
  • 网络tourism economic benefits
  1. 对团结乡乡村旅游经济效益构成的分析。

    On the unity of rural economic structure of rural tourism .

  2. 信阳南湾风景区旅游经济效益分析

    The analysis about tour economic benefits at Nanwan scenic spot in Xinyang

  3. 关于提高江西旅游经济效益的思考

    Reflections on Raising the Benefit of Jiangxi Tourist Economy

  4. 杭州西湖南线景区的旅游经济效益分析

    The analysis of the tour benefit of the landscaping area on South side of West Lake , Hangzhou

  5. 为了实现在资源不被破坏的前提下旅游经济效益最大化,需主动进行环境治理并采取适当的经济手段。

    In order to attain the maximun benefit without destroying the environment , we need carry out pollution disposal positively and take advantage of economic methods .

  6. 旅游企业经济效益评价方法分析

    Analysis of Economic Benefits Assessment in Tourist Enterprises

  7. 中国各地区旅游企业经济效益评价与统计分析

    Comprehensive evaluation and statistical analysis on the economic benefit of regional tourist enterprises in China

  8. 以期实现四川旅游业经济效益、社会效益和生态效益最大化。

    Maximize not only economy benefit but also society benefit and environment benefit of Sichuan tourism industry .

  9. 不论什么样的价格区间或产品,购物可以使旅游的经济效益传遍全国。

    ' Whatever the price range or product , shopping allows the economic benefits of tourism to be spread across the whole country . '

  10. 本文分析海南旅游业经济效益的现状,研究提高经济效益的主要途径。

    The article mainly analyzes the present condition of the economic effect of tourism in Hainan Island , and suggests the Main Ways of increasing the economic effect .

  11. 一些保护区偏重旅游的经济效益,忽视对景观和资源的保护和管理,造成对生态环境的破坏和资源的退化。

    Some reserves ' authorities focus too much on the economic benefits of tourism while neglect the protection and management of landscape and resources , resulting in the destruction of the ecological environment and resource degradation .

  12. 民族旅游文化与经济效益及其内在联系

    Ethnic Tourism Culture , Its Economic Effectiveness and Their Inner Links

  13. 我国旅游上市公司经济效益评价

    On the Assessment of Economic Benefits of China 's Listed Travelling Companies

  14. 旅游节庆的经济效益是持续性社会效益的前提和保证。

    O Economic benefit is the premise and assurance of sustainable social benefit in tourism festivals .

  15. 对提高旅游旅馆建设经济效益的认识

    Economic Effects of Tourist Hotels

  16. 长沙市乡村旅游无论在经济效益、社会效益,还是在生态效益上,都取得了显著成效。

    Rural tourism in Changsha City has achieved remarkable results in economic benefits , social , or ecological efficiency .

  17. 不过所有人都认为,长期而言,大陆赴台旅游的潜在经济效益将十分巨大。

    However , all agree that over the long term the potential economic benefits of Chinese tourism would be very big .

  18. 麻山区交通方便,在此建成旅游度假村,经济效益和社会效益十分可观。

    Traffic is convenient in Mashan District , if we build a holiday resort here , economic and social benefits would be considerable .

  19. 通过系统的应用,解决传统人工票务管理中的缺陷,实现景区管理的现代化,提高劳动生产率,提供全方位的营销策划支持平台,显著提高旅游景区的经济效益。

    The using of this system solved the limitation of the traditional manpower ticket management , realized the modernization of scenic spot management , enhanced the laboring productivity , provided the all-sided Sale Scheme supported platform , obviously enhanced the economic profit of the touring scenic spot .

  20. 旅游列车开行方案经济效益评价方法研究

    Benefit - Cost Study on Evaluating Tour - Train Circulating-Plan

  21. 提高旅游资源开发的经济效益

    Develop the Tourist Resource and Improve Economic Benefit

  22. 生态旅游有利于实现经济效益、生态效益和社会效益的综合平衡,避免了短视的投机行为。

    Eco tourism helps achieve the comprehensive balance among economic benefit , ecological benefit and social benefit and avoid shortsighted speculation .

  23. 分短期和长期两个阶段,对旅游资源开发中经济效益、社会效益与环境效益三者之间均衡点的确定进行分析;

    It respectively proves the identification of equilibrium point within short-term and long-term periods between economic benefit , social benefit and environmental benefit in tourist attraction exploitation .

  24. 旅游商品是旅游市场经济效益产出中非常重要的一个方面。

    Tourism commodity played very important role in the in-put and out-put of tourism market economy .

  25. 传统大众旅游过分注重旅游的经济效益,一定程度上重蹈以牺牲环境为代价的工业化发展错误模式,导致旅游目的地环境的恶化和旅游效益的丧失。

    The traditional mass tourism pays excessive attention to the economic profit and , to some degree , follows the same old disastrous track of promoting the industrialization " at the cost of environment ", resulting in the environmental deterioration at the scenic sites and the loss of tourism benefits .

  26. 旅游商品业是区域旅游业经济效益产出的重要组成部分。

    Tourism shopping industries is an important component of region tourist industries economic performance output .

  27. 从经济角度而言,森林旅游的可持续发展就是要实现森林旅游经济效益的持续增长。

    From economic viewpoint , sustainable development of forest tourism means to realize continuous increase of economic benefits of forest tourism .

  28. 旅游市场营销是发展旅游事业,获得经济效益的重要环节,本文在分析我国旅游市场营销现状和存在的问题后,提出解决问题的对策。

    By analyzing the actualities and problems of tourism marketing in China , this paper brings forward the countermeasures to solve the problems in the development of the market .

  29. 在文化的背景下去设计旅游景观,转变了我们只注重旅游经济效益的观念,将文化的传承与旅游开发结合起来,实现旅游的可持续发展。

    Cultural tourism landscape design based on the cultual background , changing our focus on the economic benefits of tourism concept , the development of cultural heritage and tourism combine to achieve sustainable development in tourism .

  30. 如何对国际旅游产业结构进行优化调整,提高旅游产业经济效益,仍是辽宁省旅游界需要关注的问题之一。

    How to optimize the international tourism industry structure , improve the tourism industry economic efficiency , which is still one of the issues that concerns of the tourism sector in Liaoning Province .