
  1. 大旅游理念下的深圳旅游发展探讨

    The Idea of Grand Tourism and the Development of Tourism in Shenzhen

  2. 基于文化旅游理念抚顺市旅游资源开发模式研究

    The Development Model of Tourism Resources in Fushun Based on Cultural Tourism Idea

  3. 本文所探讨的跨文化旅游理念源于跨文化交际与旅游的结合的研究,借鉴跨文化交际的相关理论,形成了跨文化交际与旅游相结合的研究。

    The thesis is based on the theory of Intercultural Tourism from the combination of Intercultural Communication and Culture Tourism .

  4. 好的视觉形象设计可以将旅游理念充表达出来,并且易于让人接受,是静态的识别符号。

    A good visual image design can fully express travel ideas and easy to swallow . It is a static identifier .

  5. 特别是目前全球气候变化引起的全球低碳经济时代的到来,引发了基于低碳旅游理念的旅游度假区规划建设的需求。

    The global climate change has brought a low carbon economy , which especially caused the desire of the low carbon concept based planning of tourism resorts .

  6. 树立正确的民俗旅游理念,积极利用、开发民俗旅游资源,对推动当地旅游和经济的发展,具有重大意义。

    In order to promote the development of tourism , it is of great significance to have a correct idea on folk custom tourism , and to fully utilize and exploit tourism resources .

  7. 云南中青旅一贯秉承“诚信服务”的经营理念,以“4P旅游新理念”为企业发展的行为准则。

    CYTS Tours in Yunnan consistently uphold the " integrity services " business philosophy ," 4 P Tourism New Concept " for the development of standards of conduct .

  8. 系统视角下北部湾经济区的旅游发展理念

    Concept of Tourism Development of Beibu Gulf Economic Zone from a Systemic Perspective

  9. 谈旅游服务理念在旅游企业中的确立

    On Establishing Service Concept in Tourism Enterprises

  10. 乡村旅游开发理念批判

    The criticism of rural tourism development ideas

  11. 松潘古城的人文解读与旅游优化理念剖析

    A humanistic interpretation of the ancient city of Songpan and optimization of its tourism development

  12. 第六部分系统的总结出南京城市旅游形象理念系统的三个层次,并重点推荐了一级理念口号。

    In the sixth part , the whole Mind Identity System of Nanjing city tourism is the mainly concerned .

  13. 因此,有必要借助一些先进的旅游营销理念和营销手段改变目前桂林旅游的不利局面。

    So it is very necessary to change the present situation with the aid of advanced tourism marketing concept and marketing methods .

  14. 探究度假旅游的理念特征、供给特征和需求特征;

    Vacation tourism is marked for its demand and supply , which is the distinct characteristics , differed from other tourism modes .

  15. 生态旅游的理念思考与实践探索&以《南太白山(周至)生态保护与旅游发展总体规划》为例

    Pondering over the Theory and Exploring the Practice for Ecotourism Illustrated by " the Site Plan of Ecological Conservation Ecotourism Development for the South Area of Taibai Mountain ( zhou zhi )"

  16. 宏观、中观、微观三个层面的规划相互联系,并与以资源为导向、以市场为导向、以产品为导向、以可持续为导向的旅游规划理念共同整合解析旅游规划的内涵。

    Macro-level , meso-level and micro-level are Interconnected . Thesis analysis the connotation of tourism planning with the idea contained resource oriented , market oriented , product oriented , and sustainable oriented .

  17. 携程旅行社于10月份推出“中国好游客奖励基金”,旨在奖励那些为他人树立榜样的游客,并在中国游客中推广文明旅游的理念。

    Launched in October by Ctrip , the " Excellent Chinese Tourists Fund " aims to reward tourists who serve as role models for others , and promote the idea of civilized tourism among Chinese travelers .

  18. 知识经济时代要求更新旅游营销理念、营销手段,提高服务质量,重视健康旅游、生态旅游,走整体营销之路,这样才能提高旅游产品的竞争力。

    The era of knowledge-based economy demands renewing tourist marketing concepts and means , improving service quality , emphasizing on health-oriented and ecological tourism , and overall marketing . Only in this way can the competitiveness of tourist products be improved .

  19. 通过对野生动物观赏的历史沿革,现代野生动物旅游业理念,我国野生动物园的发展现状的论述,从野生动物物种保护和生存状态角度,尝试提出野生动物园等级划分的标准。

    By the the history of Wildlife Tourism , the concept of modern Wildlife Tourism , and the situation of wildlife park development in China , from the point of the wildlife species conversation and the existence appearance , try to advanced the criterion of Safari Park ranking system .

  20. 寻求旅游企业管理理念的新突破

    Seeking A New Breakthrough in the Managerial Concept for Tourism Enterprises

  21. 21世纪旅游营销新理念:定制营销

    Customized Marketing : A New Concept for the 21st-Century Tourism

  22. 与此同时,乡村休闲旅游在营销理念和策略上尚存在诸多问题。

    Meanwhile , there exist many problems in the marketing methods and strategies .

  23. 试论旅游形象的理念识别

    A Study on Mind Identity of Tourist Image

  24. 文物旅游资源开发理念和实践初探

    Preliminary Study on Idea and Practice of Exploiting the Tourist Resource of Cultural Relics

  25. 基于少数民族旅游循环经济理念的民族文化补偿问题研究

    Study of National Culture Compensation Based on the Concept of Minority Tourism Circular Economy

  26. 旅游整合营销理念的发展潮流,将推动旅游广告逐步走向成熟。

    The trend of tourism to integrate marketing will drive tourism advertisement into maturity .

  27. 旅游地图设计理念的思考

    On the designing idea of tourist map

  28. 文武圣人情结与中国现代旅游主题文化理念的整合

    The Complex Tendency on Scholar-Saint and Warrior-Saint and Conformity of Cultural Ideas on Modern Tourism in China

  29. 热点问题研究的综述主要涉及大旅游的发展理念、旅游联合促销、区域旅游联合发展的空间组织形式的有关研究。

    The summary of discussion on hot issues involved the study of macro tourism concepts , tourism joint promotion , and spatial organic forms of regional tourism joint development .

  30. 你的第二守护星,火星,会向你的第九宫(高等教育、外地旅游、哲学理念等)进法,你将会受惠于旅行,或有一个全然是新的机会,面对全新的设定。

    With your secondary ruler , Mars , moving through your ninth house , you will benefit from travel and the opportunity to be in a completely new setting .