
rì chénɡ ān pái
  • daily schedule
  1. 日程安排显示他这个周末在纽约,可是他的声音听起来却像是从世界的另一端传来的。

    The bishop 's daily schedule showed him in New York this weekend , and yet hesounded a world away .

  2. 最细微的一个小问题,比如恶劣的天气耽误了她孩子的校车,都会打乱她排得满满的日程安排。

    The smallest snag , such as bad weather delaying her kids ' school bus , could derail her tightly wound daily schedule .

  3. 米切尔的日程安排使他无法休假。

    Mitchel 's schedule had not permitted him to take time off

  4. 即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。

    Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV

  5. 日程安排时我们会把休息时间考虑在内。

    We 'll make allowances in the schedule for time off

  6. 凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排。

    Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI 's punishing work schedule

  7. 完成上周紧张的日程安排后,他抱怨自己累得筋疲力尽。

    He had complained of exhaustion after his gruelling schedule over the past week

  8. 他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。

    He has been forced to adjust his schedule

  9. 我们俩日程安排得都很紧。

    We both have such hectic schedules .

  10. 他的日程安排和我们的有冲突。

    His agenda is discordant with ours .

  11. 看看能不能修改你的日程安排表,想出切实可行的办法来减少你值班的时间。

    See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you 're on call .

  12. 根据日程安排,我们需要作些小小的变动。

    According to the schedule , we have to make a few small changes .

  13. 日程安排得很紧。

    The programme is packed .

  14. 日程安排得太紧了。

    Our schedule is much too tight .

  15. 日程安排得太紧张。

    It 's rather a tight schedule .

  16. 他们主动掌握自己的进度控制,使他们处于最佳,而不是让他们的日程安排,以控制他们和他们的家庭生活。

    They proactively take control of their schedule so that they are at their best , rather than allowing their schedules to control them and their family life .

  17. 然而,富裕家庭的父母当中,有20%的认为其子女的日程安排过于紧凑,而较低收入的父母在这一方面的比例仅有8%。

    Nonetheless , 20 % of well-off parents say their children 's schedules are too hectic , compared with 8 % of poorer parents .

  18. 这些家庭通常是双亲家庭,家长会花大量时间为子女朗读,并且也特别关注孩子的焦虑程度和紧张的日程安排。

    There are usually two parents , who spend a lot of time reading to children and worrying about their anxiety levels and hectic schedules .

  19. 皮尤研究中心的一项新调查发现,富裕家庭完全按日程安排行事,子女跳芭蕾、踢足球、参加课外项目。

    Well-off families are ruled by calendars , with children enrolled in ballet , soccer and after-school programs , according to a new Pew Research Center survey .

  20. 我访问伦敦的日程安排得满满的。

    I have a full program for my visit to London .

  21. 忙碌的生活导致很多新婚夫妇分头度蜜月。有些人不与配偶一起度过蜜月假期,这称为unimoons。两人分开进行蜜月旅行通常是因为工作太忙,或者日程安排有冲突。

    Busy lives lead couples to take separate honeymoons called " unimoons . " Demanding jobs and conflicting schedules lead to the separate post-wedding trips .

  22. 你可以询问工作日程安排、每周工作时长、薪水、福利和其他工作所需的任何信息。

    Find out about your work schedule , the hours per week you are expected to work , salary , benefits , and any information you need to successfully come on board . What you wore to the job interview may not be what you will wear on the job .

  23. 默认情况下,exchange使用为公用文件夹数据库设置的复制日程安排。

    By default , exchange uses the replication schedule that is set on the public folder database .

  24. 他们具有不同的SOA成熟度模型、知识和日程安排。

    They have different SOA maturity models , knowledge , and agendas .

  25. RationalPerformanceTester测试工作量日程安排是完全可定制的,能够对真实的用户进行高精度模拟。

    Rational Performance Tester 's fully customizable test workload scheduler permits highly accurate models of true user profiles .

  26. 但是今年,白宫观察家不但跟踪乔治W·布什的日程安排。

    But this year White House watchers are following not only George W.Bush .

  27. 这个包中也是从其他RationalPerformanceTester构件动态生成Java的位置,例如测试和日程安排。

    This package is also the location for dynamically generated Java from other Rational Performance Tester components , such as tests and schedules .

  28. 例如,如果您想通过outlook添加日程安排,则需要在outlook中创建一个导出文件。

    For example , if you want to add entries from outlook , create an export file in outlook .

  29. 还改进了日常工作中使用的应用程序,如邮件、日程安排和计划、Web浏览和讨论。

    It also included improvements to the applications you use in your daily work , such as mail , calendar and scheduling , Web browsing , and discussions .

  30. productions包含了与产品与日程安排相关的元素。

    Com : : acme : : productions contains elements that are concerned with productions and scheduling .