
  1. 文章运用描写手法,按照表现形式排列顺序。

    The article applies accountable technique , and arranges order according to expressive form .

  2. 她对社会伦理道德的真切关怀和在心理描写手法上的造诣都我们值得深入探究。

    Her vivid care to the social ethics and attainments on the psychology describing worth further studying .

  3. 第二节主要对《花月痕》人物塑造手法做了论述,包括心理描写手法与对比衬托手法。

    The second section primarily expounds the manner of character creation , including psychology description and contrast and foil .

  4. 此外,传统的人物描写手法以及语言的简单易懂,又进一步促进了革命文学的广泛流行。

    In addition , its traditional delineation of characters and its everyday language have , too , popularized " Revolutionary Literature " .

  5. 在描写手法上,通过捕捉一系列连续性瞬间动作,对人物形象进行立体刻画,使人物立体鲜活,动态传神。

    In the description ploy , this kind of poems portrays the characters by capturing a series of continuity instant action to make them dynamic and vivid .

  6. 小说创作传统对小说翻译在主题、描写手法、叙事模式及语言选择等方面表现出较强的规范力;

    On the one hand , the creative tradition exerted regulative force on fictional translation in aspects such as theme , expressive device , narrative pattern , and language .

  7. 的汪曾祺从古代小说技法中寻找资源,中国古代的叙事方式、体式和描写手法被他运用到现代小说的创作当中。

    Wang Zeng-Qi seek resource from ancient novel skill law , in body type and the narrative way after ancient times with describe skill quilt him utilize the creation of modern novel among .

  8. 作者运用多样性的心理描写手法,对传统有继承更有开拓和发展,在中国小说史上有其独特价值。

    The author has used a diversity of psychological description techniques , which was not only the succession but also the development and creation of the tradition and has its unique value in the history of Chinese fiction .

  9. 最后,虽然为现实主义所主宰,但通过巧合和心理描写手法的独特运用,他的创作又在形式上与20世纪的现代主义小说一脉相通。

    At last , though dominated by realism , through the unique use of " coincidence " and " psychological depiction ", his creation , hi form , was somewhat similar with the modernism novels in the 20th century .

  10. 第一章,分析作者在背景描写上象征手法的运用。

    Chapter One analyzes the author 's symbolic description in setting .

  11. 《琥珀》中人物心理描写的透视手法

    Psychological description in Forever Amber

  12. 诚然池莉的小说无论从题材主题、人物形象塑造、环境情景描写还是叙事手法等方面来说,都无可争议地归属城市市井文学;

    Undoubtedly , her novels are classed to urban literature by the themes , characters , environment description and narration approaches .

  13. 《儒林外史》塑造了一系列个性鲜明的女性形象,其艺术性集中表现在讽刺艺术、人物描写和对比手法的运用上。

    The Scholars created a series of distinctive individuality , its artistic image of women focuses on wonderful character portrayal and use of contrast methods .

  14. 乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨在《他们》中主要采取了以下自然主义特色的艺术手法:第三者叙事视角,精湛的心理描写,象征主义手法和自然主义特色的语言。

    Joyce Carol Oates applies the following naturalistic artistic technologies in them : the third person perspective , exquisite psychological description , symbolism and naturalistic language .

  15. 本文从细节描写和象征手法两个方面分析了《死者》中的死亡主题,并揭示了都柏林人道德、精神的麻痹状态和无力自拔的痛苦。

    This paper analyzes the theme of death in the aspects of detail description and symbolization , and reveals the Dubliners moral and spiritual paralysis and bitterness .

  16. 汉大赋在结构体制、描写对象、表现手法、语言等方面有其独特的表现形式,显示出宏大绮丽的美学特点。

    Fu has the specific manifestation on structural system , descriptive object , expressive means , language in Han Dynasty , and show the immense and magnificent trait in aesthetics .

  17. 比如运用语用机制进行的细节描写和陌生化手法等,如能详细解释,系统梳理,将能和其他文学形式一样,为阅读和欣赏带来新的发现。

    For example , through employing the pragmatic mechanisms in details description and alienation , if they are explained in details and systematically combed , they will bring new discoveries for the reading and appreciation as other literary genre .

  18. 不仅如此,他还首开伤春悲秋的文学主题,奠定了云雨的经典意象及全方位描写女性美的手法,更开后世山水文学的先河。

    Not only that , but he also opened the " spring " injury " BeiQiu " literary theme , laid the classic image of " sex " and all-round description technique of female beauty , more open landscape literary trend of future generations .

  19. 把音乐渗透于武功招式与武打场景为金庸小说武的描写拓宽了途径,使其描写手法多样化并富于想象力。

    Using the music for describing martial arts and the scene broadens the ways of describing martial arts . It makes the way of describing have diversity and imagination .

  20. 她的充满传统比喻描写的美妙旋律中所包含着的人类之爱,启迪人们的交流和理解,这就是有效的文学描写手法对作者主题揭示的现实意义,值得我们深入探究。

    Love embodied in the beautiful melody full of signification enlightens people to promote mutual communication and understanding . These are the realistic significance of the themes in the novel reflected by the art of description , which is worth deep exploration .