
  1. 同时,宗教时间的支付组织了个体和社群的生命历程。

    Meanwhile , the time spend on religious events organize the life of the individual and the community .

  2. 包括三个方面:第一,虚拟账户提供主体第三方支付组织的主体资质和经营范围存在法律风险。

    Which includes three aspects : first , there are risks in the qualifications of virtual account provider which named third-party payment organization and its main business scope .

  3. 或者,政府可以支付慈善组织服务一些费用。

    Or the government could pay charitable organizations for their services .

  4. 支付清算组织更换高级管理人员的,比照本办法第二十二条规定执行。

    Replacement of senior managerial personnel of payment and settlement organizations shall be made pursuant to provisions of Article 22 hereof .

  5. 第十四条设立全国性支付清算组织的注册资本最低限额为1亿元人民币。

    Article 14 The minimum registered capital of such national payment and settlement organizations to be established is RMB one hundred million Yuan .

  6. 第五条支付清算组织提供支付清算服务应当遵循安全、效率和诚信的原则。

    Article 5 The payment and settlement organizations shall follow the principles of safety , efficiency as well as good faith in rendering payment and settlement services .

  7. 全国性支付清算组织是指在全国范围内提供支付清算服务的法人组织。

    The national payment and settlement organizations shall mean such legal persons which are allowed or designed to provide payment and settlement services to related participants across the country .

  8. 第八条支付清算组织依法开展业务,不受任何单位和个人的干涉。

    Article 8 The normal business carried out by related payment and settlement organizations hereunder shall be independent of any interference with by any unit or individual in whatsoever manner .

  9. 办公室中充满了繁忙,忙碌的职员必需跟踪每个业务交互并且维护一个用于订单、交付,和支付的有组织且一致的记账系统。

    Rooms filled with bustling , busy clerks were required to track each business interaction and maintain an organized and consistent accounting system for orders , deliveries , and payments .

  10. 其次,对我国第三方支付产业的组织结构进行了重点分析,包括我国第三方支付产业的集中度及形成原因、市场行为与市场绩效等。

    Secondly , selective analysis the organizational structure of the third party payment in our country , including the concentration and the cause of formation , the market behavior and market performance .

  11. 第五章讨论经济组织在利益上的初始来源理性的人对人际间成本的支付,和经济组织在利益上的动态特征租的性质、产生及其耗散过程。

    In Chapter 5 , two problems are studied , one is the original interest source of economic organization i.e. the payment for the interpersonal cost , the other is the dynamic interest characteristic of economic organization i.e. the nature , derivation and dissipation of the rent .

  12. 组织是内部知识交易的最大受益者,组织应该作为第三方对知识供应者进行支付,而最有效的支付方式是在组织内部设立知识经纪人,并由其运作相关支付事宜。

    The organizations benefit from the knowledge exchange within it , so that the organizations as the third party should pay for knowledge supplier , and then the most efficient payment mode is that the organization appoint the knowledge broker and pay for them .