
bào dòng
  • riot;insurrection;uprising;rebellion
暴动 [bào dòng]
  • [insurrection;rebellion] 为反抗当时的统治制度、社会秩序而采取的集体武装行动

  • 农民暴动

暴动[bào dòng]
  1. 示威游行变成了暴动。

    The march degenerated into a riot .

  2. 如马丁•路德•金(MartinLutherKing)1968年遇刺前所说:“暴动是不被倾听者的语言(Ariotisthelanguageoftheunheard)。”

    As Martin Luther King said before he was assassinated in 1968 : " A riot is the language of the unheard . "

  3. 最近这次平民暴动是由一位农民的儿子领导的。

    The recent popular uprising was led by a peasant 's son .

  4. 发生这些暴动是因为人们被逼上了绝路,未来看不到一点儿希望。

    These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope .

  5. 美军日前进军阿富汗山区阻止塔利班组织的一次暴动

    US troops moved into the Afghan mountains in an offensive to stop Taliban insurgence .

  6. 因而此次暴动发生并不意外,令人意外的可能只是它发生的速度和血腥性

    Yet the uprising itself did not come a surprise , only perhaps its speed and its bloodiness .

  7. 2.outbreakn.爆发,暴动战争突然爆发后,他很快消灭了敌人。

    He quickly dispatched the enemy after the sudden outbreak of war .

  8. 75年前的这周,洛杉矶发生了“阻特装暴动”(ZootSuitriots)。

    Seventy-five years ago this week , the Zoot Suit riots shook Los Angeles .

  9. n.暴动这些事件可能预示着战争的爆发。

    Such events may forecast an outbreak of war .

  10. 这些系统可以帮助用户在Facebook照片上为朋友标注名字,也可以帮助警方辨认最近英国暴动中的嫌疑人。

    These can tag friends in Facebook photos or help police identify suspects in the recent riots in Britain .

  11. n.暴乱,暴动警察在两小时内制止了违法的暴乱。

    outbreak The outbreak of disorder was put down by the police in two hours .

  12. 在阿拉伯之春(ArabSpring)反政府暴动期间,当抗议者猛攻安全部门总部时,他们经常发现,那些秘密警察购买了欧洲的监控技术来监视抗议者。

    When protesters stormed security service headquarters during the Arab Spring uprisings , they often found secret police had purchased European surveillance technology to monitor protesters .

  13. ChrisHamnett住在伦敦被捕,距离最严重的暴动的发生地点不远。

    Chris Hamnett lives in north London , not far from some of the worst rioting .

  14. 2.incitevt.煽动,鼓动他们煽动工人暴动。

    They incited the workers to violence .

  15. 赞比亚政府正在调查发生在8月4日的最新一起冲突。当天赞比亚南部科蓝煤矿(CollumCoalMine)的矿工发生暴动,期间用手推车辗死了一名50岁的中国籍监工。

    The Zambian government is investigating the latest clash , on Aug. 4 , when rioting workers at a coal mine in southern Zambia killed a 50-year old Chinese supervisor , running him over with a mining cart .

  16. 人性被常见的政治和生态灾难(包括韦德在开篇的旁白中提到的“带宽暴动”)摧残,大部分人都在一个叫“绿洲”(Oasis)的数字天堂里寻求慰藉。

    Humanity has been ravaged by the usual political and ecological disasters ( among them " bandwidth riots " referred to in Wade 's introductory voice-over ) , and most people seek refuge in a digital paradise called the Oasis .

  17. 它给重要的阿拉伯女权主义者提供发表意见的渠道,它分析巴基斯坦恐怖影片,记录埃及的解放广场(TahrirSquare)暴动,公布对说唱歌手M.I.A.和画廊老板拉里·加戈西安(LarryGagosian)的采访。

    It has given voice to important Arab feminists , analyzed Pakistani horror films , documented Egypt 's Tahrir Square uprising , and published interviews with the rapper M.I.A. and the gallerist Larry Gagosian .

  18. 《Bidoun》2011年的其中一期是关于解放广场暴动,这次暴动促使埃及总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克(HosniMubarak)下台,2014年,埃及恢复军事统治。

    In 2011 , Bidoun produced an issue on the Tahrir Square uprising that led to the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt , before the return of military rule in 2014 .

  19. 卡迪夫大学警务调查及培训组织(UPSI)的马丁•因尼斯(MartinInnes)认为,警方面对的暴动人群“不固定地点,不停流动,呈卫星状”,高压水枪不会其多大作用。

    Martin Innes , of the Universities Police Science Institute at Cardiff University , says that water cannon would not be much use against the kind of " fluid , highly mobile satellite groups " that the police have faced .

  20. 周二晚些时候,内政部长罗伯托-马罗尼(RobertoMaroni)向议会上院发表讲话。他赞扬了卡拉布里亚区南部Rosarno地区安全力量的工作。上周,非洲农田工作人员在这里引发了暴动。

    Addressing the upper house of the Italian parliament late Tuesday , Interior Minister Roberto Maroni praised the work of the security forces in the southern Calabrian town of Rosarno , where African farm workers ed in the streets last week .

  21. ChrisHamnett:“从本质上来看,我们看到他们暴动是为了取乐,为了谋利。这些人并不是向受压迫的状态表达愤怒。人们认为,为这种行动出一份力应该很好。”

    CHRIS HAMNETT : " Essentially , what we 've seen is rioting for fun and profit . This is not people expressing their anger against an oppressive state . This is people thinking it would be nice to get a slice of the action . "

  22. TariqJahan:“主要是,我失去了儿子。黑人,亚洲人,白人,我们都居住在同一个社区。为什么要互相残杀?到底是什么引发了暴动,又是什么使暴动升级?他们为什么这么做?”

    TARIQ JAHAN : " Basically , I lost my son . Blacks , Asians , whites -- we all live in the same community . Why do we have to kill one another ? What started these riots , and what 's escalated ? Why are we doing this ? "

  23. 就此引发了1919年芝加哥种族暴动

    This is how the Chicago Race Riot of 1919 begins .

  24. 如果他们这么做是否是在支持暴动呢

    If they do that , are they not supporting insurgence ?

  25. 麦克斯赶紧坐下吧,不然等会又暴动了

    Max , sit down before you start another riot .

  26. 他说自己反对混乱和暴动。

    He says he is opposed to unrest and violence .

  27. 通往神的道路对我而言是劳工暴动,

    My path to God is a worker 's uprising ,

  28. 1956年匈牙利暴动后,他逃到了美国。

    He escaped to the US after the Hungarian uprising of 1956 .

  29. 她认为,大部分暴动者仅仅是为了洗劫。

    She thinks a majority of the rioters simply wanted to loot .

  30. 可能会出现混乱,暴动,搜捕,驱逐营,分裂。

    There may be roundups , raids , deportations , camps , secessions .