
shōu zhī
  • revenue and expenditure;receipt and payment;income and expense;expenses and receipts
收支 [shōu zhī]
  • [revenue and expenditure;income and expense;receipt and payment] 指财物的收入与支出

  • 收支平衡

收支[shōu zhī]
  1. 我国国际收支统计数据在指标范围、公布数据质量、公布数据完整性等方面与GDDS(数据公布通用系统)存在一定差距,应从多方面努力改进。

    There is a gap between statistics data of Chinese expenses and receipts in the aspects of characteristics , quality and completion and acquirement of data and the general system of GDDS ( General Data Dissemination System ) , which should be improved in many aspects .

  2. 江西省县级妇保机构基础设施和收支现状分析

    Analysis on infrastructures and expenses and receipts status of county level health centers for women and children in Jiangxi

  3. 去年国际收支有盈余。

    The balance of payments was in surplus last year .

  4. 很明显,医院每年都要平衡其收支预算。

    The hospital obviously needs to balance the budget each year .

  5. 英国的国际收支逆差已略有改善。

    Britain 's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly .

  6. 经济要达到平衡,收支必须均衡。

    For the economy to be in equilibrium , income must equal expenditure .

  7. 美国的国际收支逆差使这些因素没有得到关注。

    The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus

  8. 为了使收支相等,必须减少支出,增加税收。

    To make the books balance , spending must fall and taxes must rise .

  9. 那家航空公司希望明年实现收支相抵,在随后一年重新盈利。

    The airline hopes to break even next year and return to profit the following year

  10. 不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应。

    Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President 's nemesis .

  11. 公司年收入需要达到500万英镑才能收支平衡。

    To cover its costs , the company will need an annual income of £ 5 million

  12. 收支相抵。

    Outgoings and revenues balanced out

  13. 那家剧院每天晚上需要有90%以上的上座率才刚刚能够收支相抵。

    The theatre needs to fill over ninety per cent of its seats every night just to break even .

  14. 上月泰勒的生意收支平衡,不亏不盈。

    Taylor 's business just managed to break even last month .

  15. 收支相抵,略有剩余。

    The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus .

  16. 我盘算了一下,这个月的收支相抵。

    I figured that we could make both ends meet this month .

  17. 收支相抵,净存两千元。

    The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan .

  18. 收支相抵,尚余50元。

    After paying all the expenses , there is a balance of fifty yuan .

  19. “你今年的经济情况如何?”“勉强收支平衡。”

    “ How did you come out this year , financially ?” “ I barely made both ends meet . ”;

  20. 收支检查标准是规则统治一个稽核如何被运行。

    Auditing standards are the rules governing how an audit is performed .

  21. 我希望收支平衡。

    I hope that the figures for income and costs balance out .

  22. 公司的收支不平衡。

    The company 's accounts did not balance .

  23. 收支两抵。

    Income and expenditure balance each other .

  24. 收支大体平衡。

    Income and expenditure roughly balance .

  25. 对芬德利而言,驱动力以及目标,再加上有效的高中教育和类似于平衡收支这样的基本生活技能,才是在美国拥有成功人生的必备要素。

    To Fendley , a sense of drive and purpose , as well as an effective high-school education , and basic life skills , like balancing a checkbook , are the necessary ingredients for a successful life in America .

  26. 你必须让你的收支相符。

    You have to suit your spending to your income .

  27. 我们只得削减开支以使收支平衡。

    We shall have to trim our spending down to fit our income .

  28. 进出口促稳提质,国际收支基本平衡

    More stable and higher-quality imports and exports , and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments .

  29. 第四十条审计机关审定审计报告,对审计事项作出评价,出具审计意见书;对违反国家规定的财政收支、财务收支行为,需要依法给予处理、处罚的,在法定职权范围内作出审计决定或者向有关主管机关提出处理、处罚意见。

    Article 40 Audit institutions shall , after examining the audit reports , give evaluations or punishment to the competent authorities .

  30. 我生活在极普通的工人家庭。我的父母很早就开始生儿育女。我感觉他们最大的能力无非就是找到一份工厂的工作,并随着家庭成员的增加而努力维持收支平衡。

    My parents started having kids very young , and I felt they were never able to achieve more than getting a factory job , and trying to make ends meet as their family grew .