
  • 网络resin bolt;resin anchored bolt
  1. 浅议树脂锚杆支护质量的几个关键问题

    Discussion on Several Key Problems of the Quality of Resin Bolt Support

  2. 影响树脂锚杆支护效果的易被忽视因素

    Easy disregard factors influenced to support results of resin bolt

  3. 永城矿区树脂锚杆快速施工实践

    Rapid Construction Practice on Colophony-bolt Supporting in Yongchen Mine Area

  4. 煤巷树脂锚杆的施工工艺及应用

    Technique and Apply in g of Bolt Support in g for Coal Road

  5. 我国树脂锚杆的应用概况

    A Survey of Application of Resin Bolting in China

  6. 综采工作面顺槽采用端头树脂锚杆支护的分析

    Analysis of resin bolt timber on ends of channels in comprehensive cutting face

  7. 矿用树脂锚杆锚固质量无损检测的试验研究

    Test and research on non destructive measurement of mine resin bolt anchoring quality

  8. 复杂地质条件下树脂锚杆挂滑轮拖运轻放支架

    Ligh Caving Support Carried by Resin Bolt Hanging Pulley in Complicated Geological Condition

  9. 影响树脂锚杆锚固效果的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors Influencing the Anchoring Effect of the Resin Anchor Rod

  10. 应用高强树脂锚杆支护技术沿空送巷

    Escorting Roadways along Goaf by Using Support Technology with High Strength Resin Bolt

  11. 高强度树脂锚杆支护在高地压巷道中的应用

    App . of high strength resin bolt supporting tech. in high strata pressure roadway

  12. 可回收树脂锚杆锚固段锚固特性研究

    Recoverable Resin Bolt Anchoring Section Anchoring Characteristic Study

  13. 另外,孔壁温度的升高也会降低树脂锚杆的锚固力。

    Moreover , the temperature around the drill hole can influence the resin anchor-hold .

  14. 高强度树脂锚杆、网、索、钢带联合支护的应用

    Application of combined support with high strength resin bolt , net , rope and steel band

  15. 浅谈树脂锚杆在架空人车安装中的应用

    Talking about the Application of the Resin Anchor Stock in the Erection of the Aerial Miner 's Truck

  16. 当淋水量大于583mL/min时,树脂锚杆的锚固力比无淋水时的锚固力下降35%以上。

    As the content is more than 583 mL / min , the anchor-hold fall down above 35 % than the content is zero .

  17. 在对端锚可回收树脂锚杆和普通树脂金属锚杆结构分析的基础上,提出两种分析锚杆锚固段的力学模型;

    Based on the analysis of end-anchored retrievable resin bolt and common resin metal bolt structures , a mechanical model of bonding segment is established .

  18. 在现场测试中,当钻孔的淋水量小于128mL/min时,树脂锚杆的锚固力保持不变;

    In the spot test , as the draining water content around the drill hole is less than 128 mL / min , the anchor-hold can keep constant ;

  19. 同树脂锚杆相比,新型机械锚杆节省了安装、搅拌树脂和等待树脂凝固时间,大大提高了综采工作面巷道施工速度。

    Saving the mixing and solidifying time , the new type of mechanical anchoring bolt can greatly improve the construction speed of roadway of fully mechanized working face .

  20. 根据锚索支护独特的支护效果,再配合树脂锚杆在沿空掘巷道支护中的运用及所达到的效果,为今后矿井巷道设计及支护提供一定的参考煤巷锚网支护试验

    According to the support result of bolting with wire support and resin anchor used in heading along goaf provide a reference for the tunnel design and support . Test of bolting with wire mesh support in coal roadway

  21. 在巷道围岩渗水严重地段,树脂锚杆锚固力往往低于理论计算值,锚杆支护的可靠性难以保证。

    Severe seepage is often occurred in wall rock around the laneway due to the anchor-hold of resin anchoring bolt less than the calculated value , thus resulting in difficulty in guaranteeing the security of the anchoring bolt support .

  22. 结合现场测试,在实验室研究了钻孔流水和钻孔内积水两种情况下,水对树脂锚杆锚固力的影响程度。

    Based on the measurement on site , the influence of water is studied on the anchor-hold of resin anchoring bolt in the laboratory under two conditions , including moving water in borehole and water being accumulated in the borehole .

  23. 因此在深井巷道树脂锚杆支护体系中,应加强通风和降温措施,积极研发耐高温的树脂锚固材料,是巷道支护系统稳定、安全的重要保证。

    Therefore , in roadway of resin bolt support in deep well , that strenthening ventilation and cooling as actively research and development of high temperature resistant resin anchoring material is the important guarantee of roadway support system stability and security .

  24. 对影响树脂锚杆锚固效果的诸多因素进行了深入的分析,并介绍了相应的防范措施,为树脂锚杆的正确安装和使用提供了一些具有可操作性的施工方法。

    This paper makes deep analysis on various factors influencing the anchoring effect of the resin anchor rod , introduces some corresponding preventive measures , and puts forward some practicable construction methods for the proper erection and application of the resin anchor rod .

  25. 文章介绍了福州市中心地下大跨岩石隧洞于山溜冰场的支护设计参数、施工方法以及工程中应用的控制爆破技术和树脂张拉锚杆技术。

    The paper introduces the designed support parameters , construction method , control blasting technique and tensioning resin bolts adopted for Yushan Underground Rink with a large span in the center of Fuzhou City .

  26. 新型树脂式可回收锚杆支护效果分析

    Analysis on Supporting Effect of New Resin Retrievable Bolt