了颇富特色的独奏、合奏乐器,经常用于民族乐队合奏或戏曲、歌舞伴奏。

    In the later time , through constant development , enriching the performing skills , the expressiveness of suona has been greatly improved , and gradually became a solo instrument with unique characteristics , so that it is often used for national orchestra or opera , song and dance accompaniment .

  4. 文化的嫁接&中国民族管弦乐队历史成因新探

    Culture Grafting : Historical Cause Explore of Chinese National Orchestra

  5. 新型民族管弦乐队与中国传统音乐资源&对民族管弦乐队发展现状的审视与思考

    The New Chinese Traditional Orchestra with the Resource of Chinese Traditional music

  6. 如今编钟多用于民族管弦乐队,是色彩性很强的旋律乐器。

    Today , many of those for national orchestra , color is a strong melody instrument .

  7. 第五章思考乐改的重点专题,研究为建立民族管弦乐队而大力加强低音乐器,尤其是拉弦乐器的改革。

    First , think about the music to change the focus of the topic , which is the fifth chapter , the study for the establishment of a national orchestra , vigorously strengthen the bass , especially the pull-stringed instrument of reform and breakthrough .

  8. 20世纪20年代至今在民族管弦乐队中,阮从非常规伴奏乐器演变成常规伴奏乐器,并有了不可或缺的地位,这其中离不开乐器改革者、作曲家和演奏家们执着的追求与探索。

    Ruan has the indispensable status as conventional accompaniment instruments with the development of it . It has become in national orchestra from unconventional accompaniment instruments since the 1920s.All this attributed to the instruments reformer , composers and performers who are persistent in pursuing and exploration .

  9. 文章分为三个部分,分别从人文情怀、京剧打击乐与民族管弦乐队和交响乐队、京剧打击乐在民族管弦乐队和交响乐队中的异同三个方面进行分析和探讨。

    The article is divided into three parts , From the humanities , Peking Opera percussion and Ethnic Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra , opera percussion in the National Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra in the similarities and differences between the three aspects carries on the analysis and the discussion .

  10. 当今中国广播民族乐团的乐队基本构架模式已经被国内外许多民族音乐专业乐团广泛参照或采用。

    The current basic performing team framework of China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra has been referred to or adopted by many professional folk orchestras both at home and abroad .

  11. 民族管弦乐的实践与开拓&有关中央民族乐团乐队改革与发展的思考

    Thoughts on the Reform and Development of Central Chinese Music Orchestra

  12. 介绍了中国民族管弦乐的特点、存在的问题,以及中国民族管弦乐队中主要民族乐器的改革情况。

    This paper introduces Chinese national orchestra 's characters , existing problems , and the reforms of main instruments in Chinese national orchestra .