
  • Asahi Beer
  1. 机器人朝日先生正在伦敦著名的塞尔弗里吉百货商店进行国际巡回表演。它为好奇的顾客端上几杯冰冷的朝日啤酒,同时露出机器人式的微笑。

    The robot , called Mr Asahi , began his international tour at Selfridges in London , serving up shots of ice-cold Asahi beer to intrigued customers-with a robotic smile .

  2. 分析师表示,麒麟与三得利合并后的收入,将是朝日啤酒(Asahi)收入的近三倍朝日是目前日本啤酒市场的领军企业。

    Analysts said that a combination of Kirin and Suntory would create a company with nearly three times the revenues of Asahi , currently the country 's market leader .

  3. 朝日啤酒株式会社成立于1880年,是日本最著名的啤酒制造厂商之一。

    Asahi Breweries Co. , Ltd. , founded in1880 , boasts of Japan 's most famous beer manufacturers .