
  • 网络titer;Potency;valence
  1. 方法:采用微柱凝胶技术检测IgG抗A(B)血型抗体效价。

    Methods : Measure the valence of serum anti - A / B IgG by microcolumn gel assay .

  2. 凝聚胺法检测孕妇血清中IgG抗-A和抗-B抗体效价的意义

    The significance of the valence of IgG antibody A ( B ) in pregnant women with blood type O by polybrene method

  3. 常规ELISA法测定免疫血清效价。

    The immunity serum titer was mensurated by the routine ELISA .

  4. ELISA可以检测到较高的多克隆抗体效价,表明此蛋白具有良好的抗原性。

    ELISA detection showed the antigenicity of the fusion protein was satisfactory .

  5. 所得的多克隆抗体用间接ELISA法测得其效价为2~(-11)。

    The titer of the antiserum is 2-11 detected with indirect ELISA .

  6. 抗体的ELISA效价高达1:30000;

    The ELISA bier of the antibody reached to 1 ;

  7. ELISA法检测血清和卵黄抗体效价。

    Both serum-and yolk-antibody titers were detected by indirect ELISA .

  8. 用甲型肝炎病毒单克隆抗体包被,ELISA夹心法检测表达产物,效价为1∶16。

    Hepatitis A virus antigen expressed was 1 ∶ 16 in titer by sandwich ELISA .

  9. O型孕妇血清IgG抗AB效价测定的临床意义

    Clinical significance of anti-AB titer of pregnant women with blood group O

  10. 采用间接酶联免疫法(ELISA)对抗血清进行效价检测,通过离子交换层析法获得纯化的抗体。

    Antibody was identified by enzyme-lined immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ), and purified by ion exchange chromatography .

  11. Bt中δ-内毒素含量与生物效价相互关系的实验分析

    Experimental Analysis of the Relationship between Delta - endotoxin of Bt and Bio-validity

  12. 抗血浆效价第一程采血达到了2088单位/ml,第三程采血达到5186单位/ml。

    Antibody titers of the first bleeding was 2088 units / ml and third bleeding was 5184 units / ml.

  13. -20℃冰冻保存血清Rh抗体效价变化的观察

    Changes of Rh antibody titer in frozen ( - 20 ℃) preserved serum

  14. 应用免疫酶测定方法检测分析了毛皮动物的犬瘟热病毒、狐狸脑炎病毒血清抗体效价,应用HA和HI试验检测分析大连、黑龙江等地养殖场的毛皮动物的细小病毒血清抗体效价。

    Applied immunoenzymatic assay to detect and analyze serum antibodies titer in CDV and Fox Encephalitis virus ;

  15. 用ELISA检测mAb腹水的效价、相对亲和力和进行表位分析;

    The titer and relative affinity of ascitic mAbs were determined by ELISA .

  16. 琼脂双扩散和ELISA检测结果表明,制备的抗体具有较高的效价,并对融合表达的TaARD蛋白结合活性良好。

    The agar double immunodiffusion and ELISA test reveal that the antibody has good immune activity and high titer .

  17. 孕妇血清IgG抗A(B)抗体效价微柱凝胶法室内参考值测定

    Determining indoor reference value of titer of anti-A / B IgG antibody in the pregnant women 's serum using microcolumn gel assay

  18. 方法:微量细胞病变抑制法(CPE)测定干扰素效价。

    METHOD : CPE method was used to determine interferon titer .

  19. 方法应用ELISA法对198例大学生进行HBsAb效价测定。

    ELISA was applied to detect HBsAb titer of 198 undergraduates .

  20. 电子表格Excel在抗生素效价测定中的应用[方法]运用电子表格Excel软件处理药物稳定性试验数据。用电子表格Excel计算药物溶出度Weibull分布参数

    Application of Microsoft Excel to Data Processing in Determination of Weibull 's Distribution or Drug Dissolution Rate

  21. 结果表明,经3种疫苗浸泡接种后的鱼体血清中凝集抗体效价与对照组鱼没有显著差别(P>0.05);

    The results indicated that serum of three kinds of vaccinated mandarinfish had no significant difference in compared with the control group ( P > 0.05 ) in agglutination titer .

  22. 方法:用含EDA蛋白的蛋白凝胶免疫兔子,用ELISA和WESTERNBLOTTING方法检测抗血清效价。

    Method : Immunizing rabbits with EDA protein . Antiserum was obtained and detected by ELISA and Western blotting .

  23. Fortran程序用于抗生素效价数据处理

    The Application of Fortran Program in Data Processing of Determination of Antibiotics ' Potency

  24. 新生儿ABO溶血的发生率与母亲抗体效价相关,效价越高,新生儿ABO溶血发生率越高,差异有显著性(P0.05),但母亲抗体效价与新生儿溶血性贫血的发生率不相关。

    The rate of ABO hemolytic disease of newborn was positive correlation with mothers antibody titer .

  25. 虽然非伤寒患儿肥达反应可呈假阳性反应,但O、H抗体凝集效价极少达到1∶800。

    Although non typhoidal febrile children manifested false positive Widal test , agglutinin level at titre of 1 ∶ 800 was only found in a few patients .

  26. 结论:BSA免疫家兔可获取效价较高的抗血清。

    Conclusion : The higher titer of antiserum is obtained by immunizing rabbits with BSA .

  27. 鸡脾细胞和鸡白细胞产生的IFN效价高于鸡胚成纤维细胞;

    The title of chicken spleen cells and chicken leukocytes interferon was higher than that of chicken fibroblast cells ;

  28. SARS-CoV抗原免疫鸡后卵黄抗体效价变化研究

    Change of yolk antibody titers in hens immunized with SARS-CoV antigen

  29. 结果ELISA检测显示所制备的抗体与纯化的GST1433蛋白反应效价为1∶4096000;

    Results ELISA revealed that the reactive titer of the prepared antibody against purified 14 3 3 protein was up to 1:4 096 000 ;

  30. ABO-HDN发生率随IgG抗A(B)效价升高而上升;

    The incidence of ABO-HDN increased along with the higher of IgG anti-A ( B ) tier ;