
zhènɡ zhì zhí nénɡ
  • political function
  1. 其中盟的政治职能发生了急剧变迁,由监督职能变为行政职能;

    Above of all , the political function of League changed strongly , its function was from supervisal to administrative .

  2. 新闻传播政策政治职能伴随着包括新闻传播政策在内的整个公共政策环境尤其是政治环境的演变而演变。

    The political function of news communication policy has been evolving with the whole surroundings of the public policy , especially the environment of news communication policy .

  3. 略论政府政治职能与经济职能的关系

    The Relationship between Political and Economical Functions of the Government

  4. 独立董事主要具备三大职能:监督职能、战略职能以及政治职能。

    Independent directors have three main functions : oversight functions , strategic functions and political functions .

  5. 我国要以正确的导向引领生态文化建设,政府要充分发挥其政治职能,制定合理的生态文化建设标准与政策。

    The Government should give full play to its political functions , and make reasonable construction standards and policies .

  6. 政府职能是由政府经济职能与政府非经济职能(包括政治职能和社会职能)构成的职能体系。

    The functions of the government is a functional system including the governmental economic functions and the governmental non-economic functions .

  7. 社会主义国家除了具有保卫国家、维护国内安全的政治职能外,还具有领导和管理经济的职能。

    Along with the function of national defense and domestic stability , socialism countries have the function of economic administration .

  8. 政府的职能作用主要体现在政治职能、经济职能、社会职能和文化教育职能等方面。

    Government 's working functions mainly includes political functions , economic functions , social functions , cultural and educational functions and so on .

  9. 国家的本质决定国家及其政府都具有政治职能、经济职能和社会公共管理职能。

    The essence of state determines that both state and government have the functions of political domination , economic regulation and public management .

  10. 最后,从政治职能、社会职能等方面,提出基于环境资源保护与利用层面的地方政府职能完善思路。

    Finally , from political functions , social functions , to improve the idea based on environmental and resource protection and utilization levels of local government functions .

  11. 政治职能和思想文化职能可以结合起来形成新的政治社会化职能,为经济建设和改革开放指引正确的政治方向;而制度创新职能对实现国家的政治稳定有更重要的作用。

    The political function and the function of ideology and culture may combine together while the function of system innovation is more important in realizing national political stabilization .

  12. 但无论是从法律角度还是从政治职能角度来讲,警察都不能拒绝此类案件;警察思维与法律人思维的本质相同,决定了警察思维也是法律思维的一种。

    However , the police can not refuse such cases for neither their legal duty nor political function . The police thinking is one kind of thinking of lawyer because they have the same essence .

  13. 现代国家的社会职能随着国家对社会的管理、监控与服务的发展而空前扩展,而国家的政治职能则更为巧妙地隐藏于社会管理和社会服务之后;

    The social functions of the state expand greatly with the development of state 's administration and supervision to the society , whereas the political functions of state hide ingeniously behind social administration and social service .

  14. 革新新闻传播政策政治职能基调和专项政治职能,确保媒介组织的相对独立性,削减政策管控、创建施控新机制,是实现新闻传播政策政治职能政策效应优化的必由之路。

    It is the essential way to optimize policy effect of political function of news communication policy to guarantee the relative independence of the medium organization , to reduce policy control and to found new control mechanism .

  15. 为实现这个职能,监狱要组织罪犯从事生产劳动改造,从而衍生了监狱组织生产获取经济效益的经济职能,其经济职能从属于政治职能。

    To achieve this function , the prison arranges prisoners to engage in productive labor reform , which gives rise to the prison to obtain economic benefits of the economic organization of production functions , which subordinates to political functions .

  16. 城市功能的复合、多元,城市结构布局的调整,作为城市功能结构重要组成部分的行政中心不再仅仅扮演城市政治职能中心的角色。

    Complex urban functions , pluralism , the adjustment of the layout of urban structure , the structure of urban functions as an important part of not only the administrative center of the political functions of urban centers to play a role .

  17. 究其原因,我国司法系统的政治职能必然决定了国家政策在司法领域的延伸,我国法律体系的不够健全也使得司法政策有其存在的必要性。

    The reason is that the political function of the judicial system in our country decided the extension of national policy in the field of justice , and imperfect legal system in our country makes the judicial policy has its necessity of existence .

  18. 分析明代740多个州县增改的原因,不但可以看出统治者为加强自身统治而花费的苦心,而且也可以看出州县的政治职能。

    An analysis of the administrative division of over 740 prefectures and counties in Ming Dynasty can not only present the painstaking effort the rulers made in strengthening their rule , but also show the role of those prefectures and counties in undertaking their duties .

  19. 新闻传播政策及其政治职能两位一体、不可分割,根本原因就在于传媒及媒介组织的新闻传播活动不仅是单纯的信息传播活动,而且是一种力量强大、影响深远的政治活动。

    Communication policy and its political function can not be divided mainly because the news information communication of the media and the medium organization is not only pure information communication but also one kind of political activities which is of strong strength and profound influence .

  20. 公共管理中思想政治教育职能研究

    Research on Function of Ideological and Political Education in Public Management

  21. 改革深化中高校思想政治教育职能谈

    On the Function of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities

  22. 充分发挥高校图书馆的大学生思想政治教育职能

    Full Development of College Library Function on College Students Thought and Politics Education

  23. 第三部分探讨了公共管理中思想政治教育职能的实现路径。

    The third part discussed the path of public management inside ideological political education function realizes .

  24. 其次,从现实层面对村级党组织的四项基本职能进行实证分析,即政治领导职能、利益整合职能、服务提供职能和组织发展职能;

    Secondly , it analyzes the present functions : political leadership , interest coordination , offering service , organization and development .

  25. 从政治和职能的观点来看,宪法既是一部政治宣言,又是一份组织机构图或者权力分布表。

    From the aspect of legislation , the constitution is a political announcement and organization structure chart or power distribution graph .

  26. 本文在借鉴学界研究的理论基础上,结合自身多年的辅导员工作经验,提出了增强高校辅导员思想政治教育职能的对策。

    On the basis of theoretical study and years of counselors work experience , the writer put forward countermeasures to enhance college counselors ' Ideological and political education .

  27. 如何构建发挥思想政治教育职能,不断解决社会矛盾和化解冲突的工作机制?

    How to set up and develop the thought ideological and political education 's functions and solve the problem of the society continuously self-contradict with dissolve the work mechanism of the clash ?

  28. 乡镇财政是我国现行财政体制中最基层的一级财政,是国家财政的基石,是乡镇政府履行各项社会政治经济职能的财力基础。

    Township finance is the most basic level in our current financial system . It is the cornerstone of the state finance . It is the economic base of township government to fulfill the social and political functions .

  29. 高校档案馆是高等学校设立的负责档案材料收集、整理及档案保管和提供利用的职能部门,它具有管理、服务、政治等职能。

    The archive office in institutions of higher learning is a functional department established for collecting , arranging and safekeeping archives for the use of related departments . It has the functions of management and service as well as political duties .

  30. 反思这些规定,我们发现价值中立原则与图书馆教育职能明显处于逻辑悖论之中,这意味着,国际图书馆准则不能成为我们判断我国高校图书馆的思想政治教育职能合理性的逻辑前提。

    Rethink these provisions , we find that it is a logical paradox between the value and educational function in the library , which means that international rules could not be yardstick to judge the validity of the ideological and political education .