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  • 网络Educational Thesis;EdD Online
  1. 指导硕士生数学教育论文写作的实践与认识

    Practice and Recognition of Instructing Research Students in the Process of Writing Thesis

  2. 论教育论文评价的标准

    On the Criterion of Evaluating the Educational Papers

  3. 利用《全国报刊索引》(哲学社会科学版),对1995-2002年全国职业技术教育论文进行了调查。

    The article makes an investigation on the thesis relating to vocational and technical education issued during the year 1995 to 2002 using newspapers and periodicals index .

  4. 对教育论文的评价,一般认为有五个评价标准。这五个评价标准有其特定的内涵,它们是评价一篇教育论文是否优良的基本依据。

    As to the evaluation of educational papers we generally have five criteria of their own connotations and they are the basis of evaluating an educational paper .

  5. 另外,本文的第二部分创新型教师(创新型音乐教师的素质建构)一文荣获第三届全国音乐教育论文比赛一等奖。

    In addition , the second part of this paper " Creative Music Teachers ( qualityconstruction of creative music teachers )" was awarded the first-class prize by the Third National Music Education Thesis Contest .

  6. 通过对近年大学生思想政治教育论文的分析和研究,我们可以看出关于大学生思想政治教育的研究发展迅速,研究内容紧跟时代步伐。

    Through the analysis and study on undergraduates ' ideological and political education papers from recent years , we can find the study about undergraduates ' ideological and political education develops quickly , and its contents keep closely match with the times ' step .

  7. 对提高开放教育毕业论文质量的思考

    Reflections on Improving the Quality of Graduation These in Open Education

  8. 关于撰写数学教育科研论文的几个问题

    On Problems in Writing a Scientific Paper of Mathematical Education

  9. 关于科学地评论教育实验论文的思考&兼评欧阳敬孝违背客观事实的评论

    How to Review a Research Paper on Educational Experiment scientifically

  10. 流程型开放教育毕业论文(设计)追踪管理模式

    Trace Management of Graduate Paper Design Procedure of Open Education

  11. 近十年来关于大学生思想政治教育类论文的研究述评

    Overview on Undergraduates ' Ideological and Political Education Papers in Latest Ten Years

  12. 开放教育毕业论文指导与论文质量控制的探讨

    Exploration on Graduation Paper Guide and Quality Control of the Paper in Open Education

  13. 网络教育毕业论文指导教师队伍建设的问题与对策

    Construction of Thesis Supervisor Team in Network Education

  14. 教育科研论文的写作及其规范化

    Writing and Standardizing on Educational Research Thesis

  15. 现代远程教育毕业论文工作现状分析与对策研究

    An Analysis of the Current Condition of the Modern Distance Education Thesis and the Countermeasures

  16. 中、英、美三国开放与远程教育研究论文的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Periodical Literature in Distance Education in China , Great Britain and USA

  17. 研究性学习:开放教育毕业论文指导的重要策略&从教育管理专业(本科)毕业论文的指导说起

    Research Learning & An Important Strategy for Graduation Thesis Instruction of Open Education in TV Universities

  18. 开放教育毕业论文远程答辩的基本构思

    The Basic Thinking on Distance Thesis Debate of Open Education in Hunan Radio and TV University

  19. 从体育统计误用透视高校体育统计教育医学论文撰写中的统计误用问题与对策

    On Sports Statistics Education in Universities from Point of Sports Statistics Misuse Statistics Misapplication and Countermeasures in Medical Papers Preparation

  20. 现代远程教育毕业论文中存在学生抄袭、剽窃现象比较严重以及论文质量偏低的问题。

    In processing their thesis , many students in the modern distance education copy and plagiarize the others ' , or only present poor quality ones .

  21. 我国图书馆学、情报学、档案学教育研究论文统计分析(1981-2001)

    A Statistical Analysis of the Research Papers on the Education of Library Science , Information Science and Archival Science in China ( 1981 - 2001 )

  22. 教育科研论文是教师教育科研成果的展示。重点讨论了虚拟天文台建设的重要性,以及如何利用虚拟天文台这一平台进行天文教育和研究的设想。

    Theses on education and research show teachers ' achievements in their work . How to use a virtual observatory in public astronomy education and research is stressed in the paper .

  23. 物理教育教学论文按照主题可以划分为三类:物理实验和公式推导类,物理教法学法类,物理教育理论类。

    Physics education and teaching papers can be divided into three levels : physical experiments and the formula derived class , physical teaching and learning methods , physics education theory . 3 .

  24. 本文针对这一问题做了专门讨论,是一篇数学教育研究论文,可做为中学数学教师和大学《高等数学》课教学的参考。

    This article makes a special discussion of this problem . It is a treatise on mathematics'pedagogy , which may serve as reference for math teachers in the middle school , and for teaching Higher Mathematics at college .

  25. 当这个节目被取消、她的商店也受经济衰退所拖累之时,她认为自己终究还是对健康问题感兴趣,现在她正在哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)撰写健康教育的硕士论文。

    When the show was canceled and her store fell victim to the economic downturn , Ms. Cohen decided she was passionate about health issues after all and is now completing her master 's thesis in health education at Columbia University .

  26. 1994年~2002年教育信息化研究论文的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Research Papers on Education Informationalization , 1994-2002

  27. 近年来我国高等教育质量研究论文的引文分析

    An Analysis of the Citations in Research Papers on Higher Education Quality

  28. 本文是一篇系统研究社会主义市场经济条件下职业道德教育的硕士论文。

    This paper is a M.A thesis on studying professional morality education under socialist market economic conditions .

  29. 第四部分探究地理教育硕士学位论文选题存在的主要问题。

    The fourth part explores the main problems in topic selection for the Masters of Education in Geography Teaching .

  30. 同时,本论文还通过问卷调查法,对影响教育硕士学位论文选题的因素做了探究。

    Meanwhile , the present paper uses questionnaire to explore the influential factors on topic selection in Master Education .