
wén zì pái bǎn
  • Text layout;text/page layout
  1. 但是,也有些东西不得不使用电脑来处理,如:电子表格和文字排版。

    But there were still things you could do with a computer that you couldn 't do without it like spreadsheets and word processing .

  2. 当然你可以应用文字排版、色彩、男女主角的靓图来有力展现电影的魅力,但你必须清楚如何合理地把这些元素混搭在一起。

    Of course you can use such powerful tools like typography , colors and protagonist faces but still you have to know the secret formula for mixing all these things the right way .

  3. 计算机批阅文字编辑排版试题的实现技术

    The Technique to Mark the Examination Question About Editing and Composing by Computer

  4. 这些文字是排版出来的。

    This text comes form the typesetting machine .

  5. 汉字排版总是需要花更多的时间与精力,才能达到与英文(国内应用最多的拼音文字)排版同样的视觉效果。

    I always pass that character layout takes more time and effort in order to achieve and English ( the most widely used alphabetic writing country ) the same visual layout .

  6. 目前OA已经从最初的汉字输入、文字处理、排版编辑、查询检索等的单机应用软件逐渐发展成为现代化的网络办公系统。

    At present OA already develops itself to the modernized network work system , from the basic Chinese character input , the word processing , the typesetting , and inquiry retrieval .

  7. DOS下文字处理和排版阶段(1984-1994),其主要特点是初步研究并理解计算机的体系结构和工作原理。

    DOS-based character processing and publishing software ( 1984-1994 ) One of the peculiarities of this stage was the effort to study and understand the structure and principles of computers .

  8. UCAN报表系统具有当前任何其他报表系统无法比拟的文字处理和排版功能。

    Compared with the other report systems , Ucan has the unparalleled functions such as Chinese character processing and layout .

  9. 中国少数民族文字编码与排版技术研究

    Research on the Coding and Typesetting technology of Chinese Minority Script

  10. 非Manhattan版面中,区域形状不规则及空间关系复杂使得确定合乎视觉脉络的无歧义的文字阅读顺序成为排版及版面理解过程中的一个难点。

    Detecting reading order for non Manhattan layout which has anomalous shape and complicated space relationship is a key problem in research of document image understanding ( DIU ) and text typesetting .

  11. 以字典排版为例,解决了在同一段落中含有多种复杂格式文字符号的文档排版问题,而且给出了分析实现方法并介绍了具体排版实例程序。

    With the automatic typesetting example of Italian-Chinese dictionary which includes many complicated forms of Words , a VBA programm is presented to accomplish high efficient typesetting in text document of Microsoft Word .