
  1. 随着LED芯片发光效率和散热技术的快速提升,显示屏分辨率越来越高,目前填充因子系数已达到10%。

    With the rapid promotion of the LED chip light-emitting efficiency and heat dissipation technology , the fill factor coefficient of the LED display has been up to10 % .

  2. 他们的目标是制造一种分辨率比现今电脑显示屏分辨率更高的纸显示器。

    The target is to have a " paper display " with a resolution higher than that offered by today 's computer screens .

  3. 新型荫罩式等离子显示器的出现为进一步提高等离子体显示屏分辨率、亮度以及降低成本,延长使用寿命提供了可能。

    The birth of shadow Mask Plasma display panel ( SMPDP ) provides the possibility that some parameters of PDPs , like the resolution and luminance , can be further improved .

  4. Kirabook显示屏的分辨率如此之高,以至于显示的文字太小时,会看起来不舒服。

    The Kirabook 's screen resolution is so high that text can get uncomfortably small .

  5. 该公司表示,其显示屏的分辨率是高清电视的7倍。

    Apple said the display has seven times more pixels than a high-definition television .

  6. 它配有10英寸显示屏,分辨率达到2560x1600,着实令人赞叹。

    It will also come equipped with a 10-inch display running at an impressive 2560x1600 resolution .

  7. WVGA显示屏具备800x480分辨率参数,大部分网页都必须使用这个分辨率进行全宽显示。

    WVGA displays are typically the resolution ( 800x480 ) that is necessary to show most Web sites in full page-width .