
  • 网络policy argument;policy argumentation
  1. 铁路编组站建设发展的主要技术政策论证

    Demonstration of Main Technical Policies of Construction and Development or Railway Marshalling Yards

  2. 在东亚的政策论证中必须更直接地引用关于贸易政策如何影响不同社会群体的经验证据。

    Empirical evidence on how trade policies affect different groups in society must be brought more squarely into the policy debate in East Asia .

  3. 在此基础上,从政策论证的角度,提出行政垄断应区别对待,以及反垄断立法的渐进式思路。

    On the basis of the conclusion , distinct treatment principle in dealing with administrative monopoly , and incremental model in China 's anti-monopoly Legislation are proposed .

  4. 实践证明本文技术政策论证结果可靠,具有较强的实用性和可操作性,对同类油田的开发具有一定指导意义。

    The practice proves that the demonstration of the techniques policies in this paper is reliable with good practicability and maneuverability and of significance in the development of the similar oilfields .

  5. 在剩余油分布研究以及调整方案技术政策论证研究基础上,从注采系统调整角度进行开发方案论证,对考虑流固耦合和不考虑流固耦合进行了开发方案和开采指标对比;

    Based on both the remaining oil distribution research and re-adjustable development program research , in view of the injection-production system adjustment , the development plans with and without fluid-solid coupling were contrasted .

  6. 开发调整方案及预测:根据克下油藏调整治理技术政策论证及研究,制定出多套注采结构调整方案,经预测及对比,选出最优调整方案。

    The programs of the development and adjustment and prediction : According to the demonstration and research of the under karamay oil reservoir adjustment and control policy , It develops more than one adjusting programs for the injection-production structure , and gives the optimal program after prediction and comparison .

  7. 通过对当前的农村资本市场发展现状的调研以及对现有信用政策的论证分析,本文从农民、农村金融机构等方面分别论述,对农村资本市场的资本融通和配置进行了实证研究。

    Based on the current capital market development in rural areas , the paper studied the rural capital market from the three aspects of the farmers , rural financial banks and government .

  8. 文中介绍了欧美各国的现行做法,同时在法理上和政策上论证了将道德义务入律的可行性。

    In this article , the author introduces the current practices in European and American countries , and proves the feasibility of introducing moral obligation into law in the aspects of legal principle and policy .

  9. 通过对创业价值观产生问题的原因以及政策的论证,如何发挥思想政治教育的职能优势,建构正确的创业价值观,促成大学生自主创业,是本文要解决的关键问题。

    Through the entrepreneurial values causes of problems and policy argumentation of ideological and political education , how to construct the function advantage , the correct values , contributed to college students ' autonomous business paper to solve startup , this is the key problem .

  10. 政策方案可行性论证程式的研究

    Research on the Process and Methods of Feasibility in Policy Alternative

  11. 充实了对政策效果的论证。

    Substantial argument on the effect of the policy .

  12. 由于本项目是在市政府出台市容市貌改革政策下进行论证投资的,具有一定程度的特殊性,这也是本项目区别于其它同类项目的一个显著特点。

    Since to project is carried out upon the government policy of improvement of the appliance of the city , it is particular and the extraordinarily different from other projects .

  13. 本论文不仅从总体上考察了美国对日经济复兴政策,尤其论证了推动日本加入关贸总协定是美国对日经济复兴政策的重心所在。

    This dissertation explores American economic recovery policy toward Japan as a whole , especially , demonstrates that the main emphasis of American economic recovery policy toward Japan lies in propelling Japanese accession to GATT .

  14. 他们制定政策并在没有论证和争辩的情况下决定谁是受益者。

    They get to make policies and decide who benefits right away with no argument or debate .

  15. 文章以竞争政策为主线,论证了竞争政策与入世后中国贸易政策的选择与发展之间的关系。

    The article demonstrates the connections between competition policy and China 's trade policy option and development after China 's accession to WTO .

  16. 本文从货币错配角度对我国货币政策有效性进行论证研究,通过理论分析与实证分析的结合。

    ℃ This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of monetary policy research from the perspective of currency mismatch , which perfectly combined the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis .

  17. 但是,也需要看到他的考古行为和理论密切配合并为当时日本政府的侵华政策提供了学术论证。

    However , we need to see that his behavior and theory of archaeological work closely provided the academic : argument for the policy of the Japanese Government invasion to China .

  18. 该部分首先对相关经济损失的范围予以界定,随后通过对英美法系和大陆法系处理模式的考量,指出了其中的政策性因素,论证了排除性规则的合理性。

    This part defines the ranges of relational economic loss at first Afterwards , through the compare of the treating model of Anglo-American law system and continental law system , author proves the rationality that refusing to compensate the relational economic loss .

  19. 论文提出了完善中国林业财政政策的基本思路:健全政策决策机制,规范林业财政政策的论证、决策、制定、实施和监督程序;

    The thesis addresses some basic thoughts for improving China 's forestry fiscal policies , including completing decision-making mechanism for policies ; standardizing procedures of feasibility studies , decision-making , formulation , application and supervision ;