
  • 网络Tourism and Hotel Management;Tourism and Hospitality Management
  1. 高职院校旅游与酒店管理专业实习管理问题分析及对策探索

    A Study on the Major Practice of Tourism and Hotel Management

  2. 澳大利亚启动旅游与酒店管理奖学金

    Australia Offers the Scholarship of Tourism and Hotel Management

  3. 强调厚基础、强能力、广适应的素质教育是旅游与酒店管理专业的大方向,因此必须加强专业教学的实践环节。

    We should strengthen the practice tache of speciality teaching to implement the diathesis education .

  4. 我是一名旅游与酒店管理专业得硕士研究生,就读于英国波恩茅斯大学。

    I am a Masters student studying Tourism & Hospitality Management at Bournemouth University in UK .

  5. 教学改革试点方案思考与实践&旅游与酒店管理专业个案研究

    Thinking and Practising about the Triable Scheme of the Teaching Reform in Travel and Hotel Management Department

  6. 他的研究专长是国际旅游与酒店管理、战略管理和旅游业企业家。

    His specialized subjects are International Tourism and Hospitality Management , Strategic Management , and Entrepreneurship in tourism industry .

  7. 目前有许多中等职业学校设置了旅游与酒店管理专业。

    At present ," Tourism & Hotel Management " has become a common major in many medium vocational schools .

  8. “蓝山”的毕业生活跃于澳洲乃至全球旅游与酒店管理行业各个重要岗位,并取得成功。

    It 's highly qualified and professional graduates are actively sought by industry and enjoy successful and diverse careers within the hotel and tourism industry both in Australia and around the world .

  9. 但是,虽然旅游企业与高职酒店管理专业人才供需两旺,却出现成交率不高的错位现象。

    But although supply and demand of tourism enterprises and vocational hotel management professionals are booming , it also has a dislocation of low deal rate .

  10. 实践环节的设计不仅是为了服务技能和业务操作能力的培养,更是为了毕业生能真正胜任旅游与酒店行业的管理工作,同时也是对理论知识的巩固与加强。

    The design of practice tache is not only cultivating service technique and operation ability , but also strengthening the theory knowledge of tourism and hotel management work .