
  1. 国际战略研究所(InternationalinstituteforStrategicStudies)周三称,亚洲的防务开支有望超过欧洲国家。这一声明突显出全球军事实力的此消彼长。

    Highlighting the shift in military power across the world , the International Institute for Strategic Studies said on Wednesday that Asian defence spending was poised to overtake that of European states .

  2. 模拟显示固结波速随锚固介质强度的变化是由锚杆中的P波以及锚杆和锚固介质界面处产生的界面波此消彼长而引起的。

    The essence of the phenomena is explained with numerical simulation , which shows that the changes are brought by the P wave and fluctuation of interfacial wave of the bolt and grouted medium .

  3. 我们已经开始看到用户数量呈指数式增长,而且从一些用户公司的首席信息官处也直接听到,他们可以看到Outlook和Yammer使用量的此消彼长。

    We were beginning to see exponential user increases , and were hearing directly from CIOs that they could see decreasing their use of outlook and increasing their use of yammer .

  4. 根据美国经济学家阿瑟.奥肯(ArthOkun)的观点,失业和经济增长存在此消彼长的关系。

    According to Arth Okun , an American economist , there exists a relation of " as one falls , another rises " .

  5. 此消彼长,美国的局势让中国更加强硬。

    The American situation widens the opening for a more assertive China .

  6. 这两者此消彼长的相关性在20世纪上半叶已经有过类似的表现。

    Such a correlation had appeared in the first half of the20th century .

  7. 在政府发展过程中,这两种行政理念此消彼长。

    During the development of the government , the two thoughts are in struggle .

  8. 这种现象的部分原因在于,经济机会此消彼长。

    It is partly due to a shift in the balance of economic opportunity .

  9. 一是现代性与后现代的此消彼长。

    First , the modern and postmodern counter-balance .

  10. 总体来看,主要是林地、牧草地与耕地的此消彼长。

    Overall , it is mainly the change of forestland , grassland and farmland .

  11. 可溶性糖含量在花器官与皮层及韧皮部中此消彼长。

    The content of soluble sugar increased in the flower organs while decreased in the cortex-phloem .

  12. 而在不同历史时期对利益保护不同产生互动的矛盾关系此消彼长的现象。

    The reciprocal relationship is different in the history according to the protection of the benefit .

  13. 经济与军事实力的此消彼长,给未来的力量平衡带来了不确定性。

    These shifts in economic and military weight have created uncertainty about the future balance of power .

  14. 未来,两岸经济将继续呈现此消彼长的发展趋势。

    In the near future , economies of both sides will continue to show some uneven trends .

  15. 公正、效益二者之间是互相独立又互相依存的关系,而不是此消彼长的对立关系。

    The relations between justice and benefits are both independent and interdependent , not contradictious each other .

  16. 即在春季和冬季,植被覆盖与径流间存在此消彼长的负相关关系,夏秋季节的两者相互影响不明显。

    That , in spring and winter , there was a negative correlation between vegetation cover and runoff .

  17. 近百年来,刚性管理与柔性管理此消彼长而又渗透、融合,最终成为一个有机的整体。

    During the past century , Rigid Management and Flexible Management had been focused on one after another .

  18. 摘要效率与公平之间并不存在绝对对立、此消彼长的替代关系,而是相辅相成的辨证统一关系。

    The relationship between efficiency and fairness is not absolutely contradictive but unified dialectically by supplementing each other .

  19. 三个子系统的内容随着社会经济环境条件的发展变化而变化,此消彼长,相互转化,是一个柔性发展模式;

    The contents of the three system vary with the economic conditions and it is a flexible development pattern ;

  20. 在这个基础上,进一步分析了我国单名、双名此消彼长的根本原因。

    Based on that , it further analyzes the basic reason of single character name and double character names .

  21. 一家上市公司董事会的凝聚力和面对被收购的脆弱性同样也是此消彼长的关系。

    A board 's cohesion and vulnerability to takeovers of a listed company are related in the same way .

  22. 在定价过程中,各利益相关者的行为决策相互影响,相互制约,其利益此消彼长,相互博弈。

    In procession of pricing , the behaviors of stakeholders making mutual influence , mutual restraint and mutual game .

  23. 与此同时,在元代,传统诗歌和以杂剧为主体的戏曲存在着相互冲突、此消彼长的势头。

    Meanwhile , there were conflicts between traditional poetry and traditional operas which maintained poetic dramas as the main body .

  24. 其根本原因在于,医学职业显规则与潜规则二者并存且此消彼长。

    The coexistence and fighting between the appeared rule and the hidden rule is the fundamental reason of this phenomenon .

  25. 格林斯潘表示:“我的主要意思是,失业与通胀之间此消彼长的关系已经发生变化。”

    Mr Greenspan says : " I am basically saying that the trade-off between unemployment and inflation has shifted . "

  26. 在这一模型中,梯度矢量流与区域力量的作用是此消彼长的。

    In this model , the effect of region force decreases with the increase of the effect of gradient vector flow .

  27. 在整个30年代,国家统制主义与自由主义的经济思想此消彼长,最后统制经济思想盛行。

    Throughout the 1930s , the state-govern and liberalistic economic thought surf the surge , with governing economic thought prevailing ultimately .

  28. 外国汽车品牌与中国国产品牌之间正呈此消彼长之势,这也对观致有利。

    Playing in its favour is an emerging trend in which domestic brands in China are gaining ground on foreign rivals .

  29. 但是因为二者同属于收入分配范畴,故存在着此消彼长的关系。

    But because both of them belong to the income distribution category , they have a relationship of restricting each other .

  30. 在中国西部农村,传统文化和现代文化表现出一种此消彼长的状态。

    In the western rural areas , traditional culture and modern culture indicates the dialectical law as one falling and other rising .