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  • 网络speechless;MORE THAN I CAN SAY;More Than Words
  1. 无言,无以言表,那就是你给我的感觉。

    Speechless , speechless , that 's how you make me feel .

  2. 我无以言表——太精彩了。

    I 'm lost for words — it 's fantastic

  3. 怀着无以言表的恐惧,我确信这一定是浴室里的那个邪恶的东西在作祟,我拔腿向斜坡下跑去,却被什么东西狠狠得撞了一下。

    Filled with inexplicable18 horror and certainty that this was the same ominous19 thing in the bathroom , I turned on my heels and started down the ramp only to be shoved , hard , by something .

  4. 当他走上那几阶台阶时,我看见了玫瑰以及他脸上的微笑,当时我的心就被触动了。多莉丝告诉CBS记者,我高兴得无以言表,只是说谢谢、谢谢。

    ' As he came up those steps , and I saw those roses and the smile on his face , I just broke inside , ' Doris told CBS . ' I just said , thank you , thank you .

  5. 今天,对于你们的慷慨宽容,我的感激之情无以言表。

    I cannot begin to express my gratitude for your generosity today .

  6. 换而言之,压力大得无以言表。

    In other words , the stress can be off the charts .

  7. 我的感激无以言表先生谢谢

    I don 't know what to say , sir . Thank you .

  8. 无以言表,我甚至没法思考。

    I don 't know what to say . And I cannot think .

  9. 最后一次股东大会上所说的一样,我感受到的痛苦无以言表。

    Shareholder meeting , 'Words alone can 't describe the pain I feel . '

  10. 我非常感谢您对我无私的帮助,我对您的感谢无以言表。

    My true gratitude for your generous help is beyond the word 's description .

  11. 无以言表,音乐可以使心灵接近上帝,并成为灵魂的救治良药。

    Without a word ever spoken , music can move hearts toward God and become medicine to the soul .

  12. 女性在三岁时所要忍受的裹脚之痛一定是无以言表的。

    The pain that the woman must have endured at as early as three years old must have been unbeatable .

  13. 爬山。当我第一次登上黄山的时候,它的美丽几乎让我无以言表。

    When I first climb to the Mount Huangshan , I could hardly find words to express how beautiful it is .

  14. 我很喜欢你在电影里演的角色我很爱这部电影无以言表谢谢

    and I love your character in the movie and just , I love the movie , what can I say.thank you

  15. 安度因在那光芒的中心,抱着他的父亲,一个无以言表的美丽的漩涡在他们之间舞动。

    And at the center of it all was Anduin , holding his father close while a vortex of infinite beauty danced between them .

  16. 光汇聚成一条长龙,蜿蜒盘旋,威风凛凛,它的身后展开了一幅无以言表的景致。

    The rays merge swiftly , turning into a long , awe-inspiring light dragon , winding along , leaving in its wake a breathtaking play .

  17. 更主要的是一种无以言表的、对过去以读书为最高贵寻求的时代的迷恋,而且这已经激发了关于美国正在低能化的辩论。

    Even more so , an unspoken nostalgia for an age when book-learning was the noblest of pursuits has invigorated the debate about the dumbing down of America .

  18. 亲爱的,你还愿意伴我入梦吗?我喜欢这个梦,那美好的感觉,无以言表

    Beloved , would you like to know my hot dream ? I love my dream , it shows me a perfect feeling , which is out of words

  19. 当她最后打开盒盖的时候,爸爸跳了出来。布丽奇特一看到爸爸就又叫又笑跳入他怀中,激动之情无以言表。

    When she finally opens the flaps , her father pops out , and Bridget can 't hide her excitement as she screams , laughs and jumps into his arms .

  20. 他遇到了现在已经变的温柔的埃丝特拉,她的美丽容颜已经不在,但她那无以言表的庄严和无与伦比的美丽却依然存在。

    He visits Satis House , now in ruins , and meets a now softened Estella with the " freshness of her beauty gone but its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remaining " .

  21. 乙:爬山。当我第一次登上黄山的时候,它的美丽几乎让我无以言表。自从当时在现场看过命他们的比赛之后,她受到了无以言表的冲击。

    B : The mountain . When I first climb to the Mount Huangshan , I could hardly find words to express how beautiful it is . She had watched the bicycle contest , which gave her the indescribable shock .

  22. 哈桑发现,先锋派文学中有一种无以言表和自我质疑的特性,文学开始转向反对自身,渴望沉默,留给我们的是愤怒和启示的种种暗示。

    Hassan finds the characteristics of " expression-wordless " and " self-question " in the avant-garde literature , in which the literature began to turn against itself and aspire to silence , and led us behind with uneasy intimations of outrage and apocalypse .