
  • 网络correctitude
  1. 整个调查过程中他们都有礼有节,对我很尊重。

    I was treated with decorum and respect throughout the investigation .

  2. 面对媒体的聚焦,宁泽涛依旧谦逊低调、有礼有节。

    In the face of intensifying media attention , Ning is staying humble and disciplined .

  3. 西恩说:要坚持不懈,但也应该有礼有节。如果没有收到回复,可以向潜在联系人发一封跟进邮件。

    Be respectfully persistent , Shin says , by sending a single follow-up email to a potential connection if you haven 't heard back .

  4. 真希望你们能和我们一起在这里,下次我们一定会带上你们的,所以记住要做到有礼有节,还要学会吃各种各样的食物。

    I wish so that you were here with us . the next time we must surely bring you along . so remember to practice your manners and

  5. 岛上的人们还有个习惯,那就是用《圣经》中的人物为自己起名字。他们的称呼中,有“你”与“您”的区别,显得有礼有节;

    So that there are instances among them of men , who , named with Scripture names , a singularly common fashion on the island , and in childhood naturally imbibing the stately dramatic thee and thou of the Quaker idiom ;