
  • 网络cultural integration;culture integration
  1. 加入WTO与福建民营经济发展中的文化整合问题研究

    Research into the Interrelationship between Chinese Entry into WTO and the Cultural Integration in the Economic Development of Fujian Private-owned Enterprises

  2. 国有银行改革:如何实现文化整合

    How to Achieve Cultural Integration in the Reform of State-Owned Banks

  3. 中国企业跨国并购中文化整合模式的选择及其启示&以联想集团并购IBM个人电脑事业部为例

    Selection and Enlightenment of Cultural Synergy Patters of Chinese Enterprises in Cross & national Merger and Amalgamation

  4. 论文的最后部分中,作者将GECapital和杭州轴承厂两家企业在兼并中的成功经验和失败教训进行了对比分析,从实证角度证明文化整合的重要性及应当注意的几个关键点。

    In the end of the article , the author contrasts the success experience of GE Capital and the lessons of Hangzhou Bearing Factory .

  5. 从学校到社会,再从社会到学校等角度探讨高校合并后校园文化整合的对策是本文研究的目的。

    From school to society , then from society to school etc.

  6. 陕西并购重组企业文化整合路径探讨

    Discussion on Cultural Integration of M & A Enterprises in Shaanxi

  7. 文化整合是文化发展的动力。

    Cultural integration is the motive force of the development of culture .

  8. 国外企业兼并文化整合模式与选择理论及其启示

    Patterns & Theories Concerning Foreign Mergered Enterprises ' Cultural Integrity

  9. 略论文化整合力与旅游业的可持续发展

    On " Culture Bunching " and Duration Development of Tourism

  10. 跨国并购中的文化整合模式及其选择

    The Mode of Culture Combining and Choose in Transnational Merger

  11. 文化整合是文化发展与创新的动力。

    Culture integration is the driving force of cultural development and innovation ;

  12. 高校合并的文化整合与重构的探讨

    Discussion on the Cultural Integration and Reconstruction since the Combination of Colleges

  13. 立足文化整合的基本视域,探析了面对转型与创新的文化变迁,孔子文化整合的成功经验值得反思与借鉴。

    The successful experience of Confucius deserves reflection and learning .

  14. 文化整合在银行并购后的功能及实施

    Functions and Applications of Cultural Integration after M & A of Banks

  15. 中国企业跨国并购后的文化整合与沟通

    Cultural Integration and Communication for Chinese Companies ' Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions

  16. 跨国公司人力资源的跨文化整合模式研究

    The Mode of Cross-culture Human Resource Integration for Multinational Corporation

  17. 科技与文化整合的两个问题&对传统文化与西方化的反思

    Conformity Between Science and Culture & Introspections on traditional culture and westernization

  18. 文化整合与科学技术的可持续发展

    Culture Combination and Sustainable Development of Science and Technology

  19. 本尼迪克特的文化整合思想刍议

    Some Opinions on the Cultural Integration Thought of Benedict

  20. 跨国购并中企业文化整合策略

    Corporate Culture Integration Strategy in Transnational Merger and Acquisition

  21. 我国企业海外并购中的文化整合研究

    Research on the Cultural Integration of Oversea M & A in Chinese Corporations

  22. 如何在并购企业中进行文化整合?

    How to conduct cultural integration in enterprise acquisition ?

  23. 并购后的文化整合企业并购中的文化整合研究

    Study on Cultural Integration in Merger and Acquisition Enterprises

  24. 合并高校的校园文化整合与重建

    Integration and Reconstruction of Campus Culture in Amalgamated Universities

  25. 文化整合与创新再造是企业并购成败的关键因素。

    Cultural integration and acqusition and renovation is the key in successful firms merger .

  26. 阶层文化整合的目标是为了实现和谐、顺畅的阶层关系秩序。

    The integration objective of stratum cultures is to construct harmony stratum relation system .

  27. 所以,企业文化整合需要分阶段进行。

    So the cultural conformity in enterprises should be carried out step by step .

  28. 论全球化视野下的民族文化整合与发展

    On integration and development in view of globalization

  29. 大学的文化整合机制

    The Mechanism of the University 's Culture Integration

  30. 多元文化整合教育理论视角下的民族地区校本课程开发

    School-based Curriculum Development in Minority Regions in the Perspective of Multi-cultural Integration Education Theory