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  • 网络History of Costume
  1. 中外服装史研究与服装设计

    Study on History of Chinese and Foreign Clothing and Fashion Design

  2. 中外服装史的对比教学研究

    Contrast Teaching Research of the Chinese and Foreign Clothing History

  3. 论中国服装史的研究方法

    Research Methodology of the History of Chinese Costume

  4. 服装史上的女性束缚

    Constraint to Females in the History of Fashion

  5. 在西方服装史中,古典风格服装占有重要的地位。

    In the western history of fashion , classic style clothing occupy an important position .

  6. 但是以往的服装史研究往往忽略了两者间的联系。

    But the study of the history of clothing in the past often overlooked links between the two .

  7. 纵观中外服装史,服装的变迁都是以造型的变化来描述的。

    Throughout the history of Chinese and foreign clothing , clothing design changes are described in the changes .

  8. 纺织服装史图文专题数据库建设的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on the Construction of Image Text Thematic Database of the History of Textiles and Clothing

  9. 宗教文化对服饰设计的影响&基于中世纪服装史的分析

    On the Influence of Religious Culture upon Clothing Design : Analysis on the Basis of Medieval Clothing History

  10. 唐代(618—907年)在中国服装史上写下最辉煌的一页。

    The Tang Dynasty ( 618 - 907 ) wrote most brilliant page in the history of Chinese clothing .

  11. 辛亥革命是中国服装史上具有转折意义的重要时期,这一时期新的服饰制度开始确立。

    Xin Hai Revolution is a turning point in the history of Chinese costume which establishes a new costume system .

  12. 红帮服装史上的重大发现&上海裁剪学院:中国第一所服装职业学校

    Great Discovery in the Apparel History of Hong Band & Shanghai Tailoring College : the first apparel vocational school in China

  13. 以艺术学、计算机网络科学的理论为基础,通过网络多媒体软件中国古代服装史的创作实践,可以探寻网络艺术的视觉美、听觉美与计算机网络技术的融合规律。

    So this paper explores the combined theory of art and network technology in making the visual , audio beauty in Chinese classic clothing business .

  14. 该作品中包涵的有关隋唐时期服饰方面的图文信息,对于中国服装史研究有着重要的意义。

    The painting contains visual information on clothing in the Sui-Tang period , and is of great value in the study of the history of Chinese costume .

  15. 给穿戴在艺术的服装史的大背景下合理的地方,需要对内容进行认真分析,使服装艺术表现的一个有效的媒介。

    Giving wearable art a logical place in the broad context of costume history requires a careful analysis of the elements that make costume a valid medium for artistic expression .

  16. 运用对比教学让学生掌握中外服装史的发生、发展规律和差异,从而加深印象,获取知识。

    The usage of contrast teaching lets the student control the occurrence , the development regulation and differences of the Chinese and Foreign clothing history , thereby deepening the impression of knowledge .

  17. 红帮,作为中国近现代服装史上成就和影响最大的一个服装流派,其产生、发展和历史地位的取得,是有深刻的历史机缘和历史依据的。

    Hong Band , as one of the most successful and influential clothing branches in modern Chinese clothing history , has wide historic opportunities and its formation , development and the achievement of its historical position .

  18. 裤裆结构的出现在人类的服装史上具有非常重要的意义,在有裤裆结构之前的各种下装及原始的裤子都在一定程度上限制了人类的某些劳动与运动场合对服装的功能需求。

    The emergence of crotch structure plays a significant role in the history of fashion . Before crotch structure appeared , the original pants , to some extent , limited the function of clothing in the labor and sports areas .

  19. 本文运用了比较史学的原理,对中国现代服装史上按时间顺序而分为三次主要对外交流的现象进行了记述、比较和分析,并得出初步结论。

    In this paper , by using the comparative history principle , according to the time order , the phenomenon of three main international communications in China modern fashion history is discussed , compared and analyzed . Some conclusions are also drawn .

  20. 从服装史的角度来审视人类着装风格的变革我们可以发现:服装风格的变化是物质和精神双重作用的结果,它是当时的社会政治、经济和人文思潮的体现载体。

    From the perspective of the human history of the clothing style of dress change we can find : Changes of Clothing styles are the twofold results of material and spiritual application , what it reflects is the social politics , economy and culture .

  21. 20世纪服装设计史概论

    A Condensed History of Fashion Design in 20th Century

  22. 颠覆潮流的苏联戏剧服装制作史她要么喜欢苏联戏剧

    Either she has a thing for Soviet theater ,

  23. 在服装发展史中,依据织物组织的构成方式,梭织与针织的发展,形成了服装上的两大类别。

    In the development of costume history , being accompanied by the development of tatting and knitting , the fabric formation has formed into two large categories .

  24. 1949年,美国军需总办公室(OfficeoftheQuartermasterGeneral)开始着手将军服颜色固定下来,它寻找军服新颜色的过程可能是服装和官僚史上最广泛的研发和市场测试过程。

    In 1949 , the Office of the Quartermaster General set about stabilizing the army uniform , and its search for a new color may have represented the most extensive development and market-testing process in the history of both apparel and bureaucracy .