
  1. 新建房屋的数目是国家繁荣的一个有用指标。

    The number of new houses being built is a good index of a country 's prosperity .

  2. 城市边缘的新建房屋犹如雨后春笋。

    New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town .

  3. 在旧基桩上新建房屋基础的设计与施工

    Design and construction of new building foundation on old piles

  4. 新建房屋白蚁预防分析

    The analyses of prevention to termite for new houses

  5. 氯丹在新建房屋预防白蚁危害的评价

    Appraisal of Chlordane in the Effect of Prevention to Termite for New Houses

  6. 新建房屋装修后室内空气质量调查

    Indoor Air Condition Survey after Decoration of Newly-built Housing

  7. 新建房屋通常导致土地价格上涨。

    New buildings usually appreciate the price of land .

  8. 该规定要求,所有新建房屋必须在2021年以前实现净能耗接近于零。

    It requires all new buildings to be nearly zero energy by 2021 .

  9. 药饵法对新建房屋白蚁控制技术的研究

    Studies on the technology of toxic baits against termites in new houses and buildings

  10. 木材价格上涨,新建房屋的价格势必随着上涨。

    Lumberprices go up , and higher prices for new houses are bound to result .

  11. 该规定要求,所有新建房屋必须在2021年以前实现“净能耗接近于零”。

    It requires all new buildings to be " nearly zero energy " by 2021 .

  12. 此外,政府还限制在距离海岸100英米以内的地方新建房屋。

    There is also a ban on building new homes within 100 metres of the coast .

  13. 由于如今新建房屋距离市中心更远,因此拉低了总体的平均报价。

    As homes are built further away from city centres , they weigh down average reported prices .

  14. 让新建房屋实现“零排放”的计划是实现减排目标的有效途径吗?

    Is the plan to make new homes " zero carbon " an efficient way to achieve emissions reductions ?

  15. 本实用新型可用于新建房屋,也适用于旧房屋排水管道的改装。

    The utility model is suitable for building new houses and refitting the draining pipes of the old houses .

  16. 目的采用药饵法控制白蚁对新建房屋建筑破坏性危害。

    Objective To control the destructive damage induced by termites using the method of toxic baits in new houses and buildings .

  17. 结论药饵法新建房屋建筑白蚁控制技术是白蚁防制技术新的选择。

    Conclusion The technology of toxic baits against termites in new houses and buildings was a new alternative for termite control .

  18. 此外,亦需藉由政府之力量,规范新建房屋无障碍空间设计,以符合高龄者对政策之期望。

    In order to answer to the senior expects , it still needs government power to establish laws for disability-free space .

  19. 如果,银行提高了建筑商的贷款利率,那么,新建房屋的建造成本会受到何种影响呢?

    If banks charge higher interest on loans to builders , how will that affect the cost of a new home ?

  20. 这种缺乏想象力的念头在建筑规章里得到了体现,法规要求多数的新建房屋尺寸要小,看起来不能太现代。

    This lack of imagination was reflected in building codes that required most new structures to be small and not look too modern .

  21. 在中国,由于历史和现实的原因,混凝土结构在已有和新建房屋仍然占有绝对的比例。

    For historical and practical reasons , concrete structures in existing and new buildings are occupying an absolute number of percentages in China .

  22. 《民居里的天井》在村庄里转了转,古屋已经只剩下几栋了,散落在新建房屋之间。

    Open yard in the folk house Walking around this village , there is only few ancient houses which are scattering among those new buildings .

  23. 对新建房屋的给水、排水项目存在的几个问题进行分析,提出了如何解决这些问题的对策建议。

    The article direct to questions about the water supply and drainage existence in newly built house projects , and propose how to solve these questions .

  24. 经济学家说,中国过去一年以来的经济增长是实施经济刺激计划的结果,包括刺激新建房屋和工厂的放宽借贷措施。

    Economists say much of China 's growth in the past year was the result of stimulus efforts , including rapid lending growth that funded new housing and factory construction .

  25. 芝加哥麦斯洛金融公司的首席经济学家戴安娜·斯旺克认为,由于房屋库存量极大过剩,市场目前最不需要的就是大量新建房屋。

    Given massive inventory surpluses , the last thing the market needs is an infusion of newly-built dwellings , according to Diane Swonk , Chief Economist at Chicago-based Mesirow Financial .

  26. 商务部报道称,六月份和七月份,新建房屋的销量下降了20%,降低到自1963年有记录以来的最低水平。

    The Commerce Department reported that sales of newly built houses dropped twelve percent between June and July . They fell to the lowest level since records began in nineteen sixty-three .

  27. 基础隔震技术已成为一种新的抗震对策,不仅适用于新建房屋设计,而且也为旧房加固和珍贵历史文物的保护开辟了新的途径。

    Base-isolation technique has been considered as a viable alternative aseismic method , not only for designing of new structures , but also for rehabilitating of deficient buildings and protecting of historical buildings .

  28. 针对导致砌体结构裂缝的原因,从荷载裂缝、地基不均匀沉降裂缝、温度裂缝和干缩裂缝四方面进行了分析,提出了控制其裂缝产生的具体措施,以提高新建房屋质量的可靠性。

    According to reasons inducing cracks of block structure , it analyzes from loading crack 、 non-uniform sedimentation crack 、 temperature and desiccation crack , and puts forward specific control measures to improve reliability of house .

  29. 商务部说,上个月新建房屋的销售下降到13年来的最低水平,售出房屋的中间价格几乎比一年前下跌了3%。

    The Commerce Department said sales of newly built homes last month fell to the lowest level in 13 years . The median price of homes sold was down nearly three percent from a year earlier .

  30. 新疆从2004年开始实施的城乡抗震安居工程,对农村民居建设提出了相关技术要求,在实际工作中采取相关技术措施,确保新建房屋达到相关技术规定,取得了良好的效果。

    The urban and rural seismic safe buildings project of Xinjiang was initiated in 2004 . Through putting forward some technology demands , adopting technology measures and making sure the new rural buildings achieve its technology rules , the project has reached its goal .