
wén huà quān
  • cultural ring
  1. 唐代以长安&洛阳为中心的两京文化圈,一直吸引着以文学为主的精英文化群。

    The tang dynasty to " changan , luoyang " as the center of two Beijing cultural ring , have been attracted to literature primarily elite culture group .

  2. 究其原因,是因为佤族拥有相对完整而稳定的音乐文化圈;佤族民俗文化的长期延续和良好的民间音乐文化传承机制为其民间音乐文化的生存提供了土壤;

    However , the cultural inheritance of the Wa 's folk music goes on fairly well because the Wa nationality has a relatively stable and comprehensive cultural ring of music which is the solid foundation for the stable inheritance of folk culture and music .

  3. 汉字文化圈的同源标记现象与脱语化&以中韩、韩中口译过程为例不同来源黄芪的AFLP标记和代谢谱分析

    The Paronym Mark Phenomena and Purification of Meaning in the Interpretation between Chinese and Korean Study of Different Sources Astragalus with AFLP and Metabolite Profiling

  4. 地产咨询公司莱坊(KnightFrank)的住宅研究主管利亚姆•贝利(LiamBailey)表示,盎格鲁文化圈(Anglosphere)仍因其使用英语、教育体制良好和政府稳定而颇受欢迎。

    Liam Bailey , head of residential research at Knight Frank , the property consultancy , said that the Anglosphere remains popular for its use of English , good education system and stable government .

  5. 地产咨询公司莱坊(KnightFrank)的住宅研究主管利亚姆•贝利(LiamBailey)表示,“盎格鲁文化圈”(Anglosphere)仍因其使用英语、教育体制良好和政府稳定而颇受欢迎。

    Liam Bailey , head of residential research at Knight Frank , the property consultancy , said that the " Anglosphere " remains popular for its use of English , good education system and stable government .

  6. 中华文化圈有着丰富的太阳母题神话。

    There are a great many Sun-myths in China literary circles .

  7. 中韩两国同属于汉字文化圈。

    China and South Korea belong to the Chinese cultural circle .

  8. 韩国,日本和中国属于汉字文化圈。

    South Korea , Japan and China belongs to Chinese culture .

  9. 琵琶与钢琴分属于中西两个文化圈。

    The Pipa and Piano belonging to Chinese and western cultural circle .

  10. 这属于所谓的“英文文化圈”。

    It belongs to what has been called the Anglosphere .

  11. 文化圈理论与萨满教文化圈

    On the Theory of Culture Circle and Shamanism Culture Circle

  12. 不同文化圈、异质文化之间,有其相容性和不相容性两种性质存在。

    There exist compatibility and incompatibility in different cultural circles and different cultures .

  13. 中国和日本,一衣带水的邻邦,同属于东亚文化圈。

    China and Japan are neighbors located in the East Asian cultural circle .

  14. 论长三角图书馆文化圈的建设与发展

    On construction and development of library cultural circle in Yangtze River Delta Region

  15. 新汉文化圈主张的消极意义

    The New Chinese Cultural Circle and Its Negative Significance

  16. 东亚汉字文化圈及其形成论析

    On the Culture Circle of Chinese Characters in East Asia and Its Forming

  17. 论安徽省环巢湖旅游经济文化圈三圈合一战略

    On Anhui province Chao lake tourism economy circle " three in one " strategy

  18. 侗文化圈传统村落及建筑研究框架

    Research Frame of Traditional Villages and Buildings under Dong Nationality 's Culture Circles Background

  19. 这对东亚文化圈的巩固和发展起了至关重要的作用。

    Basic Characteristics of East Asian Culture and their Interactions in the Spreading Process ;

  20. 论制度创新视角下企业人力资源文化圈的构建

    The Construction of Enterprise Human Resources Culture Circle from the Perspective of System Innovation

  21. 历史视野下的台湾海峡文化圈

    Taiwan Culture Circle in Perception of Historical Views

  22. 傣泰民族起源与傣泰民族文化圈的形成新探

    A Probe into the Origin of Thai-Dai People and Formation of Thai-Dai Ethnic Cultural Circle

  23. 清初虞山派及其诗文化圈

    Poems convey ambition Yushan Poetic School and Its Poetic-cultural Circle in the Early Qing Dynasty

  24. 汉语言远端教育文化圈:一个值得注意的远端教育文化构想

    Far-End Educational Culture Circle of Chinese Language : A Worthy Idea on Far-End Educational Culture

  25. 文化圈学说与文化中心论

    Theories of Culture Circle and Culture Center

  26. 简论世界汉语文化圈的语言变异研究

    Language Variations in the Global Chinese Culture

  27. 各个玉文化圈内的玉文化在新石器时代早期和中期独立起源并相对独立的发展,直至新石器时代晚期有明显的区域差异。

    Every jade cultural circle originated and developed independently in the early and middle Neolithic Age .

  28. 亚洲伦理思想与三大文化圈

    Asian Ethics and Three Cultural Rings

  29. 在汉文化圈中,越南是浸染中国文化最深的国家。

    In the Chinese cultural circle , Vietnam is most affected by the Chinese national culture .

  30. 在唐代正式形成的一系列制度不仅强烈地影响着中国后期官印制度,同时也对周边汉文化圈国家产生了深刻的影响。

    A series of regulation had affected both the later official seal system and neighbouring countries .