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  • 网络Specification
  1. 术后视力:光感1眼,眼前数指2眼,0.1~0.2者5眼,0.3者2眼,≥0.5者3眼(联合ECCE加IOL植入术)。

    Post-operative visual acuity was light perception in 1 eye , finger counting in 2 eyes , 0.1-0.2 in 5 eyes , 0.3 in 2 eyes .

  2. 结果全部病例带虹膜膈人工晶体植入成功,术后视力眼前数指到0。

    Results The postoperative vision index was recovered to0.08 or better for all cases .

  3. 术后视力范围眼前数指~0.5。

    The best-corrected visual acuity were increased ( P < 0.01 ) and ranged from counting finger to 0.5 after surgery .

  4. 12只眼黄斑出血区形成机化瘢和色素增生,视力数指/眼前~0.2;

    Scar and pigment proliferation in the hemorrhage area were seen in 12 eyes with the visual acuity of finger counting ( FC ) to 0.2 ;

  5. 乡村电话用户数指县城关区以下的集镇和农村接入局用交换机的电话用户数。

    Rural Telephone Subscribers refer to telephone subscribers , located at towns under county town and country , that are connected to the public line telephone network .

  6. 患者就诊时视力为眼前数指至0.5,病变广泛者及病变位于后极部者视力下降尤为严重。

    The visual acuity ranged from finger counting to 0.5 . The patients with extensive CMV retinitis or CMV retinitis in the posterior pole got poorer vision .

  7. 评价手术后视力恢复的标准为:失明、眼前手动、眼前数指、光感、能见视力表符号5个级别。

    For the purpose of evaluation , the postoperative outcome of visual acuity was classified into five grades : blindness , hand motion , finger counter , light perception , and acuity chart vision .

  8. 以白银百份比数指显示,白银表现比黄金更好,分析员认为是由2008年第二季,白银在市场在停留了一段时间,造成目前有空间回赚。

    In percentage terms the white metal has even outperformed gold as some analysts agree that for the second part of2008 silver was left behind and now there 's some lost ground to be regained .

  9. 结果本组26例患者中,8例术后视力由术前光感或眼前数指恢复至01以上,10例有中度增进,8例无明显好转。

    Results The visual acuity was significantly improved from light perception or finger counting to 0.1 in 8 of a total of 26 cases , partially improved in 10 cases , and no change in vision in 8 cases .

  10. 视力恢复评价标准:黑蒙、光感、眼前手动、眼前数指和能见标字视力表符号5个级别,术后视力提高2个级别以上者为有效。

    Visual recovering evaluation criterion included 5 visual levels , e.g. blindness , light perception , hand motion , finger counting and acuity chart . The improvement of two visual levels or more was defined as effective , otherwise as inefficient .

  11. 将患者术前裸眼视力分为5级:光感、手动、数指、0.02~0.1、0.1~0.4,并记录白内障混浊程度及其它可能影响测量的因素。

    The uncorrected visual acuity is assorted to five levels : light perception , hand move , count finger , 0.02 ~ 0.1 and 0.1 ~ 0.4 . The state of lens opacity and the possible causes of measurement failure are recorded .

  12. 已读取的文件总字节数是指已读取的文件字节总数。

    Total File Bytes Read is the total number of file bytes read .

  13. 当前传出分发连接数是指当前与分发服务器之间的连接的数量。

    Current Outgoing Distribution Connections is the current number of connections to distribution servers .

  14. 贝尔定-哈特指数标准的人从事不同程度的活动时的热应力估计数(指底片度数)美国标准([英国标准])

    Belding-Hatch index ( of a scale of film speeds ) American Standards Association ( / British Standard )

  15. 本表机构数均指由文化(文物)主管部门管辖的文化(文物)事业机构。

    Institutions in this table refer to those under the administration of cultural ( cultural relics ) departments .

  16. 人口数:指一定时点、定地区范围内的有生命的个人的总和。

    Total Population : refers to the total number of people alive at a certain point of time within a given area .

  17. 当前连接的播放机数是指当前采用单播连接方式与服务器连接的播放机的数量。

    Current Connected Players is the current number of players with unicast connections to the publishing point . unite by a scarf joint .

  18. 图的边色数是指对图的边进行染色使得任意两相邻边染不同的颜色所需要的最少的色数。

    The chromatic index χ′( G ) of a graph G is the minimum number of colors required to color the edges of G so that two adjacent edges receive different colors .

  19. “请求数”是指HTTP请求的数量。

    " Num of Request " is the number of HTTP requests .

  20. Work,labour,toil均为不可数名词,指做工作的行为。

    Work , labour and toil are uncountable nouns indicating the activity needed to perform a job .

  21. 可数名词是指可以计算的名词。

    Countable Nouns are nouns that can be counted .

  22. 当可数名词复数指特定的人物或事物时必须要用限定词。

    Plural count nouns do take a determiner when they referprecisely to particular things of people .

  23. 可数性除了指被计数的可能性外,还可以指可数语义或用法,以及可数名词。

    Apart from the possibility of being counted , countability also refers to countable meanings or usages as well as count nouns .

  24. 产量构成因素对单株皮棉产量的直接通径系数大小依次为衣分>单铃重>籽指>单株结铃数>衣指;

    The direct path coefficient of yield components to lint yield per plant was lint percentage > boll weight > seed iadex > number of boll per plant > lint index .

  25. 根据系统的话务情况与特点确定了系统采用多信道共用技术以及相应的共用信道数、信道指配原则、信道指配模式、信道选取原则和系统的呼叫方式;

    The shared channel technology and the shared corresponding channel number , channel assignment principle , channel selection pattern and the calling mode are decided according to the communicative requirement and specialty of the system .

  26. 犯罪黑数,是指事实上犯罪行为已经发生,但由于种种原因未予记载到犯罪统计中的犯罪数量。

    The non-recorded numbers of criminal cases ( Black numbers ) mean that the criminal offences have already taken place , but due to various reasons , they have not been recorded into criminal statistics .

  27. 非农业部门就业人口数的变化:指的是非农业经济领域每月就业人口的增加或者减少的数字。

    Change in total non-farm payroll employment-the number of payroll jobs added or lost between monthly surveys in the nonagricultural economy .

  28. 因此,可用种子形成期的日照时数为主要气象指际,抽苔期日平均温度为辅助指标,在此基础上初步建立含油量预报的数学模型。

    Therefore , solar radiation hours during seed-formation stage could be used as the main meteorological index , and daily mean temperature as a supplemental one to predict oil contents of rapeseed .

  29. 上面的结果表明在字形加工中存在着部件数效应,它指部件越多越容易识别汉字字形。

    These results showed that there is the effect of component number in the early stage of visual perception of Chinese characters , which refers to the more components involved in a character , the easier to identify the form of the character .