
  • 网络standard input;Standard Input Stream;stdin
  1. stdin是标准输入流,为命令提供输入。

    Stdin is the standard input stream , which provides input to commands .

  2. 许多文本处理命令(过滤器)可以从标准输入流或从文件中获取输入。

    Many text processing commands ( filters ) can take input either from the standard input stream or from a file .

  3. 当从多个文件或标准输入流创建输出时,可以使用当前日期和时间替换文件名和创建日期。

    When output is created from multiple files or the standard input stream , the current date and time are used instead of the filename and creation date .

  4. 在管道符后面,切换到另一个目录,然后从标准输入提取字节流。

    After the pipe , change to a different directory and then extract the byte stream again from the standard input .

  5. 当您在Shell中使用<操作符将程序输入重定向到文件时,就可以将该文件中的内容输入到该程序的标准输入(stdin)流。

    When you redirect a program 's input from a file using the < operator in a shell , you 're pulling the file 's contents into its standard input ( stdin ) stream .

  6. 与DVB-C相比,该标准不仅支持多种输入流和可变的编码调制、自适应编码调制,还能够在有限的复杂程度下拥有更好的性能,以及更大的传输能力和灵活性。

    Compared with DVB-C , this standard not only supports multiple input streams , variable coding and modulation , adaptive coding and modulation , can also have better performance , greater transmission capacity and flexibility .

  7. 另一个常用于重定向标准流的操作符是(管道)操作符,它可以将左侧程序的标准输出流连接到右侧程序的标准输入流。

    The other common operator for redirecting the standard streams is the | ( pipe ) operator , which connects the standard output stream of the program on the left hand side to the standard input stream of the program on the right .