
zhǐ xuè yào
  • hemostatic;medicine to stop bleeding;anthemorrhagic;styptic
  1. 用药以补阴药、清热药和止血药为主。

    Medication to yin drugs , antipyretic and hemostatic based .

  2. 止血药的分类和临床合理使用

    SYNTHESIS OF ANTIVIRAL AGENT FOR EXTERNAL USE & RIODOXOL Classification of Hemostatic Agents and Rational Administration in Clinic

  3. 用止血药组与未用组之间的各项血液流变学指标无显著差异(P>0-05)。

    Every index in dicynone group had no significant difference from that in control group ( P > 005 ) .

  4. 术后出血2例,其中1例因出现肝衰、DIC死亡,1例经用止血药、输血后痊愈。

    Cases had postoperative hemorrhage and 1 died of liver failure and DIC .

  5. 方法窒息新生儿在出生后2~6h给予鲁米那、水合氯醛交替应用,地塞米松与速尿交替应用,同时加用止血药治疗。

    Methods Luminal and chloral hydrate , and dexamethasone and frusemide were given alternatively , 2 ~ 6h after birth of the infants , while hemostatics was added .

  6. 头孢西丁与4种止血药配伍的稳定性试验

    Experiment on Compatible Stability of Cefoxitin with Four Kinds of Hemostatic

  7. 鹿锯茸用止血药的研制及临床应用

    Development and Clinical Application of Hemostatic Drug for Sawed Hairy Deerhorn

  8. 祛瘀止血药对凝血象影响的体外研究

    Effect of Removing - Stasis and Hemostasis Drugs on Coagulation in Vitro

  9. 干落叶松蕈(止血药)卡马西平血药浓度监测与个体化给药

    Monitoring the plasma concentrations of carbamazepine and individualized drug administration

  10. 常用止血药对咯血的疗效评价

    Evaluation on the Effect of Regular Hemostats for Hemoptysis

  11. 止血药的联合用药占790%。

    Combined use of hemostasis drugs rendered 79.0 % .

  12. 常规止血药治疗为对照组。

    For control group , treating with conventional therapy .

  13. 不恰当地使用止血药不仅无效反而有害。

    Improper use of coagulative drugs is very harmful .

  14. 100例肺结核咯血病人止血药的用药分析

    Analysis of the use of hemostasis drugs in 100 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with hemoptysis

  15. 结论:1.应用止血药后明显提高了异位妊娠保守治疗的成功率。

    After using hemostatic medicine obviously improved ectopic pregnancy rate of conservative treatment . 2 .

  16. 目的观察清热凉血、祛瘀止血药组方治疗血热夹瘀型崩漏的疗效。

    The Experimental Study on Treatment of Metrorrhagia and Menorrhagia Due to Blood-Heat by Qingrezhixuening ;

  17. 目的了解肺结核咯血病人止血药的利用情况。

    Objective To know the situation of hemostasis drugs utilization for pulmonary tuberculosis patients with hemoptysis .

  18. 注射用甲磺酸帕珠沙星与3种止血药在氯化钠注射液中配伍的稳定性考察

    Compatible Stability of Pazufloxacin Mesilate for Injection with Three Kinds of Hemostatics in Sodium Chloride Injection

  19. 结论益气止血药能够改变由于雌激素缺乏导致的异常状态。

    Conclusion Abnormity of shorting estrogen can be corrected by the prescription of invigorating Qi and hemostasis .

  20. 使用种类最多的是活血化瘀药,其次是补虚药,再次是清热药、理气药、止血药。

    The most widely used types are blood circulation drugs , followed by a tonic medicine again antipyretic .

  21. 3例在胃镜下局部喷洒止血药、硬化剂注射、电凝等联合治疗后止血成功;

    3 cases were stopped bleeding by local treatment which includes the combinations of spraying haemostatic , injecting hardener and high frequency electrocoagulation .

  22. 用药以补益药、清热泻火药、清热凉血药、止血药、活血祛瘀药、清热燥湿药为主。

    However asthenia of Qi is the main reason in the root , asthenia in the branch is heat poison and blood stasis .

  23. 结论止血药的选用及止血效果与止血药的药理特点、病人基础疾病临床特点有关。

    Conclusion The choice of hemostasis drugs and its effects are related to drug 's pharmaceutical characteristics and patient 's foundation of disease .

  24. 术后出血有11例为大便时手纸带血,均仅加用止血药1-3d,未行特殊处理,出血可自行停止,术后大出血1例在鞍麻下经肛镜缝扎止血成功。

    Minor bleeding in 11 cases ceased without special treatment , only one patient , who had massive bleeding , was treated by reoperation .

  25. 方法将临床常用的止血药按作用机理进行分类和归纳,并比较不同药物的作用特点和使用方法。

    Methods Hemostatic agents were classificated and inducted according to pharmacological mechanism , and their features of mechanism and methods of application were compared .

  26. 目的探讨益气止血药对去势大鼠雌激素及出、凝血机制的影响。

    Objective To explore the influence of bleeding and coagulation in rats by estrogen and effect of the prescription of invigorating Qi and hemostasis on it .

  27. 结果:2例穿刺出血,1例使用少量的止血药,3例气胸因症状轻微未作特殊处理。

    Result : Two patients developed puncture-hemorrhage while one cured by hemostasis drug , 3 cases resulted in pneumatic thorax lowing mild symptoms requiring no treatment .

  28. 卡络磺钠是新一代止血药,每日服用三次,血药浓度波动大。

    Carbazochrome Sodium Sulfonate ( CCSS ) is an antihemorrhagic drug , which is taken 3 times daily and shows bigger fluctuation in the drug concentration .

  29. 方法:以泡浸止血药的明胶海绵、可溶性纱布填压创面,或止血药直接敷于创面止血;

    Method : It is performed by using gelatin sponge and dissoluble gauze soaked with haemostatic to press the surface , or by using haemostatic directly on the surface .

  30. (用明矾等止血药制成的,用来止住小创口的)止血笔调肝止血法、活血祛瘀法、补气摄血法对中孕大鼠药流后子宫复旧的比较研究

    Comparison Research of Uterine Recovery of Rats after Medicine Abortion in the Midtrimester of Pregnancy by Principles of Regulating Liver to Stop Bleeding , Activating Blood to Expel Stasis and Tonifying Qi to Control Bleeding