
jiào guān
  • instructor;drillmaster;military instructor
教官 [jiào guān]
  • [drillmaster;military instructor] 军队、学校等团体内担任教练的军官的旧称

教官[jiào guān]
  1. 新来的教官很快赢得了士兵的尊敬。

    The new drillmaster has gained the soldier 's respect quickly .

  2. 教官正在教士兵们使用刺刀。

    The drillmaster is drilling privates how to use bayonet .

  3. 他双手背在身后,像一个教官。

    His hands were clasped behind him like a drill sergeant .

  4. "巴黎非常需要交流,"经常在拉肖普咖啡馆(cafeLaChope)工作的莫里斯•弗里希(MauriceFrisch)说,他在附近的教堂担任宗教教官。

    " There 's a strong need in Paris for communication , " says Maurice Frisch , a cafe La Chope regular who works as a religious instructor in a nearby church .

  5. 用手臂拉着其中一个教官。

    Linking arms with one of the instructors .

  6. 教官叫了救护车。

    The instructors called for an ambulance .

  7. 我看到船上有两个教官,中间躺着一个人。

    I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle .

  8. 美国政府机关称,一位华盛顿女性通过Facebook发现她和一位潜在“好友”的现任丈夫竟是同一人。这两位女性的丈夫是一名惩教官,他即将面临重婚罪的控诉。

    A corrections officer is facing bigamy charges after authorities said a Washington woman using Facebook discovered that she and a potential " friend " were married to him at the same time .

  9. 因为教官的严格要求,我们才有了今天的成绩。

    Because the instructor 's requirements , we have achieved today .

  10. 我在预校就有个教官像他。

    I had a headmaster just like him in prep school .

  11. 我跳出魔窟,如今,我曾经信赖的教官

    I escaped , and now the man that trained me ,

  12. 阿甘:服从你的命令,中士教官!

    Forrest : to do whatever you tell me drill sergeant .

  13. 从两个晚境凄凉的老人说起&《李尔王》与《懵教官》之比较

    Two Lonely Old Men & A Comparison of King Lear and Pedagogue

  14. 我们训练教官教我们百发百中。

    Our drill captain taught us to kill with a single shot .

  15. 别和教官闹别扭是一条真理。

    It 's a truth that never go against with you commander !

  16. 你宁可我撤销对你教官职位的背书吗?

    Would you rather I pull my endorsement of your instructor position ?

  17. 我的教官当时都是一些越战老兵

    my instructors , who at the time were all Viet Nam veterans

  18. 教官肯定会盯我们松一点

    the instructor 's gotta cut us a little slack . Uhh !

  19. 谢谢你支持我的教官职位。

    Thank you for the endorsement of my instructor position .

  20. 而教官们也几乎没有一个还是好嗓子。

    Besides , none of our drillmasters still has a good voice now .

  21. 美军联合作战指挥教官队伍探析及启示

    Analysis of Teaching Staff of US Army Joint Operating Command and Its Enlightenment

  22. 我知道一个好教官是怎样的。

    I 've seen what good officers are like .

  23. 现在教官走了,但却留下了最美好的回忆!

    We miss you all the time ! Be better , be happier !

  24. 教官和其他年轻士兵听到了一声枪响。

    The officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot .

  25. 摘取红花赠孙教官。

    Picking the red flowers for Miss Sun .

  26. 但是,教官在军训的时候对我们的要求还是很高的。

    But , the military when in military training to our demands are high .

  27. 学生之间禁止相互透露自己的真实姓名,也不得透露给教官。

    Students were forbidden to reveal their surnames to each other or the faculty .

  28. 为了学习飞行,他和教官交上了朋友。

    In order to learn flight , he developed a friendship with the drillmaster .

  29. 我现在不是士兵。我现在是教官。

    I am not a soldier . I am an advisor here to teach .

  30. 教官似乎总能找出“问题”

    The instructors would find " something " wrong