
  1. 古典艺术精神是一个民族文艺传统的精髓,对于理解传统美学精神具有重要意义。

    The classical spirit of art embodies the essence of the national art tradition and is important for he understanding the spirit of traditional aesthetics .

  2. 在国家危难的特殊时期,文艺传统的教化作用倍加放大,在救国于危难中发挥了不可估量的作用。

    In a special period of national crisis , the literary tradition of the role of education is doubly amplified , played an invaluable role in the national salvation in times of crisis .

  3. 然而由于主客观诸因素的制约,在崇尚南朝文艺传统与审美趣味的社会文化风尚下,其文学活动与作品呈现出多种因素、多样趣味融而未合的杂糅并置状态。

    However , due to some objective factors and the influence of cultural traditions and aesthetic views of Nan Dynasty , Shimin 's works appeared as the mixture of many factors without fusion .

  4. 当代文学在创建这种政治社会共同体的过程中起到了关键作用,并使自己超越了作为国民文学的五四新文艺传统。

    " Contemporary literature ", having played a key part in the process of establishing the " political society " community , has transcended the tradition of " national literature " represented by new literature and art of the May Fourth Movement .

  5. 俄国文艺批评传统中存在着一条历史轨迹鲜明的“生命路线”。

    There existed a distinct " line of life " in the traditional Russian literary criticism .

  6. 直线透视法在西方绘画中持续到19世纪末,直到塞尚将文艺复兴传统的画面空间平面化为止。

    Linear perspective dominated Western painting until the late19th century , when Paul C é zanne flattened the conventional picture plane .

  7. 其修改原因主要体现在以下三个层面:一是中外文艺修改传统的当代影响;

    It is currently published in different versions for the following reasons : First , it has been influenced by the literary and artistic revision movements occurred both overseas and at home .

  8. 试论当代文艺理论对传统诗学的阐释

    The Interpretation of Traditional Poetics by Contemporary Literary Theories

  9. 文艺美学是传统美学发展的必然产物。

    Literary and art aesthetics is the inexorable outcome of the development of traditional aesthetics .

  10. 节日,作为一个综合的文化现象,文化系统,由价值观念、文艺活动、传统风俗、宗教祭祀、生活方式五大要素构成。

    As a synthetic culture phenomenon and system , festival consists of five elements which are value viewpoint , art activities , conventional habitude , religion fete , life style .

  11. 其表现形式即有别于文艺复兴再现传统,也有异于现代绘画的表现原则,冷静而又理性的画面几近科学演绎,特殊的内容和表现形式远远超出了传统的绘画审美意义。

    His manifestations are different from the reappearance of the Renaissance , and are different from the principles of modem painting , too . The calm and rational pictures are almost scientific deductions ; The unique content and manifestations greatly exceed the traditional meaning of aesthetics .

  12. 从海德格尔文艺观之一看传统语文教学

    Based on Heidegger 's View of Literature and Art Traditional Chinese-Teaching

  13. 论中国古代文艺美学的民族传统

    On the National Tradition of the Ancient Chinese Aesthetics of Literary Criticism

  14. 奇怪的是,意大利还没有抛弃它在文艺复兴时的传统。

    In a curious way Italy had not yet broken with its Renaissance tradition .

  15. 20世纪的影像文化大潮,强烈冲击着文艺生态,一些传统文艺品种的生存受到了严重威胁。

    The tide of video culture of the 20th century has been vigorously colliding with the ecology of literature and art . Some types of the traditional literature and arts are severely threatened .