
  • 网络harvest time;The harvest season
  1. 我最喜欢秋季,因为那是收获的季节。

    I like Autumn best because that 's the harvest season .

  2. 养蜂人在一次收获的季节里,想要尝试酿蜜。

    In a harvest season , a beekeeper tried making honey .

  3. 现在是收获的季节。

    Now is the time to reap .

  4. 那是收获的季节,所以他回来得很晚。

    It was harvest so it was late when he returned .

  5. 我喜欢秋天,秋天是一个收获的季节。

    I like the autumn because it is a harvest season .

  6. 各位同事,秋天是收获的季节。

    Dear Colleagues , Autumn is a season for harvest .

  7. 在尼日尔下一个收获的季节还要几个星期。

    The next harvest in most of Niger is several weeks away .

  8. 年复一年的挫折将迎来收获的季节。

    The years of frustration are ready to be harvested .

  9. 这是收获的季节所有农民都非常忙。

    It is the harvest season and all farmers are very busy .

  10. 夏天过了就是秋天,那时收获的季节。

    After summer comes fall , which is the time for harvest .

  11. 秋天是收获的季节,是蕴藏着金黄色的梦。

    Autumn is the harvest season , is hold the golden dream .

  12. 这是个收获的季节,农民们正忙于收割。

    It is the harvest season , and the farmers are busy harvesting .

  13. 九月,是收获的季节,是回报的季节。

    September is the season of harvest and reward .

  14. 是收获的季节了,在我的田地里有许多的稻子。

    There is so much rice in my field .

  15. 魔鬼感到心满意足,但这位聪明的农夫却种上了萝卜.现在收获的季节到了,魔鬼又来了,要求收回属于他的收成。

    When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again , but wheat .

  16. 在每个收获的季节,许多土豆都堆放的像山脉一样。

    In every harvest season , a lot of potatoes were piled up like mountains .

  17. 在收获的季节,我摘了许多香脆可口的黄瓜,还有西红柿。

    When harvest time comes , I picked so many crunchy cucumbers and delicious tomatoes .

  18. 我将给你们一个播种庄稼的季节和一个收获的季节。

    I will sent you a season for sowing crops and a season for harvesting .

  19. 这是一个收获的季节,更是一个蕴含着未来希望的季节。

    This is the harvest season , a season brimming with hope for the future .

  20. 秋季是收获的季节。

    Autumn is the harvest season .

  21. 秋天是收获的季节。

    Autumn is the harvest time .

  22. 秋天是一个收获的季节,展望未来,我们信心百倍。

    Autumn is a season of harvest in the future , we are full of confidence .

  23. 一个收获的季节。

    It 's a harvest season .

  24. 农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。

    It is a season that peasants reap the corn from what they planted in spring .

  25. 收获的季节在丽江!

    Harvest time in Lijiang !

  26. 众所周知,秋天是收获的季节,它带给我们辉煌的成就和欢欣的庆典。

    We all know that autumn is a harvest season , it brings us achievements and celebrations .

  27. 这是一个收获的季节,同时对于我,是一个恼人的季节。

    For others , it is a harvest season , while for me , it is an annoying season .

  28. 这是收获的季节,农民们都很忙。我们常常帮助他们收割。

    It is harvest time , and all farmers are busy . Often , we help them with the .

  29. 前三名作品分别是神经元的艺术再现、纽约市地图和收获的季节。

    The top three winners included artistic renditions of neurons , a map of New York City and the harvest season .

  30. 秋天里的风是金黄色的因为秋天是收获的季节,金黄色让我们有收获的季节。

    The wind in autumn should be golden because autumn is harvest time , and golden color make us have harvest feelings .